Shabir Ally: 'Quran Is Not Preserved!' Ft Mohammad Hijab, Yasir Qadhi, Uthman ibn Farooq

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Clips from a video in which Shabir Ally says that 'word for word' preservation of the Quran has always been known to be untrue, interspersed with clips of well-known Muslims claiming 'word for word' preservation since the time of Muhammad

Original video where clips were taken from:

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DCCI Ministries seek to preach the Gospel to Muslims using apologetics and polemics.
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Ive seen more non muslims online that know more about islam than most muslims. Thanks to the people like the ones who run this channel.


"the standard narrative has holes in it"


I give Shabir Ally a gold star for intellectual honesty here -- sadly rare among Moslems


5:01 He says 'yes', but shakes his head no... That's non-verbal leakage, a strong indicator that he's being deceitful.


Garbage In, Garbage Out. We see it here everyday...


The truth is only found in Christ. Thanks DCCI for the good 😂


When Quran is gone, Islam doesn't have anything left. Why is Shabir still a Muslim?


Some Muslims died believing the qur'an has been preserved letter for letter and word for word. They sacrificed their life for the preservation of the quran not knowing it was a lie. Look at how they misled people. I'm saddened. thanks for the video.


Whatever is built on lies cannot last. The truth will live forever.


No, the quarn is not preserved nor from God... It was Muhammad who copied some of it from the Bible, torah and other books and also made up his own


Explain why 37 different qurans were taken to Speakers Corner and Verified by Arab speakers that they were different


What nudged Shabir Ally to say these things? I wonder.
Q1: Could it be 37+ Qurans with all their glaring inconsistencies which means that the book has not been preserved and was not sent down by Allah?
Q2: Could it be that Uthman burned all but one copy and most Muslims ended up with the recitation of Hafs, the liar, plagiarist and thief? Not my words. That's what numerous scholars report him to be.
Q3: Could it be that there was a sleepy scribe along the way and people like Umar and Ibn Sarh feeding lines to MHMD and a suggestion to add poetry if there were missing parts to the Quran?
Q4: Could it be that there was no tashkil to interpret Arabic (or borrowed Aramaic texts for that matter) that can result in as many as 20 or more possible words from one word alone!? It was a complete guessing game when it came to adding diacritical marks. 25% of the Quran isn't understood most likely because of this guessing game when diacritical marks were invented.
Q5: Could it be that Al-Fatihah, the first surah, is a borrowed Syro-Aramaic prayer almost word for word? And could it be that Ibn Mas'ud, the best reciter of the Quran, said that MHMD never recited Al-Fatihah, so Ibn Mas'ud didn't include it in his recitation? Most Muslims got Hafs with Al-Fatihah.
Q6: Could it be that the People of the Book and our non-Muslims are saying out loud publically what Islamic scholars have been hiding from Muslims themselves?

Finally, could it be that they are trying to shut up people with knowledge of their Quranic texts and call anyone daring to expose the truth about the Quranic texts a "phobe" because Muslims are afraid that we are letting the cat out of the bag? The cat is already out of the bag. And man, it's not some tiny cat sneezed from a lion. It's a lion sneezed from a cat.


Ibn Masud had only 111 chapters in his Quran, ibn Kab had 116, whereas Uthman’s codex contained 114 surahs!


Why did Caliph Uthman burn all the Qur’ans except one? What is the punishment for burning Qur’ans?


I appreciate Shabir Ally, for being more honest.


Look also at the channel "Variant Quran" by Dr. Brubaker. He shows many early 8th century Quranic mss with variants in the text.


In Mathew 8:28-29 Demon themselves say to Jesus *”What do you want with us, Son of God?” Demon shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?”*
This Above verse in Scripture is Solid Proof and Strong Answer to Muslims who keeps Questioning Christians that show us where Jesus said He is God... So the Answer you can give them that -*O Muslims your Father Devil himself agrees that Jesus is SON OF GOD then why you want to be Ignorant...*
Demons says to Jesus “O SON OF GOD, why have you come to Torment us before the Appointed time...

*2 Cor 4:4 - Satan who is the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.*

In Order to be Saved from Hell pls be BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN (No other Religion will Help)

Praise the Lord Our Saviour...


we have holes in the narratives and we're proud of that


Shabir starts by saying they As he is parroting...🤣 Shabir has no choice to say what he is saying. There is so much evidence that the quran is fake and certainly not preserved thanks to you and other Christian channels. GOD BLESS YOU ALL...🙏🙏🙏 Soon they will stop using the hadiths all together because they have been exposed as rags worth nothing.


Here is just one variant that shows a clear contradiction: In 17:102, the Hafs says "you" (Pharaoh) but Ibn Khaaled or al-Kisai says "I" (Moses). These give a very different meaning, is it Moses who knows, or the Pharaoh?

Al-Jalalayn mentions this variant in his tafsir: He [Moses] said, ‘Indeed you know that none revealed these... (a variant reading [for ‘alimta, ‘you know’] has ‘alimtu [‘I know’]);

al-Tabari, writing before the canonization of the different readings, rejected some which he argued were not correct, yet, they were later canonized!
