Dietitian Reacts to Alivia D'Andrea's Glow Up Diaries & Problematic Weight Loss Plan (OMG, NO!!)

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Hi everyone, welcome to Abbey's Kitchen! In today’s video we will be taking a look at Alivia D'Andrea's Glow Up Diaries.


1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.

2) Please be kind in the comments here and on Alivia's social media platforms.

3) TW: to those with ED tendencies, feel free to skip this video if it’s not supportive to your recovery.

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Set Point Theory: Can Dieting Change Your Set Point?


Alissa Rumsey, RD
Unapologetic Eating


Follow me on Instagram! @abbeyskitchen

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Xoxo Abbey
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And when her sister said ‘I feel like you have so much potential, it’s just hiding behind fat and greasy hair and glasses’ what the actual fuck my heart broke for her


Chewing gum, drinking water, and brushing your teeth were pretty common "anorexia tips" on pro-ED forums I used to go on back in the day.


"You might look like a supermodel, but if you are tormented by constant and intrusive thoughts about body fat percentage and the glycemic index of a carrot, you are not living a healthy life in my books." 👍👏💯


it also bums me out that she considers all criticism as "haters" and all her fans tell her to "ignore the hate" when it's valid criticism. She's in an echo chamber at this point and a lot of her fans are super young. She's such a sweetheart but dang, the way she talks to herself is a bummer. And she's SO young... I just want to hug her and tell her she's pretty haha


I love how this woman pronounces every word clear and accurate, it's easy to understand her


The comments from her parents are what made me so sad. I remember being her age and getting similar comments from my parents while going through a period of gaining some weight in college, and it was heartbreaking...even though I knew it came from a place of love, it still hurt.


Being someone who has struggled with her body image because of her parents' comments about weight and clothing choices I empathize with Alivia's struggles.


"Your food issues are not your fault."

I needed this today. You said that and I cried. Thank you.


She totally needs therapy and deserved better care from those who she looked to for help. I used to watch her back in 2018 and I really hoped she would eventually get a therapist and seek a personal nutritionist.


Chewing gum, drinking water, and brushing your teeth to stop yourself from eating were literally things I used to do when my ED was at it's worst. Those tips were taken straight from a pro-ana forum somewhere stg🙄


I used to watch Alivia religiously. Literally refreshing her page looking for new glow up diaries videos. In my opinion, I feel like it started out really really good. But I think I stopped watching after I realized a lot of what was going on in her videos was going on a downward spiral of constant restrictions. And I would also like to point out how a lot of her fans are blinded to how unhealthy her mindset is because she doesnt look like Eugenia Cooney. Because she isnt "skin and bones". Society has always had a huge problem with assuming people do not have harmful eating disorders/tendencies just because they arent making them lose weight. Endnote: Please love yourselves. Stop telling yourself you arent good enough just because you did not eat exactly what was on your meal planner. You are so so beautiful and anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong.


I really don't think she has a junk food addiction. I think she just likes junk food like any other teenage girl but she keeps restricting herself from it which leads to a binge and guilty cycle.


To people writing comments: whatever your opinion may be, I urge you all to remember that Alivia will probably read all of these comments! I know I would if I were her. Plus she didnt always have such a big audience - she is only getting used to broadcasting to millions of people. So please be respectful in your criticism - imagine you are saying it to her face. Alivia's message isn't perfect, but we dont need to tear her down to criticise her work x


i am a person who LOVES to do a full-body, killer workout. every muscle on fire, heart rate through the roof, struggling to breath, you get the point. HOWEVER i do this because i love it. it makes me feel amazing. i don't dread it. i know my limits and am sure to stop if i feel physically sick and i have learned to take rest days. hating every second of working out, eating, etc will never put you in a happy and healthy place with food and your body


The fact that Alivia was so concerned about her weight made her contact Steve, but I think a psychologist would have help to solve the problem from the root. I don’t think a personal trainer was the solution, because Steve sees health from another perspective, he focuses on the physical image instead of an actual well-being and a healthy mindset.


Let’s consider Steve’s position here: 1) he is a celebrity trainer. He trains celebrities mostly for superhero roles which makes his methods purely aesthetic (symmetry) on the account of nutritional and psychological insight which takes a toll on those he tains. 2) his career is based in Hollywood so he targets specific audience, he is providing a product for appearance, not longevity and health. He is clearly successful at what he’s doing but he may not be the best match for Alivia; she needed guidance and support on her relationship with food (which is commonly attributed to mental and psychological imbalance), he had a product for her appearance.
It is imperative that we get to know our backgrounds!!!


Hearing her dad talk to her that way made my heart hurt so badly for her.


Listening to this guy ramble on about symmetry and lines made me cringe so hard. People are not symmetric for the most part and we really don't need yet another thing to stress about. And I'm not even gonna touch his very questionable advice on nutrition and fitness which seems completely useless (and even damaging) for a person with disordered eating. It really feels like he just wanted to use her platform for a giant ad.


Alivia’s video actually got me out of my “let’s starve myself so I can actually see results” plan. Because I saw myself in her, I saw her binging, her shame and her exasperation. I downloaded this guys plan and was basically forced to eat if I wanna be better. I realised I can’t reach my body weight if I’m following these already failed unhealthy habits.


I'm always astonished when people ideolise the "military way" in everyday life. Military discipline is necessary for two things: keeping soldiers focused and keeping them in formation during combat. It is not healthy but necessary in combat where the strength of the group relies in the strength of the individual in that given moment. It is NOT a way of life. Why would you want to live your life like you are at war?
