IGNORING THEM IS THE BEST REVENGE | LAW 36 | 48 Laws of Power Summary (Robert Greene)

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By acknowledging a petty problem you give it existence and credibility. The more attention you pay an enemy, the stronger you make him. And a small mistake is often made worse and more visible, when you try to fix it. It is sometimes best to leave things alone. If there is something you want but cannot have, show contempt for it. The less interest you reveal, the more superior you seem.
"Remember: You choose to let things bother you. You can just as easily choose to consider the matter trivial and unworthy of your interest. This is the powerful move." Ignoring them is the best revenge. #48lawsofpower #robertgreene #revenge

"Know how power works so you can use it to do good and defend yourself from people who want to do bad." -Ryan Holiday on "The 48 Laws of Power"

""The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene is a handbook to help you navigate through life, through an often dangerous and competitive world. We often sleepwalk through life in a world filled with illusion, distraction and fantasy. We focus on the way things should be rather than the way they actually are. "The 48 Laws of Power" strips off the veneer of illusion we have about ourselves and how the world works. It's radical realism. Power is sometimes thought of as evil. But power is simply knowledge that can be used for good or evil.
Understanding the laws of power will help you become more successful in all your endeavors. Power or influence is necessary for any type of success. Although you will be uncomfortable using some of the dark laws in the book, there are plenty of laws and insights you can use and will aid you on the road to success. Even more important, understanding the laws of power will keep you aware of the dangerous power moves others may try to pull on you. We must always be aware that humans have a dark side and there are those who seek power to take advantage of us or even destroy us. These people do not share your values and morals. They will do whatever it takes to get what they want. Having insight into the methods and strategies of these dark players will help you avoid their traps and schemes."
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“Contempt is a dish that is best served cold and without affection” 5:00


“Never pay attention to what will go away on its own.”


Did that the other day, someone was making fun of me and I ignored them.


The opposite of love is not hatred .. it’s apathy


In the age of social media people are filled with envy, envy that is too extreme, people are envious of what they cannot have on social media or envious of others living lives they wish they have, this is dangerous, life is short, in the realm of power you need to choose what you give attention to, time and resources are limited, you need to harness and focus that time and resource on something worth focusing on.
Remember you choose to let things border you, you can also let it not bother you, consider the matter trivial and unworthy of your interest.

Thank you so much for this.


Agree my new motto no more who doesn't deserve my attention or in my life. That doesn't do anything for me or mines.


This is sooo true. Being envious and jealous is childish. Grow up people


He rejected and rejected me, now I’m over him & he’s turned into a complete stalker now. Proud of my ignore game.


So true Show your a true grown up . Those who don't work don't eat .Simple.


I'm 'grey rocking' a narcissist RN. She's blowing up my phone, but I'm chillin.


Lol that’s what I do ignore and live my life 😛haha


This lack of reaction is dependent upon the circumstances. You are a over simplifying robot voice. Use your own voice.


Asshole verses Assertive = ASS
Don't engage keep mute and don't talk to them again because what is inside of you is that you give
Confidence embracing your strength and weakness and seeing others strength and weakness and not use it against them.


So true 110% AGREED it drives them Nuts.. i just let them think, what I would do or when I get revenge 👍👌 LOVE IT👍
