Does your dog bark at people coming to the house?

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Watch as I show you what to do when your dog barks a guests coming over.
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"He cant bark at her, does she look like someones breaking into his house?
This isn't even his house!!" 😂😂


I need a T-shirt with "I'm chill, but sturdy" on it.


This totally worked for my street-rescue rednose! Changed our lives! Now everyone wants to pet him when we go for walks! We still need to work on ppl on bikes & scooters but we'll get there🐾❤️


My dog is also reactive to guests coming into the house or even onto the yard. (He's a very good guard dog and takes his job seriously) My job is to teach my dog to turn it off on command. We are still working on it but he's slowly getting better. I have found it helpful to have guests alert us when they've arrived so that I could put my dog in his crate with leash on because he just gets too excited. After guests have arrived, Georgie stays in his crate until he has calmed down. (No more barking and lying down) after he's calmed down I walk him with leash and hand to where he can see the guests. If he gets too excited we keep distance. After he calms down, He's allowed to sniff the guests while the guests all ignore him. After he gets to know the guests he starts to get comfortable and guests get to give him treats but I always advise not to stop and stare into his eyes for too long as it makes him nervous. He's been doing great. I'm a musician so I have jams and rehearsals at my house a couple times a week. We've been going through the whole routine but the routine is getting shorter and shorter and now 5 minutes into rehearsals he's lying on the floor chewing on a bone. Yay!! It's a process but consistency pays off.


I love that he is firm with the dog. I think a guest who is being growled and barked at would also be more at ease if they saw the owner reacting like this and correcting the behavior. Unfortunately many people don’t really know what to do and actually pet praise and feed dogs treats while they growl and show aggressive behavior, expecting that it will calm them but it actually reinforces the behavior.


This was really well done. Love the set up to fail in a controlled environment, loose leash, but also the positive results to nervous situations in having the guest give treats for positive behavior. Loved the whole video


Lupo was just complaining that the treats stopped coming. He was like, “You can stay as long as you feed me.” lol 🤣 🤣 🤣


That was excellent how u pointed out the dog body language---the check-in & the ears perking up. Please keep pointing that stuff out


I followed IMMEDIATELY on his no nonsense approach. I feel like some training rely solely on positive reinforcement and ignoring the unwanted behavior. But dogs understand discipline too (not inflicting pain, that is abuse). I have seen videos of mother dogs correcting her pups poor behavior and there was no ignoring the behavior there lol.


Actually, she did move the first time. She waved her hands like “see? Nothing up my sleeves.”


I have a dog in my families house that belongs to my brother and sister n law. She's a very sweet dog and was given up by a friend of theirs. She has severe separation anxiety that has gotten worse over the years. She also barks at every single person who approaches the house, walks on the deck, walks sometimes out of a room, or if she hears something outside at a neighbors house. She barks at my family or anyone she knows who comes onto the deck/walks into the house. She likes getting to know new people but seems super intimidating if you don't know her. Her hair is one end and she goes stiff initially and her barking even sounds very aggravated? I don't know how to explain but we love her to pieces. I do know exercise and also probably some other things could help her. They have tried a vibrating collar it only worked for so long, they tried saying no, be quiet and every time she is quiet when someone approaches which is SUPER rare, I do praise her for being chill. I just am wondering what other options could we do?


Love the way you explain and show how to train the dog step by step!


This is so helpful, thank you! We’ve been trying to find the right balance with our rescue of improvement with commands etc but also with overcoming some of the stuff that’s very fear based - this is a really good blend of the two.

Also, “does she look like she’s breaking into his house? THIS ISN’T EVEN HIS HOUSE” really made me laugh 😂


I'm a new subscriber by the way. Love your up front approach to training. Thanks for your videos


What about a dog who does not pay attention to treats/commands when the guest is over? I've had my two dogs ignore anything I give them when I managed to keep them sitting and quiet for a few seconds before they bark again. As long as a guest is in the house they don't want treats and will even ignore my recalls even though they are otherwise good with that.


This is 100% my dog except in the home. same method is tough when out and about.. but thank you ill try this! Turns have worked great though so far. Thank you for all your content!


I love how you use body pressure. A lot of people are so into only using a lead.


The lifting of both hands to show that she did not have a treat was what started the snapping. I train all my dogs to become accustomed to people just reaching out at their faces and grabbing them gently by the mussel. It's a game to them. No one likes strangers just reaching for their faces. Dogs are no different. I have also found that sending my dog over to a stranger to be fussed greatly comforts the anxious dog who is unsure of others.


Thank u for all your work and explanations very helpful


My GSD likes to bark, specifically at men. Though I do like it because she’s like a guard dog for me (a short young woman) but I would like it if she didn’t bark at my guests or people that are close to me. In my family, she never barked at me, but have at my other family members (who’ve been there when she was a puppy) I’ve tried my best to socialize her at a young age, and she’s typically a very sweet girl who just wants belly rubs. It’s just first impression that she messes up. She’s also been getting very protective of me and her territory (my yard and house.)
I will definitely try to do this training with my GSD!
