Quick and long lasting solutions to barking

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Watch my unique method for barking at things outside the house or property
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Your account has to be one of the best free dog training content I've seen. Thank you!


I remember my mom saying “ok, I’ve got it” to our GSD when I was a kid in the 70s. He would walk away and come sit by her side. She passed away 10 years ago, so thank you for going through the steps to get there. My puppy needs it!


I’m a dog trainer and this is almost the exact same thing I tell my clients to do with an alert or protection barker. If you’d dog is barking as a protection why in the world would anyone correct or punish for that? Instead, like Joel said, go to the window, assess the situation, I always throw in a good girl or good boy and I got it and I say ok go lay down or go to your place. Yes it totally works! In fact I just did it right now with my own dog.


I think the next video should be “doorbells”!


This is nutz Joel! I have been doing this with my shepherd, catching her before she escalates and having her come immediately to me~and sometimes I treat her or sometimes we go into a mini mini training mode, sit, stay, down, good girl! When someone is at the door I can get her to run immediately to me (joyfully!) or sometimes she will bark at something in the front yard and I look at her and say "There's nobody out there!" and she is satisfied with that. Thank you!


Oh yes it works. My dobe barks at the window and goes crazy everything that walks by. I’ve been acknowledging “I see it” then happy voice walk into the kitchen for a treat. She now barks but stops after “I see it” and comes to get me! It’s fantastic. Thank you🐾


April 6th: Thank you!! My puppy is (I think) going through a fear stage; she's like a different pup. She barks aggressively at stuff she never even noticed before. Have been doing this method for 2 days and she's much better. She also seems less fearful overall. Have yet to phase out "I see it" and treats but I think that will come.
April 8th: better and better. Rarely have to give treats anymore and it's improved her "come". She often looks at me and comes without my asking. She is a SUPER alert, focused, and energetic puppy. It took a lot of work to get here, with more work still needed. Well worth it though.


We have been doing this (per another trainer) with our very vocal Beagle mix, and it really does work. It takes time and consistency, but very much worth the effort!


I like that this method doesn't surpress the barking altogether. I feel like my dog wants to alert me to something (most of the time) when he barks so this allows him to accomplish his 'mission' and then stand down. Have you ever noticed that your dog will bark and keep looking over at you? I have.


My husband and I will try this. We have a new SharPei foster and live in an apartment. Bad bad mix for an anxious, reactive, territorial, strong-willed dog that has never had any structure or training. We are EXHAUSTED


Glad I found this. our 5 month GSD has found his voice, and wants to be sure everyone knows he's there. I'll start working with this and see if we can cut that off. He will bark when we let him out just to let people know he's outside, and then anyone that walks by is made aware too. It's aggravating, and he's VERY stubborn, so hopefully it will work. We plan on doing some training with you when he's a bit older, so the videos you share with us are extremely helpful. Thank you!


I’ve been using this method for my 10 month Giant Schnauzer puppy since he was about 8 months and it worked! Instead of “I see it, ” I say “thank you, ” and I’d redirect him and then reward him. Now he may do a small bark and then look at me to make sure that I am aware and it only took about 2 weeks to phase out of the treats!


I am a dog Trainer and i like to watch dog trainer’s videos. It helps me with my tools and other ideas to train dogs. I have tried it and it works. I have to say one have to be consistent, and soft on the voice to acknowledge the situation the dog is baking at. It will slow down their barking but it will never stop completely. Besides one does not want that. Owners want the dog to let you know when it is a stranger out there. Thank you.


Basically what I do, thank them for warning me. Tell them no if they persist.


I used to do this with my cattle/mastiff! As soon as I said "yep! I know. Thank you" she would make eye contact with me, then go lay down. Very protective of my family.


My daughter and her husband did essentially this years ago. Worked great. Their BRT has aBIG voice so it was important. Also they taught her to bark on command with treats. Finally, they taught her to woof, once, for ‘yes’ in response to their question ‘do you want yo go for a walk?’


I’m going to try tonight! Our dog barks at least 5-6 times throughout the day...thanks!!! Will let you know.

Okay 👍 we’ve been working with our dog on this! Success 😀. I will say it’s a 80% improvement. We’ll keep working with him.


I had been doing the first half of this and it helped a little, but not fully... so today I will try the whole thing...I think it will definitely work! nice to know i was on the right track and now have the missing piece. Thanks!


Works like a charm! My dog is a rescue and has ataxia. I thought that before he learns, he will have diarrhoea from the treats. Butno, after 4 th attempt, he switched and came running...wow. thankyou so much for this!!


It works! I've been doing this with my GSD since he was a puppy. It's important to clearly "take over" the responsibility of the situation. Do it with your presence.
