3 Simple Ways to Love Everyone - Swedenborg and Life

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Think and act with love and compassion toward everyone, every day.
Maybe it’s not so simple, but it can be done. Learn how!
100th-episode live event & web stream took place in Bryn Athyn, PA on 5/9/16 at 8 p.m. ET. More below!

Encapsulating one of the major themes of the series, the 100th episode focuses on ways to think and act with compassion, offering practical techniques and exercises for a love-centered approach to everyday interpersonal interactions.




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★☆★About offTheLeftEye and the Swedenborg Foundation★☆★

The offTheLeftEye YouTube channel explores faith and spirituality through video. Thanks to a dedicated production and writing team, the channel has been providing hope and meaning to a worldwide audience from a small production studio in Montgomery County, PA, since 2010. Creator, producer, and host Curtis Childs became part of the Swedenborg Foundation in 2012 because of their mutual goal to share the work of eighteenth-century spiritual teacher, philosopher, and writer Emanuel Swedenborg with the world. Swedenborg and Life, which streams live every Monday at 8:00 p.m. ET, launched in 2014. The addition of the hour-long weekly web series added depth to the channel’s preexisting short video repertoire as well as viewing consistency for its 30,000+ subscribers. The Swedenborg Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization and book publisher based in West Chester, PA.

★☆★About Curtis Childs★☆★

Curtis Childs is the digital media producer at the Swedenborg Foundation, a nonprofit organization whose goal is to spread eighteenth-century philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg’s timeless message of hope to all. While obtaining his degree in communication studies from Oakland University, Curtis experienced an internal battle with depression that led him to question God, existence, and his lifelong interest in Swedenborgian theology. After a period of intense suffering, he recovered from his depression with the help of modern medicine, therapy, and a return to the spiritually uplifting messages he found in Swedenborg’s writings. Now, Curtis is applying his education and desire to help others find peace through Swedenborg’s insights by producing and hosting a weekly webcast called Swedenborg and Life on the offTheLeftEye YouTube channel. Each week, Curtis and his behind-the-scenes team pour their talents and passions into creating for a worldwide audience a new episode that focuses on spiritual and societal topics such as the afterlife, angels and spirits, near-death experiences, overcoming worldly issues, and more.


Рекомендации по теме

The people of the Swedenborg Foundation in these videos emphasize empathy and treating one another with goodness and respect regardless of nationality, religion, race or political affiliation. I believe Emanuel Swedenborg is peeking through a window of Heaven and smiling. The Swedenborg Foundation is an important and ground-breaking source to help us in the betterment of socialization and how we interact and behave. Every book and video this foundation supports and brings to us loving and protective arms from the souls of angels still on this earth.


Curtis, Swedenborg and OffTheLefteye has made me happier in a good way! Thank you! Just So happy I found your channel!


I admit to struggling greatly with loving humans who harm the innocent ... children, animals etc. I struggle greatly with loving my in-laws. for they care more about giving huge sums of money to their church, while letting their son & I lose our home. I think the best I can do is wish for their healing, ,, while also realizing that I, too, am heavily faulted. whew!!! ... this is not an easy one, Curtis, especially when dealing with evil actions. I do love the lesson and for many can easily practice it. It's the tough situations where I fail.


Lord, grant that I might not so much seek to be loved as to love...


Searching for decades through for clues about "reality" - I thought I was pretty smart - until reading Swedenborg. This group of videos gives me encouragement to keep studying his books, and already I find my presumptions are changing about what's "really" good and true. Many thanks to everyone at SF!


I just want to say I've discovered Swedenborg through Goethe and Kant one day and he has changed my and profoundly deepened my outlook on the afterlife, something I think about frequently. I love your show! The host is very smart, loving, and wise. Yes you do talk a lot, but you're on FIRE for God and man I just love it! Great to have a human being on earth like you! So thank for the depths of my heart. Anyway, I bought Heave and Hell and plan on buying and studying all of Swedenborg's books. The world needs more Swedenborg, but as he has said, and a multitude of others, we live in free will. Joyfully, we can live in the assertion of life closer to God after death if we choose to. God bless!


I am consumed by Swedenborg's message. I enjoy Curtis' presentation too.


Wow, Curtis rocked that stage. What a great speaker, and a great message to share.


I suffered from an Anxiety disorder for many, many years (caused by a Thyroid disorder) part of the symptom I had with my sickness was having a short sometimes explosive temper, If someone said or did something I did not like... Watch out! when I got mad I often scared people after all I am built like a foot ball player. But I always felt so bad afterwards because I am a nice guy and I do care about others and I don't understand why I get so mad. I would Pray to God to forgive me for my angry out bursts, I just have such a hard time getting a grip over myself. But then my Doctor gave me medication for my anxiety problem and its really working well for me, my anxiety is about 85% gone and so is my out bursts of Anger. The point is sometimes we act unkind towards others because we are not well, So if this is you please see your Doctor it might be medical in nature.


Curtis, I'll share a thought about this gem of a show soon, but for now, congratulations not only on your 100th presentation, but also on becoming a father to a "cute little daughter". She is surely blessed to have someone like you for her dad, as you are blessed by her presence in your life. Pure magic! Blessings to you and your family!


Second to showing your self love, forgiveness is next important. If you can show others forgiveness, then really you are learning to forgive yourself. Your methods spoken here are the way to move toward forgiving yourself and others. In the end, this is how world peace happens. Many blessings.


Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye...


The gentleman who did this presentation obviously has a very good hand for making these ideas graspable, and we are dealing with the apax topic of all spirituality here. My greatest thanks for sharing this on YouTube!


Thanks Curtis and OTLE since I lost my Mother and found this channel I am comforted daily watching this episode's. God's blessings to all.


Congratulations to you kurtis  for having a beautiful daughter  .


Congratulation on your 100th show! It's a gem --- as always. For me the topic is a mile stone. Thanks to wise and funny man Curtis and the whole crew behind all this (angels included). Great insights that really can move things along. Direction: Heaven.


Great Show OTLE crew!! Talk about spiritual warfare, this is GREAT STUFF !!
Think heavenly thoughts :)


the is beautiful. My friends this teaching could end racism around the world


Imagine that every day a stranger passes your way for whom you hold the answer to a prayer.

Every day.

Imagine that within the gratuities of life that have been afforded you - whatever your lot - there is one singular gesture of goodwill, however great or small, that you and only you are obliged in spirit to do for another.

Every day.

Imagine that this stranger is no stranger at all but a gift that has been sent to you (as you are also a gift sent to them) and that one such stranger will pass you by again tomorrow ... and the next day ... and the next, until all your days are done.

Every day.

Imagine that within the gesture of goodwill you are obliged in spirit to do for another, there is the realization of a special gift they too have for a stranger that comes to pass their way, and that their transient is no stranger at all but a gift that has been sent to them as will another be tomorrow and all tomorrows hence.

Every day.

Imagine ...


I will be sharing this with people and practicing these steps. In Buddhism you send out metta aka love to all living beings which is something I practice too. Jesus said ‘Love your enemy’ so it’s all there from the masters that have brought so much light into our world. And this video puts it all in easy steps to follow for everyone. Thank you for this precious gift to our world. 💕
