Brain Hacks | BBC Select

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How do we keep our brains healthy? And is there anything we can do to help strengthen crucial connections and keep our minds younger? In this fascinating science documentary, journalist Melissa Hogenboom sets out to understand more about the brain’s capacity to learn and to heal. She looks at cutting-edge scientific research and has her own brain scanned, with intriguing results.
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Brain Hacks | BBC Select
'How I rewired my brain in six weeks' - BBC News
Brain Hacks - Learning Myths Busted
Why you're not stuck with the brain you're born with - BBC REEL
5 Easy Brain Hacks To Change Your Life
The strange neuroscience of free will - BBC REEL
What multitasking does to your brain | BBC Ideas
Three simple ways to deactivate your bad genes - BBC REEL
What does reading on screens do to our brains? | BBC Ideas
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Five ways to stop getting distracted | BBC Ideas
After watching this, your brain will not be the same | Lara Boyd | TEDxVancouver
'Dying is not as bad as you think' | BBC Ideas
'Your Behaviour Won't Be The Same' | Dr. Andrew Huberman (Stanford Neuroscientist)
REWIRE YOUR BRAIN - Neuroscientist Explains How To Control Your Mind in MINUTES!
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Why some people are always late - BBC REEL
Brain Hacking
How to protect your brain from stress | Niki Korteweg | TEDxAmsterdamWomen
Top Five Health Hacks with Dr Emeka | BBC Earth Science
15 Sec Kid Brain HACK Move your body Reintegrate your mind 🧠 #shorts
How limits can boost your creativity | BBC Ideas
breast reduction before & after! feeling grateful 🥹🫶🏻