Is it possible to fix our broken health care?

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It's clear to anyone with eyes that the Canadian health care system is broken.

So, what can we do to fix it?

Luckily, there are lots of other countries who are way ahead of us on health care - and we can copy their ideas!
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short version for france :

ambulance or fire fighter = free trip to emergency / hospital.

you pay health care etch month to be protected (optional but STRONGLY recommend)

treatment is payed by health protection anywar3 from 20 to 100% (100% for extremely rare disease, 50 to 75% for long term treatment and 20% for your commun cold treatmetn)

a visit to the doctor will cost you between 20 to 70€ and can be refunded by health protection or payed by them dirrectly.

if your in need of an operation that would other wise be a pain for your day to day life its completly taken care off for free if you visited a doctor first.

there is probably more i m not aware off.


Sounds nice but you and I both know we’re on track to basically being a worse version of the British NHS
