How to swim

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In this video you will learn how to swim from a total beginner to feeling comfortable in the swimming pool and sea.
I recommend that you have someone who already know how to swim watching for your own safety.

Hope this helps and that you will become a great swimmer

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I learnt swimming at 45. Because of severe fear of water and the deep, it took me over 2 months to become comfortable with just floating and standing in water. People laughed but the perseverance has paid off. I am very glad I learnt how to swim.


I am 76 and taking swimming lessons for the first time. Thus far, your video is more helpful. Thank you very much.


I wanted to learn how to swim, but the classes were pretty expensive. So i looked up tutorials online and found this video. Long story short after 10 mins, i got very comfortable with floating and now I'm even swimming a bit. Thanks for sharing this lesson


I’m 39 and I’m watching this to help me learn how to swim. So those of you learning in your teens or 20’s have nothing to be ashamed of.


My brain - finally now I can swim

My body - who decided that ?


36 years old, started swimming lessons yesterday at the local park. I didn’t why I couldn’t float and kick no matter how hard I tried I kept sinking. 😮 I even said maybe black people cannot float lol 😅 cause everyone else was doing it I just didn’t understand. So my next session is this evening I came to YouTube for help and found your video, it all make sense now! I can’t wait to try your techniques tonight. Thank you so much! God bless you ❤


I’m am 64 and I and trying to learn to swim for the 2nd time. I was in my 20’s the first time and I just didn’t learn. So I’m trying again. These tips help a lot. Thank you.


Ain’t nobody told me that I need air in my lungs to float I just thought other ppl were built different 😭


These comments are relief, I’m glad to know I’m not the only one can’t swim 😌


27 year old here 👋🏻 I took swimming lessons two years ago by a very disrespectful teacher who undermined my fear of the water. Although I was determined how to swim so I decided to enjoy it. She didn’t teach me how to stay afloat and my head out of water first. I was introduced into the pool with my head in at all times. 😐 I couldn’t even bring myself to be in the middle of the pool at the end of my lessons. Always reaching out for the wall basically hugging it.

This year, I’ve decided to go on vacation and try to learn how to swim bc I’ve come across this video. I was afraid of the pool, so I tried these moves in the sea where it was shallow bc sea makes you float easily. After three days, I was basically trying to coordinate my arms and legs better. I got more comfortable in the water I was able to play around. Another three days later i decided to get in the pool and I just found myself swimming freely with my head out first. And then I tried out putting my head in and just breathing out and now I can just swim. It’s unbelievable for me. Thank you for the instructions and thank god i’ve come across this video 🎉😊


I watched this video last year after i came back from swimming pool since i was ashamed that my friend could swim so wonderfully but i on the other hand could only take advantage of my height to walk under water. This year i went back and tried your suggestions and technique and started floating in just 10 mins and swimming in the next hour. I truly am grateful towards this video.


2 reasons I am watching this.
1:I suck at swimming
2:I want to swim but I have No pool


Bro dis man is the first guy that tells me that i need air to float I MISSED ALOT


My only concern is, how the fvck did YouTube know that I don't know how to swim?! 🤔


This is the year we learn to swim y’all


I am so glad I stumbled across your video FIRST when researching how to swim. Because there are so many videos with so many ways to learn. But for me, your video is the most logical and the safest in my opinion. It is calm and covers safety first. This helps me not to panic and to take my time to learn.


I used to bee a swimming teacher myself but when I had a stroke in 2015 I lost my confidence my muscles in my back and legs are still weak now I am 60 and learn to swim again
Love this videos thank you for the support, Annet from the Netherlands


This summer I was determined to learn how to swim, so I kept watching this video. And a couple of days ago I went on vacation and did every step in the video and I SWAM!! I’m still rusty but I can float and do enough to move in the water. I’m so proud of myself 🥰😂


me: *learns to swim*



This is the best video ever. I had a scare over 20 years ago and never wanted to learn. I told my self enough is enough and today my husband helped me and I had this video replaying in my head. I learned the floating part and I’m going to go to next phase next week. Thank you for this video.
