Releasing the Golf Club: Proper Hand Release Drill (Golf Tip)

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Releasing the Golf Club: Proper Hand Release Drill (Golf Tip)

Want to improve your golf game dramatically? Watch the video above and play your best golf in 2018.
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LMFAO!! Are you kidding me? This dude just hit the ball 300 yards standing backwards. HAHAHA. OMG. I don't know why, but i'm dying. That's amazing.


This is an interesting drill I'll have to try. Holding the wrist angle too long as you would an iron but with the driver is the one thing hurting my game right now its making me present like no loft to the ball. Hope this helps along with my other tips.


I came across this video which I thought was excellent. You avoid the usual tech gabble that other pros use.

One question: are your wrists relaxed through the swing or are the consciously rolled through the hitting area?

I’m sure that many would welcome more videos from you.


Hi Jeff, thanks for sharing this unique (for me) hand release drill. You say that this drill shows where distance comes from? Is this the hand release? So the stronger the hands and forearms, . the better? Is Henry Cotton's tire drill the way to go to strengthen hands and forearms? What about drills to develop faster hands? You say your backswing is shorter than many of your long drive competitors, so what do you consider to be your personal strength over these competitors?


As a upcoming golfer, I would like to see you elaborate a bit more on the drill and go in depth about it. Rather than just giving us the drill, maybe explain what it does in an actual swing and not a backward swing, and maybe make some normal swings explaining the thought process that swinging backward forces you to think about.


Haha what?!?! Thats awesome! 291 sideways!!


Most people don't have popeye arms and strong wrists, so they need their core muscles and good timing to power the golf club.


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Right after studying these golf swing secrets, Jοmtοnο Naha (Go ogle it) and exercising the drills as I study, I went out and also shot a 73. Another achievement I have done is hitting 13 of 18 greens in regulation. On the other 5 holes, I got close to striking 5-10 yards with the green. 73s isn`t a normal thing for me since I have a handicap of 9. When I contemplate it, I haven’t had an outstanding round for years.
