Releasing the Golf Club Tip: How to Properly Release Your Golf Swing

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Grant Halverson, Master Instructor at the Aviara Golf Academy, explains how properly release the golf club in your swing. To discuss this golf tip with other golfers and share your own leave a comment below. We look forward to your feedback.

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Hi my name is Grant Halverson and I'm a Master Instructor at the Aviara Golf Academy. Today I'd like to talk to you a little about the release of the golf club; it's a very misunderstood part of the game. Most people feel like the release of the golf club is actual motion of your hands moving this way going through the golf ball and that's a very common mistake in a higher handicapper. As they swing the golf club, their body stops and their hands go and the club actually releases behind the ball losing all the speed. When it does that it comes in more steeply than the golf ball, robbing them of distance and accuracy.

The proper release of the golf club stems from good body rotation with tension free arms. So if we can work on making our good turn going back and then from making that good turn, getting our body moving forward and around while the club is staying behind our body and then allowing our arms to extend fully to the target. The hands do not let the club hit past them before the ball is struck. So we want to feel the hands get past the ball before the club head strikes it and the extension comes out to the target this way. So if you feel like you have a very long right arm past the ball reaching to the target, you're going to have a great vision of extension and a great release of the golf club.

If you work on this on the driving range, you're going to add accuracy and a great deal of distance.


© Copyright National University System 2012
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I appreciate the feedback and the kind words, Justin.


Heck, the last comment besides mine was 2 years ago? Well I just wanted to compliment the pro with what I thought about this info: 'Short' and 'Sweet.' The only thing I would add is to keep the spine angle through impact. Sort of like skipping a flat rock on the water. In other words, don't come out of your swing prematurely. This will help with accuracy. 2 thumbs up for this vid.


Grant Halverson is a Master Instructor at Kip Puterbaugh’s Aviara Golf Academy in Carlsbad, California where he has been on staff since 1999.


Thank you for the kind words, @in4par1. Good to hear that this helped.


This helped me perfect my game in Wii Sports Club - before, just about every time I released, the shot would either hook sharply, lose a lot of power, or both. Now I can proudly say that these aggravations are a thing of the past!

And please, no hate comments about the Wii U, OK? It's a good freakin' system and I don't give a ---- what anyone thinks. And I hold trolls in even lower regard.


Thank you for the kind words, tdelaify, and for subscribing!


Thank you for your patience, jurr80. I'll have to answer your question with several posts. Timing is an important aspect of the release. That timing may have to do with where the forearms actually rotate or with how the body and arms work together through the forward motion of the swing. The release does not need to be manufactured, but some may need to learn what a proper release feels like. This doesn’t sound like your issue.


This is terrific..brief and to the point.


Good Stuff...a proper RELEASE needs body rotation w/ tension free arms. From TOP, body moves fwd & around. FEEL clubhead stay behind body. FEEL hands pass ball b4 clubhead. ALLOW arms 2 extend fully 2 target


Grant I just discovered your video..I have gone to the driving range one time and played once. this video really helped. 1:20 in length. Why didn't I see this video 11 years ago. Loved the visual of the right arm being longer than the left..


Even Ben Hogan talked about shifting toward the target with his knees and hips, keeping his right hip and thigh behind his left as long as possible, then turning his left hip as fast as possible through the ball. Notice that when Grant demonstrates his motion through and past the ball, his arms are down in front of his body which allows his body rotation and his right arm extension to work together.


One of the few that actually knows and how to communicate the release.


Love the simple explanation of this. Release has always been an issue for me as I tend to have the club face too open at impact, sending the ball to the right. Will now be focusing on having relaxed arms and making my proper rotation in my downswing.


Thank you, James, for the kind words.


Hello Ryan. Great question. This is for all clubs.


Great tip! Would love to get lessons from him someday!


Thank you for the kind words, iClassicLake.


Hello airplaneking. Good players have many different looks past impact depending on grip, swing mechanics and shot shape. Since you are hitting the ball solidly and your club is back to 90 degrees out in front of you, it doesn’t sound like you are flipping through impact, but rehinging. If you “flipped”, your left wrist would be cupped and the shaft would be pointing well left of the target.


Well he clearly explains why people chunk shots with woods....good video


The forward motion should start with a shift toward the target with the lower body as the arms settle down in front of the chest or hips. Then the rotation of the body and release can work together properly.
