GOLF: The Best Way To Release The Golf Club

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The first part we're going to talk about in terms of the best way to release the golf club is flexion and extension – or how your arms and hands work in space.

I could have my left wrist in three different positions, flat, flexed, or extended. If you struggle with contact, odds are you might struggle with too much extension. Too much extension makes the shaft lean back and it adds loft - meaning bad contact, high, short and right shots.

If you want to learn to pure your irons and hit the ball really solid, flexing your lead wrist more than you even think is probably the number one way to get there in terms of arms and hands. When I do my release, if we look at a swing about hip high to hip high and into my follow through, wrist flexion is one of the key elements. When I do that, I'm feeling like my left wrist goes from a flat position and I'm increasing the amount of flex at impact and past.

Wrist flexion is part one, but one of the keys that goes along with that is a forearm rotation or supination. How do you add that supination? Get your palm up towards the sky. That movement is a key movement in terms of releasing the golf club. When I do that, the dynamic loft is going to be turned down and the face will start to get close to the path.

Some of you guys are going to do this and you're going to hit some pull hooks because you’ve never closed the club face before and now you're overdoing it. That’s good in the beginning. You’ve been hitting the ball right for 10 years, you need to hit some pure left shots first and then get back to straight.


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Hey guys- Just FYI to answer a few questions that will come up

1. This is a stock pattern release. OF COURSE it depends some on what you do individually in your swing. In particular if your grip is overly strong or weak you would potentially make some subtle adjustments. This works especially well with neutral to weak grips. Probably less supination for strong grips.

2. You can do this with all clubs. Including Driver. OF COURSE it depends on what you do individually in your swing. In particular your swing speed, angle of attack, etc.

Hope that helps some!


Wrist angles, rotation and how to release is now my current favourite topic and focus for my training sessions on the range. Thanks Eric for providing this valuable info !


The extended videos are superb Eric, keep them coming . This for me explained the move perfectly .


This is pure gold!!! Game changer for me. This is why I always hard a harder time hitting low shots. My irons fly sky high no matter how much shaft lean, or how far back I played the ball.


Thank you Eric! I had suddenly lost it, literally, blocking everything right. I knew I was holding on and could not break the habit as I was enamored with holding on to the lag. Went to the range, used this drill and bingo. Never pured so many shots. Can't wait to bring to the course. This drill and thoughts are Keepers.


This is where I'm at right now in my swing, but hitting shanks due to early extension, got a lot of work to do!


Hands down Eric is one of the Top Instructors in the Nation!!!! This guy understands the intricacies of the Golf Swing... 😂😂😂 he’s a Swingologist !!


EC is the man. Hit the ball with a flat wrist, and do the drill-la (haha), but know there needs to eventually be a slow club face rotation phase and a fast one. The slower phase happens during the downswing and through impact, the faster phase begins at about 12 inches post impact. Flat left wrist yes, quickly rotating the club face through impact is only a drill. A fast rotation of the club face can and should occur post impact, not before. It's called the wrist swivel and once the ball is on its way, it occurs at least 12 inches post impact to shaft parallel. This is when to quickly rotate the forearms and club face, not before. Cheers!


Great video thank you. i am learning how to train my hands again because i never released correctly due to always hearing 'you shouldn't use your hands in the swing, blah blah'. Don't let instructors teach you this, we use our hands as Eric described, in every sport, throwing a ball, swinging a tennis racket etc.


I’ve got to say since following you my game has started to improve which is excellent at at this time a year, because I am self-employed I am at the driving range at my course Belton Park Grantham uk 🇬🇧 every day for a couple of hours at least, and I can see it slowly slowly working into my game on the course which I am loving keep up the good work Eric well done, so let’s see how my handicap falls in the summer of next year due to the hard work I’ve put in this winter 🥶 😃


Great video and you are one of the best teachers on YouTube.
Would love to see some driver videos.
I went to shooting in the 90's to shooting a 83 my last round so thanks.


Mr Cogorno!
I'm liking this video plenty and am seriously contemplating heading for the driving range. I've been working so hard on 'body patterns' that I'm actually scared of hitting golf shots. When I pick up a club and address the ball, my old over-the-top-early-extension swing kicks in and causes me extreme anguish and frustration. I'll give this a try over the winter months - I think I'll see a huge improvement...


I usually just throw the club after a bad shot and realize that my release is flawless lol keep up the great work Eric!


The timing of this video is amazing! I use right wrist extension (leading to left wrist flexion) at the top of my backswing, all thanks to your videos, and I was wondering if I release that right wrist extension at any part of the downswing? I feel like it’s harder for me to supinate my Left forearm if I focus on that right wrist extension. I was thinking of releasing extension at last parallel on the downswing, would love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks again Eric!


Dude, I'm a stronger grip guy and suffer from the ’lefts’. Had a little go at this last night. I've been introducing the hosel... And feels for me. Tried feeling like I'm aiming more for a toe strike but it's messing with swing direction. I'll have a go again tonight. Fully understanding the premise of this fundamental, not being able to coordinate it 🙈

All the best, cheers


Awesome. Thanks for your great tips and all your videos.


For a complete picture, what about the radial and ulnar deviation (uncocking & cocking) actions of the wrists? How are these combined with the flexion and supination? Or is it too complicated for us to add ulnar deviation at impact?


I watched a video where Johnny miller was taking all those terms didnt understand any of that until now!


I’ve been working on this (Half swings).

Correct me if I’m wrong here... with the coat hanger drill I keep the hanger in contact with my inner forearm ( for flexation). Getting used to it

I release by supination which has become a bit of a snapping supination. A good bit of a snap now. Ball still goes a bit left and contact sound even better with the snappy supination. So Am I ok with this

I suspect it’s time to go to your website and work from there

Thanks for all this stuff you do here


Excellent video, thank you. My fat shots have finally gone but I’m now hitting everything left, any suggestions?
