GOLF: The Best Way To Release The Golf Club

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The first part we're going to talk about in terms of the best way to release the golf club is flexion and extension – or how your arms and hands work in space.
I could have my left wrist in three different positions, flat, flexed, or extended. If you struggle with contact, odds are you might struggle with too much extension. Too much extension makes the shaft lean back and it adds loft - meaning bad contact, high, short and right shots.
If you want to learn to pure your irons and hit the ball really solid, flexing your lead wrist more than you even think is probably the number one way to get there in terms of arms and hands. When I do my release, if we look at a swing about hip high to hip high and into my follow through, wrist flexion is one of the key elements. When I do that, I'm feeling like my left wrist goes from a flat position and I'm increasing the amount of flex at impact and past.
Wrist flexion is part one, but one of the keys that goes along with that is a forearm rotation or supination. How do you add that supination? Get your palm up towards the sky. That movement is a key movement in terms of releasing the golf club. When I do that, the dynamic loft is going to be turned down and the face will start to get close to the path.
Some of you guys are going to do this and you're going to hit some pull hooks because you’ve never closed the club face before and now you're overdoing it. That’s good in the beginning. You’ve been hitting the ball right for 10 years, you need to hit some pure left shots first and then get back to straight.
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