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In this video I will be talking about the mistake people through impact. This video will help you develop more speed and also help you to close the club face properly.

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This might be one of the best release videos I’ve seen. He conveys well and his articulation and delivery is impeccable


Such a refreshing channel, none of that "stop this" and " magic trick to add 50 yards" crap. This breaks it down and explains what you should do in easy to understand terms. Loving this!!!


The best, clearest and most straightforward explanation of releasing the club I've ever seen..


I was told for years that going L to L was outdated. And all those years I believed it, to my detriment. I've never had more success squaring the club than going L to L. Great video.



I’ve had quite a few lessons in my life and have specifically asked at times how the club should be released and this is the first time anyone’s ever explained it simply and clearly!

Jonathan, thanks for a great video! Can’t wait to try this out!


Hey JKM, I’m a golfer in my mid 30s returning after a 10 year hiatus. I came back to a deteriorated golf swing with constant slices and everything just felt off, despite consulting various YouTube “golf instructors”.

I found your channel 3 days ago and have been following along, practicing in the living room in front of the tv lol. I watched your in-to-out series last night, and within a single hour and a half practice session today at the range, I 100% fixed my slice and re-discovered how to hit a draw. Thank you so much for your time and effort in creating these videos. You have, hands down, the best golf instructional videos on YouTube.


I wish I’ve seen this channel 20 year ago. I took a few lessons from “local pros” at the nearby golf courses. When YouTube started getting popular I must have watched at least 5 different golf instruction channels and I would rank them from below average to not bad. Now I’ll have to say this channel is the best I’ve seen. Excellent.


I think a good feel of releasing the club naturally is to not move the chest much from the top of the backswing. Feel like you are hitting the ball with your chest closed and swinging and extending your arms. When you extend your arms out they will slow down and the club will swing past them and the face will close, your hands will naturally return to square as your arms are extended in front of you like in the address position. Your chest will naturally rotate back to square. Your right arm will be slightly bent and wrist slightly extended back from the dynamics of bending them on the backswing and then shifting your weight to your left side so it won't be exactly like address. So the feeling is you are swinging down closed back to address with your arms extended, hands and clubface square to the target line. As the club swings past your hands it will pull you to rotate toward the target. So the follow thru is the club pulling you and everything decelerating gently not the body spinning violently pulling the club thru. So most good players thru impact and in the follow thru their body is not moving very fast it almost looks like their body is stopped till the club passes thru. While most bad players are over rotating their upper body and the club never really passes the arms.


I have been researching golf lessons for a long time, but I recognize that Jonathan Kim-Moss is undoubtedly one of the best, because he explains all the movements and consequences in detail. I had to reside in Portugal to be able to receive some classes.


Thank you Jonathon. i am a beginner at 63yrs old. The way you explain and relay what you are trying to teach me and everyone else who watches your video's is amazing. Thank you for improving my game.


I struggled with my follow thru since I started playing. Watched videos on the follow thru but never worked for me. You nailed it with the explanation of Ulnar Deviation. Thats exactly what I do. Then you hit me with gold when you said "player doesn't know how to accelerate the opposite end of the club". I never thought of getting the clubhead to move faster than the handle. Tried it at the range yesterday and my follow thru was automatic instead of me trying to force it. Thanks. You just changed my game in this valuable video. Been playing since 90's too and everyone I play with tells me that my swing stops as soon as I contact the ball and I need to just let it go. I just never knew how till now. Thank You!!!!


Very well explained I gotta say. The most difficult part of learning golf is having someone who expresses efficiently and clearly the drills. U did a great job!


Keeping the head down and behind the ball until well after impact allows the 2 very important moves highlighted in the video to happen. Pronation and supination of the forearms and radial deviation of the wrists. Freddie Couples does this as well as anyone and is one of the reasons his swing looks so smooth and effortless.


I just had a lesson from my pro about this and was looking for a reminder video so I remember what I'm meant to be practicing, and this is perfect and so clearly explained.


Been trying for 2 years now to make my golf swing look more pro like. Although I'm older, 67, I still hit the ball well with compression, but not consistent enough. I've been comparing my swing almost frame for frame against all the pros and teachers/coaches, and every frame looks just about identical up until after contact. My finish was has been so awful, I hater looking at it. I pretty much was being taught how to get my swing correct right up until contact and was even told "we have to work on that finish". I was doing exactly as you mentioned with the arm out straight after contact, keeping trail wrist unreleased at contact and continuing with club aimed at the target up until horizontal. But that finish looked awful.

So I've been looking hard to find the right video that will teach me how to finish. I found a great explanation yesterday before watching this video explaining how to turn the lead forearm facing up after rolling the past contact. (hope I explained that right). Once I tried it, I realized what I was missing in my finish from contact to follow through. Very relaxing, and really no tension at all in any part of the body. My back has never been happier. I wished I was taught this during my lessons a while ago. It would have made things so much easier and faster to learn the complete swing.

One of the biggest problems I observed while trying the correct video to learn from is how the explanation is presented. That is so important to keep it simple yet concise with the proper steps and in the right order for the average golfer to learn from. Too many go off on tangents trying to explain a simple process and giving a simple drill that hits the point precisely. This video explained every part of why my lead arm was bending after contact and why my finish look terrible. This only the second video I've seen explaining why so many amateurs have a chicken wind type finish who otherwise have a decent swing. I watching this channel and subscribing to see what else I've been searching for.


This is absolutely the best instruction ever on how to release the club. So we’ll described and extremely easy to understand.


Excellant explanation of releasing the club. Seems like the weight of the club head should facilitate the release. I suspect that oftentimes it doesn’t because of 2 things: 1) We (amateurs) instinctively feel as though we need to help the ball up into the air (which causes flipping as opposed to releasing) and; 2) We think that releasing the club will send the ball drastically to the left so our instinct is to hold the club head from releasing. Your thoughts Jonathan?


Thank you 🙏 for such a great explanation! Learning how to play golf and this is so clear to understand. Smiles from
The English Sisters ❤❤


I freaking love this video 👏🏽 finally an instructor that shows and explains this in great detailed. No instructor on you tube has been able to perfectly show this in sequence the way you have.


I was taught this by the club pro I worked for about 38 yrs ago in college. Not sure why I stopped this move. Have a few lessons over the past 10 yrs with other pros and they all told me this was wrong and I needed to use my body to release. They said “stop rotating your firearms”.

I went back to this 2 weeks ago and my iron shots have more ball speed (added approx 6-8mph), more height and a better decent angle.

Great video!!!
