DISRESPECTFUL CHILDREN || Let's Teach Children Respect

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#momlife #homeschoolingmom #DisrespectfulKids
Knowing the teen years are right around the corner for us, I am hoping to avoid some of the pitfalls that I hear so many parents describe...you know, the attitudes, the disrespect. Join me at my kitchen table as I chat with you today about teaching kids respect. And, as always, these aren't parenting tips or advice! I'm right there in the trenches with you, mama, learning and figuring out motherhood as I go along! These uploads are me sharing my heart and MY journey concerning different topics. I'm so happy to have you pull up a chair, (or wash dishes, or fold laundry...) as we chat today.

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Thank you for this! Love the bit about parents having a loving tone, not nagging or yelling, so kids can more easily respond in the same way. Also love the focus on the child's heart, not just outward obedience.


I love your kind hearted approach to supporting fellow moms. Particularly, I love that you acknowledged that perhaps that was a “bad day” for the child. As a mother of two non-neurotypical children who have significant behavioral regulation issues at times that spoke right to my heart. With my neurotypical children, I can’t agree enough about modeling and expecting respectful behavior. (Of course I model it for all the kids but my expectations are slightly different based on the children’s’ capabilities.) Side note, you have such a calming voice!


During this quarantine, one of my goals are to give my children moral and biblical lessons. Thanks soooo much for having this channel. God bless you!


I'm 15 and I obey my mom to the max, she is the one that is in total control. 

Everyday, I come home from school and the 1 st thing I do, is give her my phone...don't want any distractions, then I do my homework, then all the chores for that day, which must be done to my moms satisfaction. Then I do whatever she tells me to do with no back talk or arguing. 

On the weekends, I do want she wants me to do, Before I have my "Free time"


I myself have a lot to work on. Very humbling. Thank you for sharing this. ❤


I talk to my children about situations like this so they can understand there are things you don't suppose to do as a child while living under my roof. Thank you for sharing.


This was so good... I'm sad to say my kids are very disrespectful...I don't know where to start to have this all change. But I see it's in praying to ask God for help and then I'm to learn to speak respectfully to them. I grew up in a house where although there wasn't yelling, there was an unkindness or authoritative way that was demeaning. I guess I really didn't have a good emotional example. But I know God can teach me and you've given me huge encouragement too. Thx a ton!🤗👍


I'm a father, so I ignore the greeting to mom only, and other phrases that seemingly are directed to only moms. But everything else, mercy days, this is so great!!!


This video is so needed. Many people need to hear your advice. This generation is a generation that feels entitled. Thank you sharing such a great topic. God bless you 😊


You always do a good job of sharing your experience without preaching. Thank-you for sharing the resources you use, that book looks awesome. I think it is important as a parent to respect our children and treat them as equals even though we have authority and responsibility over them. It seems like you do a great job of that.


This is excellent. These are SUCH good videos Shirley. You have such a sweet way of challenging moms to raise their standard and be more intentional in the way we raise and nurture and train our children. Good old-fashioned wisdom right here. ♥️


Wow Shirley, you have this YouTube thing down! 👏 I love your quality content, and coming to your channel is like a breath of fresh air - not to mention I could listen to your sweet voice all day! 😁 Can we be neighbors? Haha.
I agree, we don’t have to say that our kids will rebel or do the norm. I remember women telling my mom that about my sister and I and she would always gracefully(or sarcastically;)) reply that she doesn’t think her girls will be “the norm”...and I think she was right. I’ve held my mom in the highest respect and pray that the Lord helps me to be the same respectable mother 💜


Your channel is SO helpful to me and such a Godsend. I am learning so much from you.


Thank you for sharing! My oldest daughter/child is 11.5, and we are struggling with this. 💓


Great topic! We are working on this right now in our home. Again, a lot of teaching our kids these things starts with being an example of them. Good reminder!! ♥️


Great video! Thank you!
Love Sally Clarkson. I listen to her podcasts and recently purchased a few of her books. These are definitely things I need help with in my family.


I look forward to these mom talks now! Awesome topic!❤️


This is so timely. I was just listening to a sermon on Tuesday about honoring your mother and your father and I wanted more and it got me thinking if asking my pastors for some book references. This is great and now I'm off to find that book. Thank you so much! Also, where did you get the farm fresh tray on your table 😍


Thank you for this video! Its very inspiring, practical information and beautiful energy💖


I have bible study with my daughter everyday. She is 6years old and it has helped us but there are times when she gets into tantrums which creates unpleasantness in the house especially when
Grandparents are around.
