Answering Tough Questions about being a Public Defender

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Public defenders sometimes have to defend their career choice to others because many people misunderstand public defense work. Gideon's Promise hopes that someday, the public will see, hear and value the voices of public defenders as they uplift the clients and communities they represent.
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The Public Pretenders ( not my coinage) job is to restrain tbe defendant so that he or she can be processed more handily. Having no funds to rent their rights they clog the machine if left free.
The presiding prosecutor is also ably assisted by the designated prosecutor and the court reporter ( should the transcripts need to be forged into a history more flattering to the ABA's view of themselves and the service they render us.
I don't know how to show my own appreciation but it'll come to me.


The public defenders if a attorney cannot represent you in court or even say you have rights under U.S v Lewis, 76 F Supp. 538 so how do attorney represent any defendant as the attorney under title Title 8. Aliens and Nationality § 1481. Loss of nationality by native-born or naturalized citizen;  voluntary action;  burden of proof;  presumptions that section (2) taking an oath or making an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state or a political subdivision thereof, after having attained the age of eighteen years;  or(4)(A)  accepting, serving in, or performing the duties of any office, post, or employment under the government of a foreign state or a political subdivision thereof, after attaining the age of eighteen years if he has or acquires the nationality of such foreign state;  or

(B)  accepting, serving in, or performing the duties of any office, post, or employment under the government of a foreign state or a political subdivision thereof, after attaining the age of eighteen years for which office, post, or employment an oath, affirmation, or declaration of allegiance is required;  or

Further the court under federal rules of civil procedure Rule 1. Scope and Purpose

These rules govern the procedure in all civil actions and proceedings in the United States district courts, except as stated in Rule 81. They should be construed, administered, and employed by the court and the parties to secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of every action and proceeding.

Rule 2. One Form of Action There is one form of action—the civil action.

Corpus Juris Secundum (C.J.S.) legal encyclopedia, volume 7,
section 4 “His first duty is to the courts and the public, not to the clients, and wherever the duties to
his client conflict with those he owes as an officer of the court in the administration of justice, the
former must yield to the latter.
The office of attorney is indispensable to the administration of justice and is intimate and
peculiar in its relation to, and vital to the well­being of, the court. An attorney has a duty to aid the
court in seeing that actions and proceedings in which he is engaged as counsel are conducted in a
dignified and orderly manner, free from passion and personal animosities, and that all causes
brought to an issue are tried and decided on their merits only;to aid the court…”to an attorney expecting professional advice. Clients are also called “wards of the court” in
regard to their relationship with their attorneys.

What is a ward of the court?
“Wards of court. Infants and persons of unsound mind placed by the court under the care of a guardian. Davis Committee v. Loney, 290 Ky. 644, 162 S.W. 2d. 189, 190.Their rights must be guarded jealously. Montgomery v. Erie R. Co., C.C.A.N.J., 97 F, 2d 289, 292.
See Guardianship”

The attorney are not allowed under Trisney v Pagilario (1964) for An attorney for the plaintiff cannot admit evidence into the court. He is either an attorney or a witness".
(Trinsey v. Pagliaro D.C.Pa. 1964, 229 F. Supp. 647) the Attorney cant make any Statements of counsel in brief or in argument are not sufficient for motion to dismiss or for summary judgment, " Trinsey v. Pagliaro, D. C. Pa. 1964, 229 F. Supp. 647.Where there are no depositions, admissions, or
affidavits the court has no facts to rely on for a summary determination." Trinsey v. Pagliaro, D.C. Pa.
1964, 229 F. Supp. 647.nore is The prosecutor is not a witness; and he should not be permitted to add to the record either by subtle or
gross improprieties. Those who have experienced the full thrust of the power of government when leveled
against them know that the only protection the citizen has is in the requirement for a fair trial." Donnelly
v. Dechristoforo, 1974.SCT.41709 ¶ 56; 416 U.S. 637 (1974)

The contract between lawyer is private in Alexander v.Bothsworth, 1915. “Party cannot be bound by contract that he has not made or authorized. Free consent is an indispensable element in making valid contracts.”
HALE v. HENKEL 201 U.S. 43 at 89 (1906)Hale v. Henkel was decided by the united States Supreme Court in 1906. The opinion of the court states:
"The "individual" may stand upon "his Constitutional Rights" as a CITIZEN. He is entitled to carry on his "private" business in his own way. "His power to
contract is unlimited." He owes no duty to the State or to his neighbors to divulge his business, or to open
his doors to an investigation, so far as it may tend to incriminate him. He owes no duty to the State, since he
receives nothing there from, beyond the protection of his life and property. "His rights" are such as "existed" by the Law of the Land (Common Law) "long
antecedent" to the organization of the State", and can only be taken from him by "due process of law", and "in
accordance with the Constitution." "He owes nothing" tothe public so long as he does not trespass upon their
HALE V. HENKEL 201 U.S. 43 at 89 (1906) again in Hale v. Henkel is binding on all the courts of the United States of America until another Supreme Court case says it isn’t. No other Supreme Court case has ever overturned Hale v. Henkel None of the various issues of Hale v. Henkel has ever been overruled Since 1906, Hale v. Henkel has been cited by the Federal and State Appellate Court systems over 1, 600 times! In nearly every instance when a case is cited, it has an impact on precedent authority of the cited case.Compared with other previously decided Supreme Court
cases, no other case has surpassed Hale v. Henkel in
the number of times it has been cited by the courts.

Under business and professional code 6148 the written contract must specify the hourly rate and other standard charge that may
Be made, the General nature of the legal services to be provided to the client and the respective responsiblities of the client to the attorney

Business and professional liability insurance must inform client in writing of the Fact when it is reasonable foreseeable that his or her representation of the client in the matter will exceeding 4 hours Cal Rules of conduct 3-410(A) This notice can be included in the retainer agreement

In which under Fiduciary 56 article attorney are act three that all courts are to file a W2 W4 or 1040 as Trustee
So then how can any attorney represent you in any matter if this is the case
