Answering Difficult Questions Non-Believers Ask

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Pastor Greg and Pastor Jason shares on how to prepare to answer difficult questions from nonbelievers. When Christians live out their faith in love and kindness, it is an opportunity to win nonbelievers to Christ.

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Great Video! I kinda believed in God last year but he played no role in my life. Never read or had any interest in the Bible. Something strange happened in early Nov 2018. I don’t know why but I started reading the Bible. On February 23rd I was born again. I was Catholic and always taught heaven is work based. The Pastor at the new church explained to me how wrong I was. That was the night I accepted Jesus as my Savior.


My favorite take away from this conversation was at the 45 second mark when he said “you can never commit a sin that would outweigh the blood of Jesus Christ!”
So often we are our own worst enemy, and don’t forgive ourselves for our past sins. What a wonderful reminder, this quote is!


"You haven't seen Him? I've never seen the wind. I've seen the effects of the wind, but I've never seen the wind. There's a mystery to it." - Billy Graham


If you're too afraid to share the gospel with a friend or family, don't pray for less fear. Pray for more LOVE that you can share the gospel and a salvation and repentance message to the lost. It's so important to share. Step out into more faith to share the message and hope that we all now that is in Christ Jesus..


A good way to introduce the 3 in one trinity i found this, so you have water, you have ice, you have steam., all take on a different form but in the end its all the same water


Every time someone says something about them not believing in God or them saying God doesn’t exists, it just makes my heart hurt for them...
God bless!


I sure do wish I could find a pastor near me like Greg Laurie I can only dream about how great the fellowship would be with others attending the church too.


pray for me. im taking a step of faith tommorow to live this out and talk to people about jesus. pray for wisdom, courage and humility please


I love how without fear they tackle all of the hardest questions head-on... shows how confident they are in their faith. I learned a lot from this. God bless


I want more of this. There are so many questions my atheist boyfriend asks me that I don't feel I have an adequate answer to. And one day my kids will ask me these questions too. I need to definitely read my Bible and listen to someone who can break it down for me truthfully


Thank you for admitting that even the worst sin of believing but doing little to nothing for God and not repenting of all your bad sins still can't out way the blood, you are saved even if you continue to sin and fall into shame.


I said that my whole life where is God because of the bad things that keep happening in my life and inside religion itself. I started believing recently and watching you has helped me understand why things are the way they are and have been. Ty so much for your service because im beginning to understand and wished I had 50 years ago.


Great answers. On the issue of not seeing God....we can't see the wind, yet we know it exists, we can feel it, we can hear it, etc. This one works for me! God bless 🙌


I feel your connection to Christ from your teaching. U gave me a new light to Jesus.


Thank you for the discussion of the Bible, raised as a Greek Orthodox love your much needed program may God keep blessing all of you.


I really appreciate this informational video!! I'm a cashier in a local grocery store in northeast Texas. I ask God everyday to use me for His will and purpose and He blesses me by doing just that. Sometimes there are people who don't agree with our beliefs and I find myself a bit tongue-tied in answering to them, and get very uncomfortable "making waves" and find myself avoiding any confrontation. I'm very interested in your printed guide and work to be better at helping others to know the truth and be saved. I share things in my life that has personally happened to me and how it's effected me.
Would love to make a difference in the lives of those who need the same saving grace we have in Christ❤️


God Bless You all. All Glory Honor Praise Worship and Thanksgiving to God have a great rest of your week and week to come. I declare miracles blessings and healing over your lives in Jesus name. Amen


I was at once asked to church by a fellow employee, so I agreed, especially because the congregation was re-enacting the nativity. Afterward, he brought the pastor to speak to me about Jesus and give me some pamphlets so that I could read and learn more.
I don’t know what I was doing to portray
myself as a non- Christian, but it was an eye opener. I got an attitude adjustment.
Being a Christian means acting like a Christian and non- believers often follow.


"Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions" by Greg Koukl. A must read for every Christian.
