Jordan Peterson on the Status of his Online University (12/2017)

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Jordan B Peterson (born June 12, 1962) is a Canadian clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. The topic of this clip is: Jordan Peterson´s online university.

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As the father of a 6yo son whom I can only see going to Univ. of Chicago at this point I will be watching developments of this very closely.


They need to nerf this guy. He's going to break the game.


I'm not exactly excited by the concept of peer voting in this much of this is to be applauded.


I look forward to this new university.


Everything that comes out of this guy is off the charts awesome. Soon he will have created the best university on the planet. And yet it will also be the least expensive. And most convenient. And available. To everyone. On the planet. Off. The. Charts. Awesome.


I am in complete awe here .. he is propelling humankind single-handedly !


I edited a newspaper for a while and occasionally got items sent in by high school kids who wanted to to on to journalism. The quality of writing was so poor the items were unusable even though the contributors were obviously bright and had good ideas.


Would it be available for foreign students? I am located in South America (Lima, Peru specifically), and I am very interested if I could enroll in these seminars. Thanks in advance.


Is that woman having a stroke? Her face is making me concerned


I can sure as hell vouch for the quality of essays being bad. In my third and final year at university, I went to a feedback session our lecturer held after he finished marking our essays, thinking we'd get some really nuanced points about our arguments and sources. Instead he was having to explain that country names begin with capital letters. I have also overheard recent graduates complaining about people correcting their use of their/there/they're. Degrees are now hideously overpriced yet most kids still don't seem to leave university as functioning humans. Full respect to Peterson trying to hit the reset button, I'd love to sign up myself.


He's absolutely correct about the status of essays in University. I did psychology and philosophy as a double major and I did honours. I bet you dollars to donoughts that he'd tear my shit apart -- and I got straight As. The standards are pathetic.


I'm in. Where can we send a check to support this?


Can comment about writing skills, I don't know how I passed college with my level of shitty grammar and writing.


There are already art related courses like this. So it isn't something completely new. But it's a good thing he expands it to other fields.

PS. Not to be mean but the woman on the left looks like she's crying.


a beautiful dream .. more power to ya's


£5000 is still a mental amount of money for what is essentially an online course. £500 is a nice number that’s affordable presuming the accreditation system is worth its weight in gold. You should all just move to Scotland, become a citizen then get a free Honours education from some of the best universities in world for free. £0


Will college savings accounts still be eligible to be used for this online University?


Without accreditation, how can a degree that will be generally accepted by academia and the workforce be attainable from this university? It sounds cool, but is it realistic?


Multi choice is terrible. It is easy too easy to game multi choice


I think it's time to focus into the neglected study of Metaphysics: so individuals do not overly develop intellectual dominance BUT also balance the system with other techniques to facilitate the * Yin~ Yang balance of Being ( Psyche & Personality development equilibrium )
Imbalances fragments and destabilizes our abilities to satisfactorily connect with more evolved-balanced persons - then there is a sense of superior and inferior positions that often are expressed through argumentative - conflicting - extremely multi-polarized ideas...etc... Inner knowing and external knowing must co-relate to find a relative harmonious flow and be expressed with ease as it is * well centered * = META*PHYSICS brings us into Spiritually Evolved Beings ( not flaky but well integrated through realized inner-identification with our center core dynamics ~ response-able enough to then engage with outside, external dynamics and NOT feel drained or agitated by too much loaded emotional charges or too much rigid intellectual dominance ...Fire & Ice meeting at Zero Point as a mutually benefiting space }}} never negotiated by marks labeling smart or not, etc...Yes there are levels of growth but more as : * A Ladder of Conscious Awareness than based solely in disconnection with SOUL ( our meta - fluid identification ) t.y. for fine-tuning your delivery instrument to help others EVOLVE as Spiritual Beings having experiences * all equally acknowledged ( not easy from an limited-limiting ego perspective ) Interesting human growth amazingly accelerated through " quantum leaps = everything happens for a reason .... to EVOLVE *
