7 Things All Healers Should Know in FFXIV

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All Beginning Healers in Final Fantasy XIV should know these 7 lessons as they start their healing journey!

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Hey Everyone!!! Just wanted to let you know we currently have a poll going on in the Community Tab about future content and a new update video! If we get 100 likes on it (Update post), I'll open up a Community Discord for everyone to chat! I've seen so many amazing conversations here and would love to keep them going, but wasn't sure if that's what you guys wanted!


Rookie Healer: "But how can I be okay with my party members getting killed?"

Veteran Healer: but have you consider that, maybe, they were just too stupid to live?"


If the tank dies they can be ressed...if the healer dies....


WHM pre lvl 74: Oh gee, these guys are taking too much damage, I’m using cure. II so much I’m running out of mana!


The silly thing about healing is that the low level dungeons give you a wrong impression about what you need to do long term. You only get a straight heal and tanks don't have much mitigation/self-healing. Over time you acquire regen spells and tanks are way hardier and you have to adapt your playstyle.


I was terrified of healing for the longest time (admittedly it's still not my favourite role). But once you learn to relax you panic less and just shrug off the accidents. It's remarkable how quickly one goes from "omg gotta keep everyone at 100%" to "eh, rub some dirt on it and slap on a regen, you'll be fine."

Bless to all you healers out there, you do good work.


Honestly, healing is a lot easier now. Once upon a time we had... cleric stance. *shudders*


I don't remember the exact quote, but I remember someone saying "DPS is just preemptive healing; the enemy can't hurt you if they're dead".
Lovely video, you have such a nice vibe about you!


*me watching this even though Ive been healing in mmorpgs for 11years*
“hmmm interesting”
something I was told tho “a dead healer is useless” so yes! listen to her! STAY ALIVE!


Your second point is a great one.

All of them are helpful, but that is something that can seem obvious, until you die to a predictable AoE because you were so focused on everyone else.


#2 is actually very valuable. I learned that lesson in The Vault on the final boss. Every time we got tethered I would try to break the tether, but at the same time try to heal whomever I was tethered to and I'd end up dying. Which of course meant we'd wipe. It wasn't until I said, "Screw it, I have to keep myself alive first, " and prioritized healing myself that suddenly everything worked. It went against all my instincts as a healer, to heal thyself first, but it was what got me through that fight.


I started this week and I went healer because: 1.- I *HATE* waiting in the party finder for hours. 2.- I love WHM's aesthetics (both spells and armor sets), plus, they're not uncapable of dishing dmg out (Great for when I have to play solo) and 3.- I'm excited for the Sage! Since I've always loved supporting with shield bars instead of heals whenever that's available in the games I play.

So of course it's nice to run into videos like this. Thanks for making it and I hope there's more videos coming!


Im a newbie on the game. and this is my first mmorpg. I chose a WHM, and this video really lift my spirits up. Since i sometimes think im a bad white mage. Thank you for all your tips :)


I'd like to add one more point to this: know your class! Half the game's combat is knowing how to play your class, and having the confidence to play your class goes a long way to doing well in fights. That means knowing to cast Cure II over Cure I, popping Lucid Dreaming regularly for MP, and just knowing what your spells and abilities do in general. A lot of new healer grievances are actually neatly solved by your kit, so read your spell descriptions!


This was really nice! Soothing voice, great advice and the cartoon avatar it’s awesome! Did you make it yourself?


As a red mage constantly tempting fate and jumping out of arenas i can promise you that the point of „not every death is your fault“ is very accurate and very important

Also if i had to add a point, it is okay to expect summoners and especially red mages to quick pick up your second healer in 8 man activities, now that doesn’t mean just leave them on the floor, but we usually realize when the single healer left is to busy keeping the tank(s) alive


GREAT Video!
Sprouts be proud! You are about to allow someone to give the gift of helping.
Your questions are NOT a burden! It makes my/our day to be the team that gets you through a dungeon or raid the first time!
Thank you for the privilege to help yoU!


Great video 👍
I'm very new to this game and, possibly mistakenly, decided that "Gladiator" sounded great as a starting character. Oh boy! Now going through the phase of watching everything YouTube has to offer before doing a new dungeon so that I let the team down as little as possible.
It didn't take long to find out that healers are awesome. On my first run of the Tam Tam Deepcroft dungeon the healer was one step ahead of me for almost the entire dungeon, courteously showing me the path from encounter to encounter. When she stopped I knew it was tanking time. That level of consideration and the kind words at the end from everyone there really hit home in a very positive way.
A big thanks to all healers out there!


I've been playing for about 4 years now, almost exclusively as a DPS because I was so anxious about healing or tanking. It's not an easy thing to get over, but it's so worth it! I love playing Scholar. The game offers so many different ways to practice and learn your job/role that can really help you to get comfortable with your spells and actions, like Command missions and Trusts.


As someone who is currently trying to get into playing Healers after mostly playing DPS classes this definitely helped to ease my healer anxiety
Even though I already knew most of those things, it was nice to be told them again. A good friendly reminder and some reassurance 😊
