Genesis Creation Myth

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Genesis Creation Myth | @AronRa

Thank you for editing this short @atheologica



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Well I can tell right off the bat he doesn't understand what Genesis actually said.


What is the point? Hypotheticals fail in understanding God and His plan. It says in Revelations that believers will be eating of the Tree of Life in Paradise (Rev. 2:7; 22:2; 22:14). The point of eating or not eating (in the case of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil) is, Obey God and Live. Either way, whether AronRa understands it or not, disobedience to God is death.


Tell me you cherry pick history without telling me you cherry pick history


The way I understand Genesis currently, specifically ch1-11, is that the stories ARE taken from different creation stories of other cultures in the area to convey a message through a modality familiar to the ancient Hebrews. That point is to show God’s character (among other things about creation) and how drastically different it is compared to other gods. The fact that the stories are similar does not discount them, that’s ridiculous and shallow. The similarities to other sotries could mean two things: it was clearly man made, or an all knowing God knows the best method to talk to his chosen people through narrative styles they would know at the time to show them who HE is. Why would He instead use any other means to tell the Hebrew people if they would not understand?


As far as I'm aware humans being made in God's image is unique to Genesis creation.


if he didn't eat he would have book are you reading


Fallen angels heared God when He said let us make man in Our image bcoz they were witnesses to the creation. Then when they were thrown to Earth they said the same thing to claim they're gods bcoz that's how God shown His authority over the universe


Just one example from Coyne’s (academic evolutionary geneticist) book showing how the truth of modern science reveals the mythology of religion(!):

“Evolutionary geneticists now know that the human population could never have been as small as only two individuals...The observations that different parts of our sequenced human genomes have different ages, some going back millions of years and that they come from different ancestors, completely dispel the biblical date of human origins and the idea that all of our DNA was bequeathed by a Primal Couple (“Adam and Eve”)...We can back calculate from DNA sequences the size of human populations at different times in the past. The total number of ancestors of modern humans then was not two but over twelve thousand individuals. This is a very strong scientific refutation of the Adam and Eve Scenario.” (In: “Faith versus Fact: Why Science and Religion Are Incompatible, ” Jerry A Coyne, 2015).
Also, the extensive fossil record, including intermediary forms and radioactive dating, demonstrates clearly that life began hundreds and hundreds of millions of years ago, not the the six or ten thousand years ago canard as expressed in the Bible.

So(!), no Adam and Eve, no Original Sin, no need for Redemption, no need for a savior, no need for a resurrection. No need for Christianity.

The Bible (and others like it: the Jewish Bible, the New Testament, the Quran, the Book of Mormon): man-made story books to influence personal or group behavior, or an attempt at writing a narrative to establish and support a regional or national political stance.


Just because there is an aspect from another creation myth, that does not mean that it was taken from that source. In fact, commonalities between creation accounts and other things like flood stories would indicate actual events.


Note that the fruit of the tree of life, which was believed to confer eternal life, was not forbidden to Adam and Eve not prior to their fall, but after their fall. Only then — and for Adam and Eve’s ultimate benefit — did God forbid them to eat the fruit of the tree of life (see Gn 3:22-24). In their condition of disobedience they would eternally have been cut off from God. It was an act of mercy for God to prevent them from plunging themselves into damnation. God had in mind the new Adam through which he would restore to the human race the possibility of eternal life lost in the fall of Adam and Eve.


There is the Human spirit, and Soul, and a physical body. The soul and human spirit has a beginning but no end. When Adam sinned he corrupted himself. When God kicked them out of the garden, He did not want Adam & Eve to eat from the tree of life or they would not physically die and live in a state of sin for all eternity. I hope that helps.


the disobedience of Adam and Eve in eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is seen as the Original Sin that led to the fallen state of humanity and the need for salvation through Christ. If Adam had not eaten from the tree, it is possible that he and Eve would have remained in a state of innocence and harmony with God and nature, and would not have experienced the suffering, death, and moral corruption that are part of the human condition. However, it is also possible that they could have fallen from grace in other ways, or that God had a plan for them that required their disobedience.


here we go!!! I just got into Aron Ra and I like how he breaks things down and puts it in perspective. I can’t wait for this full video.


It wasn’t the tree of eternal life that he ate from .


I do recall reading that Adam was told that he would doe if he ate frome the tree of knowledge of good and evil. But I do not recall him being told he would die if he chose not to eat from another tree....


Can you recommend a book explaining enema Elise (ms)?


The Enuma Elish, or the “Seven Tablets of Creation, ” is a Babylonian creation myth that has a number of literary and cultural connections to the creation account in Genesis 1. The Enuma Elish is one of the oldest creation records ever discovered, likely dating to 1100 BC (Genesis, which is older, was written around 1400 BC). The title, Enuma Elish, is taken from the account’s first two words, which translate to “when in the heights.” Studying this mythology helps Bible scholars understand the non-empirical, poetic literature so common in ancient Near Eastern writings. However, the Enuma Elish has also been used by skeptics as a supposed proof that the Genesis 1 account is merely mythology or a parallel of contemporary mythologies.

The story presented in the Enuma Elish (which you can read here) is of a great clash between various gods of the Babylonian pantheon. The two most important characters are the god Marduk and the goddess Tiamat. After Tiamat prepares many monsters and lesser gods to destroy the remainder of the pantheon, and a few younger gods have already failed at challenging her, Marduk offers to destroy Tiamat in return for being made highest among the gods. The other gods readily accept this offer, and Marduk becomes locked in mortal combat with Tiamat. After killing Tiamat, Marduk splits her body in two, making one half the sky and one half the earth. He makes humans from his own flesh and bone and brings order to the universe.

On the surface this does not sound anything like the Genesis creation account, but the poetic structure and terminology in their original languages do bear some similarities. Some liberal Bible scholars have used this resemblance to imply that the creation account in Genesis 1 is merely a poetic interpretation of creation rather than a factual account. While there is no denying the similar poetic structures of the Genesis 1 and Enuma Elish creation accounts, this does not mean both are equally mythological, only that they came from similar cultural backgrounds. Writing form does not affect the veracity of content. A novel can be written in a biographical style, but that doesn’t mean the novel and the biography are equally true (or false).

The Enuma Elish is indeed an important ancient text and is invaluable to scholars of ancient Near Eastern culture and language and, by extension, to biblical scholars. As such, it is an interesting piece of mythology, but it should not be mistaken as the original creation account or a parallel of Genesis 1.



But even more absurd is Adam and Eve having to eat at all!. If they were immortal, eating wouldn't even be necessary!


From biblical creation to Noah’s flood, biblical literalists continue to baselessly assert that many times in the past, but never in the present, were the laws of reality broken so god could work his literal magic, be that an incantation, an enchantment, or a blood magic ritual sacrifice


Considering how he butchered the story of Adam and eve I can't take take his story of the other god seriously.
