Top 10 Reddit Posts (r/AITA) Last 12 Months - All With Updates

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Here are the stories:
00:20 AITA for not telling my fiancee I used to work as an escort?
04:05 AITA for not wanting my parents to adopt another teenage girl?
08:24 AITA for reminding my husband's female friend that my husband is MY husband, and not hers?
13:03 AITA for asking my brother not to bring his boyfriend to my wedding?
17:14 WIBTA for having my cousin arrested?
21:36 AITA for refusing to finish watching a movie after my sister’s boyfriend shushed me?
27:07 AITA for not honoring my son's punishment?
30:02 WIBTA If I canceled our wedding?
35:30 AITA for telling my husband I won't take my stepdaughter on holiday again?
40:06 AITA for being upset that my siblings are getting my part of an inheritance but I’m not because I’m a recovering addict?


Im really happy how the second story got resolved. I had a friend in HS that went through something a little similar but her parents didn't care at all what she had to say. Her room was given up for this kid and she had to sleep in the laundry room until "they converted it" Never did. 3 months into the new sibling being there my friend had stayed 11 days with me and we talked with another friends parents about letting her stay there with them for a while.
y'all her, parents didn't notice until like a month of her not being there. She was living with a whole different family for a month before they noticed she hadn't been home. They tried to get angry at her but our friends parents ripped into her, then contacted mine who also ripped into them. I think I remember my mom saying something along the lines of "Why would adopt another daughter when you clearly don't care about your own" I don't actually think she ever made up with her family.


The cousin who committed credit card fraud needs to be in jail.


The cary story: am i the only one who thinks it's NTA instead of ESH? I mean it's the truth, she needs to find her own man if she's going to come in between someone's marriage 24/7. It's not harsh at all for a 35 yo who don't know the meaning of "no" amd not understanding that she's being disrespectful of her "bestfriend's" marriage


Story 4: Have the brother come out _before_ the wedding, OP already said he’d prefer to cut the people who doesn’t support his brother out of his life. Bro can have his moment and OP can save on wedding seats/food lmao


Story 2, Not ESH, Carly is the AHole. What would Jake think if the Situation were the other way around, and Op ran out every time a man called her?
And what she said to Carly was Spot on and not Harsh, don't know why most people think that the Truth is Harsh.


I appreciate you taking the time to provide updates to the stories. Many channels do not do that and I have to hunt down the original thread.


What does Jake get out of the relationship with Carly? They sound co-dependent. Carly gets a friend/ therapist/handyman and Jake gets to be the sun in Carly's universe. Healthy fiendships should not be transactional, but lacking a common shared interest being the basis of this friendship, I'm calling it not too healthy. Carly being worthy of pity and unable to live an independent life at age 35 is not the basis for an equal friendship. They are all AH. The friendship is still problematic.


Re: stepdad grounding. I agree with you that the community is wrong. Bio dad is not the a-hole. He gave up a week of his custody to accomadate his ex, and then they tell him that dad has to cancel all his plans and activities with his son on his week because they decided he was grounded... what?! That is crazy and very very much over the line. If they wish him to be grounded for a week, bio mom/stepdad can gound the kid on their own time.


Derek story, "gotta make guests comfortable" what about the op being comfortable in their own home? Sister is manipulative, Derek thinks he owns the place because he is a "guest". Use the 3 day rule. After 3 days they are no longer a guest.


Story #3 She’s not an a-hole… She had been extremely understanding and patient for quite awhile, but nothing changed… The friend clearly did not get the message, and when someone doesn’t get the message where you’re trying to be polite, at a certain point, you need to get harsher and set strict boundaries… Sometimes people need to be confronted before they change their behavior.


I don't get the parents in the stories where they say "if you don't do this thing that I want, I'm not going"
I would have thought that being with your kid in their milestones is way more important, but ok....


The fraudulent charge on the credit card - for some odd reason, banks don't like it when people steal from them. Strange, I know, but that's how it is. Usually, theft of up to $500 is a misdemeanor and over that is a felony, which means fines and potential time in prison. From what I read, the penalties may differ in each jurisdiction.


Story 4: She committed identity theft over the incredibly petty reason of "he went to church" and ADMITTED it. Play a stupid game, win a stupid prize.


The second story is so sad. Jess sounds like she has PTSD and the adoptive parents aren't taking her to therapy for it...


Story about eloping-- I don't understand why they call it eloping if they are letting everyone their mother and best friends know about it and having a reception. Eloping means to RUNAWAY SECRETLY TO MARRY! They aren't eloping they are just changing wedding plans to include less people, that's it! I've seen other posts where people use the same term when it's not that at all. I've known people who have actually eloped ( secretly married) and down the line ( several months) have a small get together to celebrate their marriage.
Story about Alicia-- just because this young girl goes to a fancy private school and is school smart doesn't mean she's street savvy or that she has any common sense. Apparently common sense doesn't run on her side of the family.


Maybe it is just me, I thought if you eloped it's just you, your future spouse and maybe a witness. Not a whole gaggle of people. That's a wedding.


I can't understand how the parents take in their daughter's bf and let him run their house being rude, inconsiderate and lazy. How can you be ok this is the type of person bf ur daughter is dating?! No you set up boundaries and better his behavior like doing chores and clean up after himself like everyone else. And that he doesn't talk that way but politely ask her to be quiet or ask to rewind or something. Hes not a guest but temporary roommate and treating themselves and especially daughters like that is a terrible shit of a bf for their daughter being how this is only what he's showing of himself being new to them and is already like this with them.

You know he's a horrible roommate so why do you want your daughter to be with them to then move in together when they can. Again if he's like this with them at their house how would he be when it'll be his house and only them two? Sounds horrible of someone for her to marry like having to do everything in the house like cooking, cleaning, pick up after him but while also bending to all his rules, if they have a baby will he be a good parent helping care for them or leave it all up to her. Have her leave the house with the baby so it can be quiet while he watches TV, play games etc. Like she's a 1950s wife. Wtf it's ur house and should want her kid to be with a bf that's helpful and great to her and respectful and shit to others.


Story 8, The husband is the AHole. The girl is Entitled and Spoiled and thinks that she can do whatever she wants, and her Mother is just not there and seems like she doesn't want her daughter by putting her in a boarding school. Makes You Think.


Story 7, It's not everyone sucks here. The stepdad does he needs to have his own children before he tries to be the Father of someone else's child. And what the nerve trying to Tell, his father that his son, can't go to a sleepover. WHO the Hell does he think he is.
