Reading Reddit Posts And Deciding - AITA?

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Reading Reddit Posts And Deciding - AITA?

Boy, oh boy do we have some Reddit cringe for you today! We have gathered a handful of reddit posts that all have a common theme of asking the question, AITA? Sometimes the answer is no and those people were totally justified, but sometimes the answer is YES, YOU KAREN! Come hang out with our hosts as they read through some top reddit posts and decide, are these people the a**hole!? Only here, on Top 10 Central! 🤔 😂

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Times Codes:
0:00- Workout Buddies
1:28- Big Announcement!
2:49- GOT Theme
5:03- Hockey Game Dilemma
6:46- Drinkers Remorse
9:25- Mommy & Me Yoga
10:55- Hair Dye Issue
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8:30 As a recovering alcoholic imo the husband Is TAH.
The wife isn't an alcoholic. So should be able to have a drink when shes out with other people. As long as she doesn't come home drunk.
Regardless of whether or not they're married, they are still individuals.
By his way of thinking, it's not fair for her to go water skiing because hes crippled and can't water ski. Its preposterous and doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
The husband sounds like he just wants to control her behavior even when she isn't in his company.


The two of you are adorable! You're also empathetic and wise. LOVE your stuff❣️


Maybe read a coupe of the answers that other reddit users give, it would be interesting to see if you guys agree with them or not. bs that the husband is not the asshole, he's a HUGE ahole! She wasn't anywhere near him, wasn't drunk around him and doesn't have alcohol in the house. His sobriety is HIS responsibility, yes a marriage is a team but he's way out of line.


When my daughter was 15 she asked if she could dye her hair for the summer before high school. She was a good kid (great adult now) and had good grades, so I bought temporary hair dye because it was less damaging for the hair. I decided to pick my battles.


I agree on allowing the last segment to dye her hair. My daddy was VERY STRICT!! I WAS Not allowed to Pierce my ears until 16. Was NOT allowed to color my hair until grown. All things I resented my parents over. So my daughter got her first hair dye at 7 years old a pretty Burgundy. She had brown almost black hair. She LOVED IT! She also got her ears pierced at 2 years old. My oldest getting hers done at 6 month. My daughter is now a 26 year old mother of 3 beautiful boys. She's tattooed, and pierced, which I take credit for. As I too have 4 tats and my nose and tongue pierced. I believe I have her three options of her own self, as it it's her body! Because of this, my NOW 9 year old grandson has sported a Mohawk, which I absolutely LOVE!! Her middle son is nonverbal autistic, and because I was so open to her doing her as a child. She allows him to have free Reign on his own clothing and style. Now he's only 6 with a mental capacity of a 8 month old. But her style show as yesterday he put on black bat man knw high socks. I love the fact I have my child the option to be herself. I only had one issue with a school telling me her hair was a destraction to other students. I being the proud protective Puerto Rican momma Bear, told the teacher this. Maybe you need a new job, because one of your jobs is to keep your students on task. It's not my daughters fault that you can't do your job!!! I EFFUSED to make her dye her hair to a "normal color" as at this time she was sporting a Harley Quinn look if half Florescent pink 1/2 black! And the back shaved! She was the head of the cheer, pep squad, and on the girls football team. Needless to say. Giving your child options over their own body in style and dyes makes them a more individual. And it helps them to be able to make Decisions on their own as adults!


Oh honey, I fought my mom over and over to dye my hair and eventually just did it. Died it tomato red (worst decision ever lol) and eventually I died it purple and haven’t gone back since. I was 16 when I started dying my hair and I never got made fun of, in fact I got more compliments and made more friends because of it. Personally I won’t go back to my natural hair color until I feel like I’m ready, but for now, my purple hair is a part of me.


Hockey game OP isn't an asshole. As mentioned, she isn't in a step mom role yet and she didn't get angry at her boyfriend for thinking of the kids. While I understand why he didn't want to go without his kids, I'm also a little confused as to why he would be completely okay with canceling an essential date night.


From the age of 14 onwards I've done pretty much everything to my hair, definitely a learning curve and character building and never did me any harm or my mother ( except when I was 6 and found scissors and cut my disaster 🤣) let her do it is what I say, be colourful, expressive and happy 😊


Olivia may be a silly goose, but a very loveable one.


6:47 - alcohol/substance use & abuse is a tricky subject. Therapists & help/support groups can’t even agree on whether abstinence is the only way to go, or occasional use is ok. I suspect the husband’s stance is partly persuaded by his support group’s view. The husband didn’t even know she had a drink, so this shouldn’t even be an issue!
Ultimately, this should have been discussed btwn the couple long before this incident. If the wife is not a problem drinker, then I think she has every right to do as she pleases, especially when he’s not even present. If he is going to claim that knowing she drinks is going to cause him to relapse, then he’s gonna need more help than just the support group. With what is presented, he is the problem, not her. He must feel like he has no power or control over his consumption, so he’s looking to control someone else’s drinking. So yes, he is an a$$

Last one - mom is definitely an A$$! She’s more worried about how others would perceive her daughter…which I think she’s actually saying she is worried about how others would perceive her. She needs to talk this through with her daughter so both can understand each other’s POV. With that said, a 16yo may never understand, purely b/c she’s a teenager & the world revolves around them, but mom may need to reflect on her own thinking.


You two are absolutely right and adorable together!


I'll be honest, I'm not sure I could continue dating a guy who expects me, after 8 months, to step into a parent role for his children. I also would be pretty upset if I went out of my way to purchase hockey tickets for myself and my boyfriend to enjoy a weekend free of children, only to be told that if the children can't go, then he won't go, and then on top of that call me an and selfish when I say I'll just go with a girlfriend of mine instead of purchasing three more tickets to take his children, when his children aren't even going to be with him for that weekend. To me that's a huge red flag.


I think I heard somewhere that Duolingo has Klingon? (From Star Trek, btw.) I wouldn't be surprised they had a language from a show as popular as GoT.
Also, I really enjoyed Olivia and Kyle in this one, especially their discussions/reactions; I think it would be great to sit and chat with them for a while. Thanks, y'all. 😁👍🏻


I hope you both like working together because you combine great charisma! The guy freaking out about his wife drinking is totally the asshole as all he’s doing is projecting his own problems onto others. You don’t treat your loved ones that way.


For the game of thrones I understand the theme it’s cute not bad but having all your guests learn the language for a one time event is stupid


UGH my favorite duo, I love you guys 🤍


On the drinking on yes his handled like the asshole, I have been sober for 23 years ( never have done drugs ) I have dated girls that drinks and smokes green, I never had a problem with them doing it, even my current gf, but as long as they are in a safe place to drink or smoke I give 0 cares just because you don't drink anymore that's not what she wants, as far as an alcoholic families go I cam from one that from my grandparents down everybody in my family drinks


Once tried to cut my own bangs.... let's just say not the best results.

I've got the family pictures to prove it.


Kyle is way too level-headed. Not sure if I trust that. Have to keep watching.


I enjoyed the video but I think the background music is too loud. It's not a big deal tho, I love watching you guys regardless! ❤️
