Best of r/AITA 2023 - Reddit Stories

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Best of r/AITA 2023 - Reddit Stories

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Sticker Collection. Not only a Stepson problem but a big Husband problem. This would be a hill to die on for me.


Fun date night idea for new couples: sit down together and watch this video to see if your opinions on all the stories match 😂


On the sticker collection story, the step brother needs to learn there's a consequence to his actions. Also, people can say no to borrowing items. AND, if he's 16 he should already know emotionally or physically hurting those with disabilities is especially heinous.


I don't get atheists being mad at someone saying "god bless you". I'm myself an atheist, but when my mom was being treated for her cancer, a friend told me she would pray for her. That was very sweet, because it was her way to tell me she cared and hoped my mother would be okay.


The baffling thing about some of these AITA story is not that one person or the other is being TA, but when a friend or relative actually agrees with the person being TA. It kinda makes you wonder what planet they're posting from.


"don't treat me like a predator" while definitely acting like a creep. If he wasn't doing anything nefarious then he wouldn't have noticed her being done quick and just assumed she was done. He noticed and made a big deal. "how dare you stop being close to me so I can get a cheap show"


Marrying for love is stupid when its one sided. This one clearly isn't. He even bragged about his wife staying with him through hard times. They basically grew up together and built each other up. How is that stupid? Does OP think she can just jump from men to men when the going gets tough?

I hope OP learns the hard way how Chrissy is the lucky one and she is the stupid one. I hope the best for Chrissy and her husband.


The story of Chrissy marrying for love. Her friends are a bunch of shallow gold diggers. What a bunch of greedy, grasping people! Chrissy should dump the lot of them out of her life. If not, for the rest of her life she'll be putting up with them judging her for the cost of e everything she buys. I wouldn't want anything to do with people so shallow and materialistic.


I JUST got off a machine at the gym due to getting surrounded on all sides by people. If someone were to take offense I'd tell them exactly the truth. I don't feel comfortable working out shoulder to shoulder with others. Especially strangers. People (me!) have issues! Trauma! Maybe they're shy, maybe self conscious. I do not owe anyone an explanation and my comfort is my responsibility.


The story about the bank account info has an update on Reddit…he lied about why he even wanted the money, turns out it wasn’t for the kids at all, he wanted to the money to repair his friend’s car


As an aspie (Asperger's syndrome), I feel like these AITA post readings are not just entertainment, but truly beneficial for me. While I consider myself fairly well socially adjusted, AITA readings have definitely helped me gained a better understanding of how to approach more nuanced social situations. With this in mind, I find it frustrating whenever a reader reads an AITA post and then immediately starts on the next story without including any commentary on the previous post. It could be their own, or even just a few of the top comments, but nothing!? I almost feel personally attacked by the omission!


Story 4: "I'm not calling you primitive, just everybody from your country and huge portion of the world".
I'm from a country where having to bathe with a bucket or being able to only shower is basically a class division and any rich or middle class person who has to bathe with a bucket for the first time and keeps complaining to their poor working class SO or friends would mostly likely be roasted for the rest of the trip.


Who expects presents for themselves when it’s their CHILD’S BIRTHDAY?! That’s the craziest thing ive heard all day


5:28 The son destroyed something that the daughter loved, something extremely important to her, so OP took away something the son loved. It’s a fair exchange. Heck, she even gave him an opportunity to earn that thing back, which is way more merciful than dumping it in gas and burning it. This kid needs to learn that no means no, especially when it comes to women.


To the bride that wanted to change the color of the SIL, when you want to be unique you go and change yourself, not you go and try to change everybody around you, lady. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


That kid who burned his sisters stickers is DEFINITELY old enough to know better. He is 16. When I was 16 I was mature enough to not do shit like that


Love these long videos. Just more convenient for me.
( edit ) the story where the OP says marrying for love is stupid, she’s gonna end up alone at the very end because what is marriage without love? Ignorance is bliss.


Story 1: NTA, in this day and age, everyone should be aware and cautious of behaviors that seem off. You can't be too careful.


2:18:00 OP is definitely the AH. He slept with a subordinate, got her pregnant, and now wants to fire her for being pregnant with his kid. Where you got NTA from I have no idea. He's taken advantage of his position over her every step of the way. He's the one that should have been fired long ago.


Im sure the mother who died in childbirth would be heartbroken and angry to know how the family has treated her child that she never got a chance to meet. Absolutely disgusting.
