How to Change Your Life in Six Months

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▸ The Chillpreneur Podcast (iTunes, Spotify)
▸ Instagram: @erinmayhenry | @chillpreneurcompany

Erin May Henry is an entrepreneur, YouTube content creator, and founder of The Chillpreneur Company.

*This video is not sponsored*
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nvm me, just some notes 😋✨

1. be clear about what you want. find your WHY. (why do you want to achieve the things you want?)
2. reverse engineer a strategy. have clear action steps.
3. work on your worth. build a good relationship with yourself.
4. have a day where you set yourself up for success. Start booking things in and do the action. (ex: find a gym, schedule action plans, etc.)
5. Weekly check-ins. How did you do this week? How can you do better next week?
6. Connect with your vision everyday. Could be vision boards, visualization, etc.


"Six months of hard work and dedication can set you SIX YEARS ahead in life!"
If you're unhappy with the progress you've made this year, keep pushing Queen! We can still end 2021 with a bang! ✨


I don’t know how I found this video but it was the right time in my life to watch it. I started to tear up because it was what I needed to hear that I didn’t know I needed. Thank you. I love your content. I love your attitude. I admire you already.


We should be careful on money usage, if you are not spending to earn back then stop spending.


This is so inspiring thanks for sharing your story. I started my path to reinventing myself a year ago, I'm now living healthier, confident, stronger, making 6 figures, having leisure to enjoy family &friends. I feel happier and living my life for myself. This is to encourage someone "you can start anytime to have a reset it's worth it! I'm striving to continue growing cus it's a journey❤


I love when you said stop living an okay life and live an extraordinary life.


Needing permission is one of the biggest dream killers. Especially when you want to do things that are different from what everyone around you is used to. I would say not only do you not need permission but you should forge ahead EVEN when friends, family, random guy on the bus say "don`t".


“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”
Loved the video Erin 🤍 sharing some love from small YouTuber


I’m turning 26 at the end of July. And I’m freaking out, my 7 year long relationship is falling apart too, I graduated university during a pandemic, and I’ve been working multiple shitty jobs every day of the week. I just got a solid full-time job and I want to move out from living with my boyfriend and move back to my home city. I want to learn to invest the small inheritance I’ll be getting soon, I want to get a talent agent, I want to write a book, I want to finish my guided journal for depressive episodes, I want to start a YouTube channel. There’s so much to do and I’m definitely going through a huge quarter life crises. I never thought I’d be this old. I underestimated how harsh the patriarchy is on women for literally just being fully grown human beings instead of sexualized teenagers!


Just found this over a year later as I"m sick in bed and just watching this type of content as I"m having a lot of time to think about what I want the next 5 years to look like, after what I feel has been almost 3 years of wasted time. I'm 54 and feel like I've hardly begun.


This video made me realize I already am at where I wanted to be all these years ago. My life is where I would never dreamed it could be when I was in my twenties. My 40's are my time, clearly.❣


My why is I need to get a life! Empty nest is looming, 4 children have been my life for 25 years. (Honestly they always will be to some extent ❤️) Now it’s just me and the future and I know what I want so time to go get it!


I really wanted to change my self, to become a better version of myself. However, I have no friends or family who are as equally passionate about it as I am so I am really glad I found this channel and video. Having a community that you can relate to and who can understand you is very helpful when you want to improve your life. They motivate, inspire, and keep you accountable. Thank you so much for the video


THIS was the video I needed to see today, been dragging through life as a nurse hating the choices I made up to this point. Feeling stuck and too old to go back to school to pursue my passions. We only have this life why do I feel like I need to stay stuck. This gave me a push to try to create the life I want to be living. <3 cant thank you enough.


My goal: to become the best version of myself; the version that matches the life I deserve


Remember that
Ignore what everyone else is doing. Your life is not about everyone else; it’s about you. Instead of focusing on their path, pay attention to your own. That’s where your journey is taking place.


This is so timely and you clearly showed up on my timeline for a reason. As an entrepreneur the journey hasn't always been easy, so I assumed I must be doing things wrong. But my biggest takeaway from today is giving myself permission and the appropriate time to transition and experiment with my business - mindset and action. Thank you 😊


Life Goals: Sponsoring your own video by your own business✨


I love when she said this video is sponsored by her own business <3 so inspired <3


1.) How many goals/aspects of your life should you focus on per six months?
2.) She mentioned that she was talking to the ladies here but I actually felt that this video was really relevant to myself and I really connected with what she said and appreciate this video
3.) she was talking so fast I was getting anxiety and had to put it on .75 😳
