Here are some signs that you can follow to know if you’ve made a true friend

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Throughout the course of our lives, we meet so many people that we end up establishing relationships with all kinds of people. We have several virtual friends, we talk to people through chat rooms and different apps, and we’re always connected to a person or group of people.

But is that what it means to have a real friend?

Knowing tons of people is fun, but it's not the same as having a real friend who we can share our secrets, afflictions, victories, and joys with.

Unfortunately, we can't talk about our personal lives with everyone because people aren't always trustworthy.

Due to this, we need to learn how to tell if we were lucky enough to find a true friendship:

A true friend will give you advice
Everyone shares their tips with the people in their lives, but a real friend will be honest and sincere in his advice. That may also mean that they point out your errors and flaws. If you have managed to find a true friend, you now have someone who will always tell you the truth, even when it means that they have to criticize you. They want to help you improve as a person without feeling guilty or making you angry. Their constructive criticism, even if you don't see it the same way as they do, can help you tell your true friends from the people who only want to manipulate you.

A true friend trusts you
You aren't the only one who'll bare their heart. they will too. So, it's important that you return that act of friendship and give them your undivided attention, sincerity, and love. Your friend wants to hear your honest opinion, just like you would if you were in their situation. Keeping someones secrets is a great honor, but also a great responsibility.

A true friend reaches a certain level of intimacy with you
You normally spend more time with the people that you consider to be your true friends, so it's normal that you reach a certain level of intimacy. It could be something silly like admitting that you forgot to brush your teeth after lunch cause you forgot your toothbrush, or something more serious like doubts you might have about your health. If you’ve made a true friend, you won't think twice about sharing these kinds of things.

A true friend helps you through hard times
How many of us have gone through tough moments without any kind of support? Anyone who is lucky enough to have found a true friend knows how important it is to have someone to talk to when your life gets hard. It could be something as simple as having a conversation, or something a little bit more important, like going with you on your doctor's visit, but a true friend will always be ready to give you the support you need.

A true friend forgives
Fights are common in all types of relationships, but a true friendship always survives these difficulties since it’s based on mutual trust and respect.

Did you enjoy these tips? Can you use what you read to tell who your true friends are? Tell us about your experiences in the comment section below.
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