Top Signs of Perimenopause That You May Be Overlooking

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Are you experiencing breast pain, dizziness, or brain fog? Don't just drop them like it's hot (flashes)! These are some of the many signs women in midlife often dismiss when they are in the perimenopausal stage. If you are experiencing any of these other symptoms, take our perimenopause quiz using the link below.


Menopause And Gut Health: What’s The Connection?

Changes in Body Composition Associated With Menopause

How to Approach Your Healthcare Provider About Hormone Therapy:

Top 4 Tips for Finding Top-Notch Menopause Care:

Menopause and Memory Health:


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Uncommon Signs and Symptoms of Menopause:

6 Tips to Fight Menopausal Belly Fat That Really Work:

Contemplating Hormone Replacement Therapy? Here's a link to all of our HRT blogs:

Medical Disclaimer: The information provided does not substitute for professional medical advice. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained on or available through this site is for educational and informational purposes only. Please consult a medical professional or health care provider if users seek medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

- About Dr. Mary Claire Haver and The Galveston Diet -
Dr. Mary Claire Haver is a passionate women’s health advocate who believes women in midlife deserve to live their best life. She cuts through fat-shaming and fads, so women are empowered with the science behind anti-inflammation nutrition.

Dr. Mary Claire Haver is a wife, mom, physician, and entrepreneur who has devoted her adult life to women’s health. As a Board-Certified OBGYN in the Houston area, Dr. Haver has delivered thousands of babies, completed thousands of well-woman exams, counseled patients, taught residents, and did everything an academic professor and OBGYN could do.

As her patient population aged, Dr. Haver was overwhelmed with the number of complaints and concerns her patients had with weight gain while going through menopause. For years, she told her patients to eat less and exercise more. It wasn't until she experienced the changes of menopause and mid-life weight gain that she realized this advice doesn't work and ultimately led to her creating and developing a new program, The Galveston Diet.

The Galveston Diet is the first and only nutrition program created by a Female OBGYN, designed for women in menopause. The Galveston Diet helps women reach their health and wellness goals through an anti-inflammatory approach to nutrition. Dr. Haver believes in food's power to combat inflammation and highly recommends the unlimited benefits of intermittent fasting. As part of her ongoing research, she became certified in Culinary Medicine in 2019, specializing in medical nutrition.
Рекомендации по теме

I totally thought I was dying when all and I mean ALL this started ...only ever heard about hot flashes and mood swings. No one really talks about it, so thanks for being a voice and addressing this major life change.


Just turned 40 in January and experiencing SO MANY of these. The anxiety and insomnia are the worst!


I’ve been playing “ Is this cancer or menopause” for months now lol


I thought I was losing it…some of these symptoms were only in my head. Now I just feel…validated. Thank you.


And I'm over here thinking, am I dying? Do I have some sort of disease? WTF is going on? Watched this and thought, "Oh. It's menopause??!? Why didn't my mom warn me?"


Omg I am going thru all this i feel like I am going crazy sometimes..God help me😢😢😢


This video is literally seconds and have help me out so much, thank you, I’m experiencing everyone of these symptoms especially dizziness and I’m about to lose my mind, I really hope my doctor can at least give me something for the dizziness. Blessings Queen, this video is life saving.


I've been experiencing unexplained heart palpitations, and I literally feel like I'm going to have a heart attack 😢


I use Sea buckthorn oil, it helps with the dry eyes and dry lady parts. It's an Omega 7. Ask your Dr first of course, but it helped me knock two off the list.


My symptoms have been off the rails for the last year. I’ve always had anxiety(take stuff for it) - but if I’m starting my period, I’m having daily panic attacks. I wake up fine, and something will happen. I just want to stop feeling like a monster.


I'm 38 and swear I'm going through it right now. All of them I have checked off.


I thought my wife was kidding about this stuff.
Is it this real with this?
Like OMG.
How can one person's body take all of this at one time?
It's almost like having bipolar.
What meds can you possibly take to fix all of this except of the Name of Jesus.
I feel so sorry for her that she has to experience this and as a husband, I don't understand what she could be possibly be going through.
This is a lot. Especially when you add in kids and a husband. Kids want your attention. Husband wants your attention. You work a job. The house. Where do you have time for you. I can imagine you just want to scream.


Looking back my symptoms started some
Of them and not that bad, since 35-36. Then before i turned 43 since February of this year a wave if horrible horrible symptoms hit me limea tsunami! Literally i thought i was dying, went to tbe emergency room couple times with no help. Then some other doctors visits all normal labs.... 😢 The medical system is completely broken and the doctors.are ignorant about women's health!!!! So thanks to my mom that talked to me and calmed me down that no im not dying juct going through perimenopause! Hang in there ladies it will pass !


I wish I had known about all the things on that list. Also, I had a hysterectomy and my dr took my ovaries!!! I’m not sure that he needed to - but it completely screwed up my body. Don’t let your dr take your ovaries unless there’s a darned good reason!!


Panic attack and palpitations I turned 40 in October I’ve been in the ER 4 months straight thought I was dying


And scalp issues! I now have seborrheic dermatitis. It’s so annoying and phantom smells. I smell cigarette smoke all the time!! 😢


Is there anyone here experiencing a lot of pain?😢


Oh my God! My Mother is facing all these and Sometimes she loss all motivation and hopes, Mostly She feels Uneasiness with it she faints and My Heart aches to see her fighting with these shitty problems😔Thanku Doctor for awaring us with these signs🙏I explained this to my Mom that it's Normal process, Not to lose patience and Motivation Just engage in mind distracting activities...


Literally the same symptoms as insulin resistance... depression... food allergies...


Oh my God! Girl, you have no idea how much this video means to me right now. All of my doctors are younger than me and I swear to God they have no idea what’s going on with me. I went to the ER today thinking I was having a heart attack and I called an ambulance last week. Everything is perfect. They say everything looks great but I’m 44 going to be 45 very soon everything is not great and I am having all these symptoms thank you thank you thank you.
