Elena Ferrante in Translation

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What are we missing when we read a work in translation? Ann Goldstein is the only literary translator who has been entrusted with bringing the words of Ms. Ferrante's Neapolitan novels to English readers.
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She did an excellent translation job. I am Chinese and I read the English version of Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay, because Chinese edition of the third book is still to be released. I enjoyed every minute of reading.


Shout-out to translators, those unsung heroes! :)


She’s who comes up when I look up the author


Some of my favourite novels! Loved them sooo much.


Speaking of physical descriptions: In book 3, Ferrante describes Lila's facial wrinkles (from her lifelong habit of "narrowing her eyes, " which she does about a thousand times in the novels). In Book 4, she mentions Lila's "broad forehead." So I was just looking at Ms. Goldstein talking and suddenly the thought flashed——Ecco Lila!


I have read the 3 Books of Elena in every Word goes to my hart and mind.

For me ....the nepal IF I cant hear bring me the feeling she will gave,
So I can easily feel the feeling between Nepal and the Italien.
I can feel where I am.
In her childhood where she was groing where she wanted to be.
She' s amazing! And I cant wait for the number 4 of her books.
Thank You Elena....for bringing me my life back❤❤❤


I love when she specifies that characters switch between Italian and dialect as a way of vindicating her background, heritage, cultural roots.


I read it in English and Italian. It is a different world in Italian, there are verbs that are untranslatable. The best are the audiobooks by Anna Bonaiuto,


What a beautiful and intelligent woman!


Credo che questa sia la prima storia "epica" dell'Italia repubblicana, dal dopoguerra fin quasi ad oggi. Vissuta attraverso due eroiche protagoniste. E dove si rappresentano tutte le contraddizioni, i mali, assieme ad attese e speranze in una lotta continua che attraversa anche lo stesso rapporto tra Lia ed Elena che è qualcosa di diverso da una mera 'amicizia' quanto, piuttosto, un rapporto simbiotico. Forse mi sbaglio, ma mi appare tutto così e, come ogni racconto epico, esprime concetti e valori universali.

I believe this is the first "epic" story of republican Italy, from the post-war period until today. Lived through two heroic protagonists. And where all the contradictions, the evils are represented, together with expectations and hopes in a continuous struggle that also crosses the same relationship between Lia and Elena which is something different from a mere 'friendship' as, rather, a symbiotic relationship. Maybe I'm wrong, but it all seems so and, like any epic story, it expresses universal concepts and values.


Какая милая бабушка!!!Очень приятно смотреть на неё. Очень красивая


The Czech translator has said that the English translation is simplified compared to original, making it more easier to understand especially for the American readers. Is it true, can someone verify this?


Elena Ferrante is the subject and expression of the Neapolitan nation. Only the outline is Italian. success is due only to that land and if it becomes universal, it is only thanks to the Neapolitan genius. A country like Italy from the Italian unity has always proved hostile towards the Neapolitan people. A unit of the country never wanted by the Neapolitans that was imposed with weapons and bayonets. We claim the role today of being a great capital, today relegated to the provincial capital abandoned to its destiny despised by an Italian rogue state.


Question. How would a German know Neapolitan dialect? Therefore Elena/Anita Ferrante/Raja couldn't write it these quartet of novels which are so obviously not written by an Italian.
