AVOID MOVING TO IOWA - Unless you can handle these 7 things

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You should avoid moving to Iowa unless you can handle these 7 things. If you are even considering a move to Iowa then you must stop and watch this video so that you understand what you are getting into. This is the Best Video talking about what you can expect when moving to Iowa.

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People are nice in the south because they are taught to be respectful. People are nice in iowa because they are actually happy. It does make a difference.


Hubby and I are moving to Iowa next year from MN. We have lived in MN 50 years. Three reasons we are getting out of MN; Iowa does not tax social security or income drawn from a 401K, IRA, Pension, SEP or SAR SEP. Next, beginning Jan 1, 2026, Iowa is getting rid of their tiered income tax system and going to a 3.9% flat tax. Finally, they have increased the amount of homestead tax credit for Seniors. I can't wait!!


There is one thing you left out. You didn’t say anything about the livestock industry. There are some who don’t know how to cope with the different smells. If you have not been raised around livestock it can be offensive to some.


Just moved to Iowa four weeks ago....and yes, the people are nice!


I grew up in downtown Los Angeles. If you look at someone for more than a few seconds, its confrontational. It would be quite a change to get used to friendliness.


I miss Iowa. I was born in Iowa City but joined the Air Force when I graduated. I have lived all over the world but still still have a loved for Iowa.


I just moved 10 years ago and I love it


Moved here last January from Northern Nevada. Our first night it was -17
LOVE IT here!


I’m from Utah and we’re going to move to Iowa! I am excited it seems very similar to Utah, the four seasons and how nice people are


Was born and raised in Iowa and everything this guy says is true, mostly ! It can get hot and humid but it wasn't that bad. I live in Corpus Christi now and it gets very hot and humid for months. There is a very distinct change of seasons which I miss. I was lucky because I don't struggle with allergies. The people are some of the best and friendly anywhere. The winters are long. I would say from about a week before Thanksgiving and running all the way to often Easter. Not always u s 40 below but cold. Ultimately it was the long winters that drove me to South Texas ! Very different than good old Iowa !


I was in Iowa in 2019 for some professional research. I want to come back for a longer look; I really liked what I saw. But while I was walking uphill on a sidewalk in Ottumwa carrying a heavy-looking bag, a man driving his truck pulled over and offered me a ride. I figured he was being genuinely helpful, what with this being Iowa, but in the rest of the world when a stranger offers you a ride, you _never_ accept. I politely said no thanks. So, was just man just being Iowa Nice, or was I smart to play it safe there too, just as I would have been everywhere else?


Been in Iowa 58 years now, and you got most things covered. I would like to mention 2 things. One is the pork industry. We got more pigs than people. Second is the State fair. We have the highest percentage of people per population. One in three people State wide will attend.


This video is kind to my home state where I lived for 80 years. A few points I would quibble with are : the -40 degrees in the winter was extremely rare and the 100+ temperatures likewise. The loess hills consist of wind blown soil called loess. They weren’t formed by glacial action thus you won’t find rocks there. True, it is unique. Nice job on the state universities. Mine was UNI (ISTC when I graduated there). A thumbs up for your piece. Is that being “ Iowa nice?


I moved to Iowa from Oregon. I'm glad I did.


I live in Iowa and I get kinda sad that there are soooo many videos saying not to move here I’ve been here my whole life it’s a nice place


I am in San Diego CA, recently doing research to move out. The way you present is what make the info unique. Thanks


Items that were not mentioned about living in southeast Iowa. In the spring time mud is not your friend, county roads are rock roads with lots of sinking mud in areas that have not been rocked. In the summer the humidity is unbearable, it’ll be 110° degrees with 110% humidity, most certainly inhabitable unless you have air conditioning. Hogs … buyer beware if there’s a hog barn near the property. The stench is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. I lived in Iowa for 11 years and hands-down fall is the only time of the year to be happy that you live in Iowa! The best thing about Iowa is the sweetcorn there’s nothing better😉. Look before you leap, do your research folks it’s not for everyone.


Thanks for nice video. Very informative. Best wishes from Serbia/Europe.


Speaking of the Boone ledges. The best time to go is during the fall it's beautiful then


May be relocating to Iowa. Coming from Allentown PA, the quiet and slowed down pace is super appealing to raise my family in.
