Comic Theory: Would Superman Be Stronger With Darker Skin?

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Superman from DC Comics gets his powers from the sun, but wouldn't he absorb more energy if he had darker skin?

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Taylor Adams, David Gomez, Bonnie Davies, Ashley Donson, Yehoshua Flores, Billy Lewis, Sebastian Walker, Dylan Blass-Svedik, Caelum, Ethan Dannen, Josh Gallagher, Sondre Hille-Krumsvik, Donovan Laurain, Oscar Lepe, Zach Perkins, James Porter, Andrew Shaffer, James Shaner, Kendall Trampe

#Superman #ComicTheory #DCComics
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a morgan freeman kryptonian, kicking your ass while narrating it beautifully.


Drake you playing a dangerous game here today and I respect that. Like


"Kryptonians are aliens, and fictional ones at that"

Drake has been to area 51 and knows aliens are real


Hmm came in here expecting to see racist comments, don't see any yet... I'm impressed lol.


I'm impressed that there are more comments expecting racism, than racist comments.


I've been reading on this topic for the past 2 days and your video just come up. Since Dark skin and dark colors absorb up to 40% more sunlight than light skin I came to a consensus. Kryptonian get empowered not just by sunlight but by the energy output of a G-type star (so called yellow sun) and above. Even by fictional standards it doesn't make any sense for them to get that amount of energy simply by sunlight, so they absorb energy (radiation) in more than one way, store and amplify it even on Krypton. On an evolutionary standpoint, to survive, Krypton's lifeforms would have evolved to absorb as much energy as possible from their sun and likely other sources like Sunstones, living crystals etc.. So most lifeforms on the planet would be of darker skin ton and light skin would be rare.

Their skin is one of the many organs from which they absorb radiation, and sunlight is what trigger their bio-superconductive and energy amplification ability to absorb, store and amplify radiation energy. So under a G-type star, dark-skinned Kryptonians would have the same powers but on a higher scale than light-skinned Kryptonians, they would recharge faster, have larger reserves and a hotter heat vision that would probably be bluish white. To make up for the lower absorption & trigger response of their skin, light-skinned Kryptonians would likely draw energy more effectively from their surrounding and their body would use the energy more efficiently so that it last longer.


Didn't know there were black kryptonians wow very interesting learned something new


Yes his natural melanin would make him a bit stronger. Melanin absorbs the sun rays more efficiently.


and then you have Supermen with powers that can cancel each other out like Vampire Superman.


Lol I’m black and the title brought me here. I needed to know the answer 😂😂🤷🏾‍♂️


Black superman would be stronger due to the dark pigment absorbing more energy.


This actually makes sense dark colors absorb more heat.
Also I'd wager his skin acts as a filter, letting some through but not too much. which would explain why turning his skin clear would have such a detrimental effect on him, that filter has been removed allowing it all in at once.


I have to know how did dark-skinned Kryptonians ever got to exist, as living under a red sun it'll mean that Kryptonians live in a low UV-light environment (note: should Kryptonians be albino? Maybe an albino Superman would be the strongest since he'll be like the transparent skin one)

If Superman is this powerful with just absorbing light with his head and hands, imagine what'll be if he exposed more skin (besides increasing the sales of those comics of course).

I do believe that it is the UV that charges him, since he's be known to lose his powers under infrared lights (remember Red Son?), but my question is why did he immediately lost his powers under the infrared lights if he has enough energy at night?


No. Sunlight simply doesn't have the energy density for Superman to do what he does in the first place. Here's my theory on his biology.

The Biology of Superman

Based on books and movies on the character know as Superman, I have come up with a theory of how his and those of his race, the Kryptonians came to possess the powers and abilities we are familiar with. The Kryptonians are said to have been a highly advanced civilization, far advanced of humanity. I believe this is a clue to Kryptonian physiology. The planet Krypton orbits a red giant star nearing its death. I believe that Kryptonians had reached the limit of their evolution and were on the verge of evolving into space-based organisms. The final trigger to their new state of being was not available in sufficient amounts to allow evolutionary transition. The trigger is neutrinos, the sub-atomic particles emitted by the fusion reactions in the core of stars. Kryptonians were able to absorb and metabolize neutrinos in the same way humans produce vitamin D from sunlight. It was the Kryptonian scientist Jor-El who first made the discovery, but had also discovered that his planet was about to explode, destroying his people before they could evolve to escape their fate. A young, yellow star produces sufficient strong fusion reactions to produce the levels of neutrinos to trigger the physiological change.

The choice was clear; Jor-El would send his only son to this world not only to test his theory, preserve his family blood line, but also to become a beacon to any off-world Kryptonians that may have survived. I believe it was Jor-El’s intent that Kal-El (Superman) never become a superhero at all, but simply be accepted by the populous long enough that Kal-El could retreat from humanity and perform his duties of searching for surviving Kryptonians from his “solitary” outpost near the north pole. Infants of the evolved Kryptonian species require little immediate protection from open space and begin metabolizing neutrinos immediately to create invulnerability to radiation, near absolute zero temperatures, and the vacuum of space itself. With the invulnerability comes heightened strength, both of which are proportionate to the development of the child. The ability to control the inertia of incoming neutrinos for controlled flight is a tremendous expenditure of energy and as such, in Kryptonians comes only during the change to adulthood. This fact can be seen in Kryptonians who are evolved as adults, who are immediately able to fly. Once evolved, Kryptonians will continue to metabolize neutrinos indefinitely. Like fat cells in the human body, evolved Kryptonians are able to store excess energy for times when there are little or no neutrinos to absorb. Their energy stores are limited and depending on the amount exertion, can be depleted within a short amount of time. Operating at peak output for days or weeks can out-tax a Kryptonians absorption rate. Even though neutrinos are so small, they pass through solid matter, Superman is able to better absorb them outside of the Earth’s atmosphere. This is why he is often observed loitering in orbit after strenuous exertion.

Evolved Kryptonian senses are able to perceive the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Visually, they are capable of selectively perceiving any wavelength they choose. In the case of Superman, he can see the ambient x-rays from the sun allowing him to see through any object except those capable of deflecting x-rays such as lead. With concentration, Superman is able to sense the atmospheric vibrations associated with sound even over great distances or even in space. This ability allows evolved Kryptonians to trace gases associated with stars and nebulas over vast distances. Internally, evolved Kryptonians organs operate at extreme temperatures, but their surface temperatures rarely vary above or below normal human body temperature. Excess heat is emitted in the form of infrared and microwave radiation from microscopic glands that ring the iris of each eye ball. Heat management is also achieve by inhaling ambient gasses, condensing it and using it as a form of refrigerant. If not needed, a Kryptonian can simply exhale the super cooled gas as we have seen with Superman’s cold breath.

Superman, because of his 30+ year’s head start on any other Kryptonian, will always be more powerful than any newer evolved Kryptonian. It will only be when other Kryptonians bear children under a yellow star and those children mature to adulthood will more generations of Superman-level Kryptonians exist.


Lol this sounds like it's going to be a good one


I always need to take step back seeing Super Obama


There's more comments complaining about possible race comments than there are actual race comments. Come on guys, stop hitting yourself


black superman looks way cooler than white superman. and this is my first time seeing a picture of him.


I see a substantial amount of comments expecting other people to be racist & yet I didn't see a single racist comment. Almost like they're looking/hoping for trouble.

Good watch Drake. Looking forward to more "huh, never thought about that" - kind of theories from ya.


this is gonna be a clusterfuck of a comment section
