Jordan Peterson: Emotional Intelligence Does Not Exist

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In this video Jordan Peterson explains why he thinks that emotional intelligence does not exist and that it's just a made up word by a journalist.

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2. Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life:
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Emotional intelligence is recognizing and managing emotions, NOT being agreeable.


We haven't even defined what a healthy emotional state is let alone how to measure it.


I can understand what he’s saying, though I think the idea of emotional intelligence is more towards being able to recognize the other person’s feelings as well as recognizing your own feelings and managing them. Yes it’s a form of agreeableness (which isn’t so hot in the workplace) but it’s a type of useful agreeableness that can be tremendously beneficial in its proper time and place (relationships such as family, friendships, boss-employee (when appropriate), lovers, etc). Both disagreeable and agreeable are necessary and can both be used by a person when necessary: disagreeable when standing against threats and holding your ground, agreeable when a situation calls for compassion and grace. Both are necessary to be a strong person as well as a connected person.


I first found out about the word “EQ” from taking a Myers Briggs Test (yes I know what you all are going to say, the MBTI is nothing more than pseudo psychology, and nothing more. It’s like what Astrological signs are to Astrology, I get it. But a few years back, I hadn’t a clue about that. I ended up getting the personality type of INFP. It said “some” INFP’s had high EQ (or emotional intelligence) I started looking up stuff about the Myers Briggs and people brought up that if you get the INFP type you are automatically intellectually handicap and that Emotional Intelligence is either fake or useless. What made me completely drop the MBTI stuff were these peoples statements. They bundled up people and essentially acted as if you were one personally type (a feeler type) you were automatically stupid and if you were a thinking type (like an INTP or INTJ) you are an automatic genius with an 160 IQ or above, which seemed absolutely preposterous and honestly lacked logic or critical thinking within itself.


It is interesting that commenters accusing EQ of overcomplicating the notion of empathy do not accuse IQ of overcomplicating the notion of reasoning.


Emotional intelligence is a misnomer. Intelligence is based on logic. Being socially savvy or understanding others has nothing to do with logic. It's about feelings and not based on objectivity.

It's like saying "taste intelligence" to describe food tastes. No logic involved


Someone with emotional intelligence is usually a good judge of character, it helps to be a generally empathetic and emotional person. But it's just being able to tell apart someone with good intent vs someone with bad intent when inferred at that moment.

Say you are approached by someone on the street and they are being polite. A person with EQ could usually tell if the person is about to try and sell them something based on their mannerisms, choice of words, or what topic they are trying to segue into in order to increase the chances of getting you interested.
They can usually tell when you are being disingenuous right away.

It's really not that hard to understand. You are just good at understanding people's emotions.


I don't think, this is true. High EQ is not agreeableness. If you have a high EQ, you know if somebody lies at you, you are skilled at reading emotions, you know what the other person is looking for. Having a high EQ is the opposite of autism. A high EQ also gives you the ability to manipulate others, because you know what to say and what to do, to make them following you.

A high EQ is a great gift in business, expacially for manager or lawers and a low EQ is a big burden in business.

Because if your EQ is low, other people can lie at you or manipulate you and you can't recognize and stopp it.

This is the problem with autistic people. They have a low EQ but their IQ can be high.


There's no “trait of empathy”. You have to understand that all life questions are categorized only in five ways, cross culturally. And the “trait of empathy” is the closest to trait agreeableness. While I can say words like confidence, emotional, assertive, loving, kindness, happiness, paranoid, self-esteem etc., they're not academic words & can be put into any of the five categories of the Big Five.


Glad to have found this, trying to help my partner understand some of her university literature and some of these terms like emotional intelligence sound absurd to me, like they're trying to unnecessarily overcomplicate simple concepts.


According to wikipedia, the term was developed by two psychologists and not by a journalists


He said “I don't know what emotional intelligence is” more than 10 times!
If you don't know what that is either do a simple search to find out, or just shut up!
You don't need to talk about something that you don't know what is.
In fact, emotional intelligence has a very clear and specific definition, and has proven to be extremely important.


Emotional intelligence is self aware and self regulating Lack of social intelligence is thinking you are empathetic when you really don't have the power to read some ones mind. An emotionally intelligent person knows this .


In my experience, its the callous/no-empathy narcissists and psychopaths that brag about their alledgedly high "emotional intelligence" because they don't react emotionally like more normal people do.


What Jordan Peterson is feeling is that people have been fooled by thinking that one with the definition of High or low EQ, can coexist with a high IQ together.

Because some advices. That are made by the EQ experts to make one improve EQ is in fact limiting ones self to improve IQ. Such as saying you shouldn't overthink. Or you should control your emotions better, and not show yourself to be argumentative. so if you don't follow that what's been told it's a sign you have a low EQ, but what is overthinking? And controlling your emotions is also subjective based to the society. Its all subjective. It finally just makes you have no choice but to be submissive conform how most people should be doing on emotions, but that bottles up your emotions as a high IQ person with so much knowledge to feel about.
Such set goals to improve EQ is stifling people to deviate from social norms and it makes IQ can't perceived look high to others.

Ofc you can name it EQ, but it's definition is misleading next to IQ.

So thats why EQ and IQ is a terrible concept. And there is no way you can make EQ and IQ both high.

People will just confirm you having high IQ and low EQ to belittle your well thought critical thinking about this theory of IQ and EQ by the fact you were argumentative.


He mentioned the journalist. This journalist who supposedly made up this term "emotional intelligence", whats his name?


Emotional intelligence is when you are able to be agreeable and disagreeable and you are flexible about that in different situations, whatever is in your best interest on the first place. How is that man can have a phd in psychology. Jesus.


Emotional Intelligence Translate into action is when you performaning communication with someone you are so intelligencely can sense your openen emotional changes while talking and you are changing to suits your openen emotional requirement to make the conversation goes smoothly and this create a win win situation.


Emotional intelligence is a participations trophy for those who did not meet the IQ standard.


Emotional intelligence doesn't sound logical. It sounds like two unrelated words poorly grafted together.
