Roger Penrose | The Next Universe and Before the Big Bang | Nobel Prize in Physics winner

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What came before the Big Bang? What happens when our universe ends? Eminent theoretical physicist, Hawking collaborator and 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics winner, Roger Penrose, has a radical theory which proposes that another universe will follow our own. How could this be? Hear him put forward his case and review the latest evidence.

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Roger Penrose: Roger Penrose is an English mathematical physicist, mathematician and philosopher of science. He is Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics in the University of Oxford and Emeritus Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford. He is author of The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe, a comprehensive guide to the Laws of Physics, as well his own theory on the Penrose Interpretation.

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I was a biochem student at Oxford living with my maths friend in our rooms in the 90's. We were both interested in theories of the universe and I knew about Penrose. He was giving a lecture at the maths department way out of both of our leagues. But we decided to go. I sat in the front row. Roger had to write some text on the chalkboard - saying something like "Riemann sphere". It was illegible. He was struggling to write the simplest words. Then he needed to draw the 4 dimensional projection of an 8 dimensional complex space on a 2D blackboard - it was a work of art. The entire experience blew my mind and I have forever fascinated and studying all his work. I wish I could just drop him an email to say how he changed my life. Amazing, amazing man. He is a hero to me.


Damn. You only get half the Penrose experience without an overhead projector. One of the greatest living minds


This gentleman needs to be listened to..Very clever man and at his age still going strong.I take my hat off to you sir Penrose


this is a hell of a thing to try explaining in a 1/2 hour


Based on Professor Penrose’s conformal cyclic cosmology theory, I would like to suggest a couple of modifications. Specifically, mass turns into radiation through fusion, fission and hawking radiation. As total mass in the universe reduces, space-time expands. After the last proton decays into radiation, only electromagnetic waves are left, and the universe becomes a system of pure energy. At this point, the universe reaches maximum entropy, and with no mass, there is no more space-time. Wavelengths of electromagnetic waves become meaningless as well. Interestingly, at this point, with no space-time, what was supposed to be the state with maximum entropy and volume suddenly also becomes the state of having no volume and the lowest entropy (this is hard to understand per Professor Penrose). This condition is similar to the state described in the 10^-43 second “Planck Epoch”.
At Planck Epoch, the system has a pile of energy and has the minimum entropy. As prescribed by the second law of thermodynamics and the uncertainty principle, the stochastic nature and the need to get out of the state of minimum entropy suggest that some of the energy would suddenly convert into mass on a stochastic basis (remember e=mc^2), and with the emergence of mass, space-time would suddenly re-emerge. The key here is that the expansion process isn’t continuous, as suggested by the inflation process in the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis theory. Instead, it suddenly happens in a blink, and mass is distributed like the distribution of water droplets on a mirror after a splash, some big, some small, unevenly across the newly re-emerged space-time, with some energy not turning into mass and becoming background radiation we observe today. As mass turns into radiation through the fusion and fission processes, the total mass in the universe reduces, space-time expands, and the cycle repeats itself. This hypothesis presents a plausible alternative to the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis theory. The recent discovery of large galaxy systems at 400/500 million years post Big Bang supports this hypothesis. I hope this provides some food for thought and provokes further thinking. Cheers!


Glad they found the biggest 32” tv they could find to help these seniors see his presentation clearly.


Roger's brain is working in a higher realm to most of us


When you have a 74 and 77 year old battling it out and they both lack fundamental knowledge in a lot of things. And they are both running for president.
Then you have Roger Penrose, 89 years old and is one of the most fluent physics speakers, and on of the smartest and ambitious physicist and mathematician in the entire world.


Why have I only just discovered this man!?
His stuff on consciousness is fascinating.


0:42 ""Before I get to that, let me...describe the universe" delightful!


Sir Roger may have just discovered a way to prove the previous universe. If his hypothesis is correct, this is simply HUGE! I'm so thankful, he truly deserves his Knighthood and Nobel Prize. Outstanding man.


What an honor and privilege to listen to this great scientist. He's the only one who really fills me with awe at his intellect and imagination. Wonderful.


what I appreciate about this hypothesis is that it makes predictions about what we should see - just as Einstein's equations do. It's rare though at this level of cosmology which often times borders on philosophy rather than science.


What a mind! Penrose becomes more animated / interesting / sometimes hilarious in lectures rather than sit-down discussions. "but don't worry about that right now..." lol


21:08 when he's talking about black holes and their eventual demise (going pop / exploding), I thought a google years sounded like a scary amount of time. But when he illustrated his point saying : the graph is not to scale and it would be towards the edge of the universe when they go boom, my head exploded too!


Never heard about his guy in my youth but man he's so worth listening to.


Poor Roger was asked to bring the computer monitor on his desk as part of his presentation.


If you increase the volume the temp. And pressure goes down if you decrease the volume or " squish the volume" the temperature and pressure goes up.
That reminds me of the Ideal Gas Law. V1 P1/T1 = V2 P2/T2 . That is an elegant equation.


This humble Nobel laureate scientist calls himself an agnostic, he believes that to ask about the meaning of life is not a stupid question. He doesn't make me depressed.


I really wish that more scientists were like Roger Penrose. Don't misunderstand me, science rocks, quackery doesn't (I made it short). But science could rock even faster and harder.
