TRUE Octoling Hypnotization | Splatoon 3 Theory

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Over the years of Splatoon's lifespan, theres been a prevailing idea that rival Octolings that you play against in the story modes of Splatoon 1, Splatoon 2, and Splatoon 3 are being hypnotized by DJ Octavio with hypnoshades similar to the ones put on Callie of the Squid Sisters. In today's Splatoon theory we're going to find the real root of Octoling hypnotization and mind control and learn why the Calamari Inkantation was so effective.

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I don’t think Octavio is saying the octarian lifestyle is better than the inklings, I think he’s saying that the octarian lifestyle is the inklings fault and that the octolings should fight for and with Octavio to make life better in the domes.


Personal, I believe that Octavio really does have his people’s best interests in mind and just wants them to have a better life (he is their king after all), even if he needs to lie to them about some things (an “the ends justify the means” mentality). Hopefully now that he helped and saw that they really can live in peace, he can tell his people the truth and they can live in peace again like the old days.


Thank you, Octavio isn’t a absolutely evil person. When people believed he hypnotized his own people, it detracted any kind of good he possibly had. When he genuinely wants to help his people, just he goes about it by fighting the inklings, he has so much more story potential.


When you were talking about Marina’s laptop, slightly out of frame is the “Ocwasa” sticker, which I’m pretty sure is DJ Octavio (due to an image w/ Octavio with that lettering, it appears to be mimicking an album cover).
And also if you combine DJ Octavio’s English name (Octavio) and his Japanese name (General DJ Takowasa), a possible combination is “Ocwasa” (OCtavio + takoWASA).


I never knew what the glasses actually did and honestly, their actual use I way better than the whole mind control thing in my opinion. Imagine if they actually worked in regular online turf war matches, aim bot confirmed XD

The propaganda thing also is cooler than just mind control and makes sense with splatoon whole theme of tackling racism.


This game has such good lore and is a great game all together


“you are not immune to propaganda”- Garfield


Octavio isnt a bad leader. He wants the best for his people(even if that means doing some sketchy stuff, like kidnap-) The domes(which could have been built by humanity) are VERY Old, and we know that the octarians need powet to maintain the domes, and they dont have that, so Octavio steals the zapfish, not for the heck of it, but as an act of preserving and saving his people.
Also, a song that can overwrite a hearer's entire life knowledge and completely change their charater? That sounds like hypnotism to me:


i think a great example of octarian propaganda being shown as the reason to the octarian society be as it is, is the animatic Takotsubo Heartbeat. it shows that they are free, but they are blinded with the “us vs them” kind of mindset since they were born. definitely gonna recommend this vid to my fellow cephalopod pals


I personally don't think the Octarians are hypnotised, considering the fact that if hypnotisation is the restriction of freewill then the UI would be useless to them since they wouldn't be able to pay attention to it. Though, it would be interesting if the genre of Octaronika could have some sort of effect, like an opposite of the inkantation.


In the relationship chart Callie goes to octavio voluntarily


I heard a theory a while back that the octarians(the ones cut from tentacles, not octolings) are being mind controlled by the music that plays on the stages we fight them in


Canonically, I figured that mind control would be a bit excessive for Octavio. I think he's a good leader for what he has and he hasn't (as far as we know) tried to hunt down the escaped octolings. Canon goggles 1 and 2 are MC free, besides propaganda. I hc that the first ones aren't mind control but the seconds are.


Good thing there are people like Rassicas keeping localization and head canon at bay!


My only problem here is in your 2nd most recent complete timeline, you described the goggles as though they DID have at least some level of effect, (though i haven't watched your new one, so forgive me if that's outdated), but I'm glad you made this video, as between the obvious in-game evidence, dev interviews and indications in the manga, I had come to this same conclusion already. Thanks for being thorough, addressing all possibilities, noting both the negative and positive traits of the octarian status-quo and Octavio's character, and overall just taking it seriously enough to get the right answer down.


i think the octarians not being controlled by hypnosis and instead its just propaganda honestly fits better into the themes of the series


Isn't sanitization and the fuzzy ozze also a form of brainwashing or no


i would say that both the garden of eden art and the report on the turf wars are not... propaganda. the garden of eden art seems like a very reasonable and realistic example of political art that would be made considering that the inklings (whether they are, in modern day, aware of it or not) literally forced the octarians off of their land and underground. i think octarians have a very genuine reason to dislike inklings.

there is also a lot of evidence behind the octarians winning early battles in the turf wars. octarians winning early battles because inklings slept in seems entirely in line with how inkling society works, they have been stated to sleep in pretty late. like. by the inklings themselves it is the inklings who are the ones completely baffled by the idea of diligence and waking up at 7 am. like i'll agree that it's a pretty silly cultural difference between octarians and inklings but like. its very much in line with the tone of the game. octarians winning early battles is entirely believable. the octarians don't have to "sugarcoat" how they did in the turf wars, they are very very aware that they lost. they are actively living in conditions that suck because they lost. armies can lose a war after winning early battles that is something that happens.

also i think callie should be allowed to be a turquoise october fan their music slaps.


Which explains why you can't break the octaling soldiers' shades.


As right as you are I just can't shake the feeling that there is no way octario is smart enough to pull this off... Perhaps there is another secret villain.
