LG G3 MLA OLED In Depth Review | Best Gaming TV Of 2023?

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Check out the LG G3 here at Value Electronics,
Initial setup and unboxing,
Recommended settings,

00:00 Intro
00:33 Value Electronics Message
01:15 Design
02:10 Measurements
04:10 Luminance / Peak Brightness
05:23 Color Discussion
06:07 QD OLED Advantages
06:42 Uniformity Improved, Not Fixed
08:10 77" Size Advantage
08:20 Random Bugs, Issues
09:28 Reflection Handling, Raised Blacks
10:46 Skin Tones
11:20 Shadow Detail
11:35 Processing
11:42 Motion
12:09 Processing Continued
14:14 DV Cinema vs DV Cinema Home
14:40 Expression Enhancer
15:20 DV Continued
16:09 Gaming Posterization / Color Banding
16:46 Gaming VRR Flicker
17:13 HDR Low Luminance Saturation
17:58 Gaming High Color Luminance Issue
18:32 DV Gaming Not Fixable
18:40 Game Testing Continued
18:58 Gaming Color Issues Demonstrations
20:43 Gaming Extended Discussion / GT Demo Comparison
23:15 Game HGiG vs Tone Mapping vs DTM
23:44 Game Input Lag / ALLM
24:26 Game SDR Luminance
25:38 Final Thoughts

Measurements taken with Portrait Displays Calman Ultimate color

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Music: Piece Of Time [Original Mix] by Imperss is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
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The issues you found are why I would like the TV manufacturers to release TVs every 2yrs instead of every year. Take the time to work all the kinks out to give us a great product during the launch.


If you watch Classy’s reviews, from a technical standpoint, you won’t have to watch another review for that tv. He doesn’t miss a thing. Thanks for all your work and for dropping your knowledge on us classy


Excellent review. Good to see you really exposed things that might make a buyer have second thoughts.


FMM + DTM ON is so good on my LG G3 with ps5 system HDR on 4000 nits


Currently the best TV reviewer out! Hopefully you get the TCL QM8 and Hisense U8K shortly after the QN95C review. Will be on the lookout for that QN95C deep dive


I remember my CX having that green bump down low, and it was UGLY lol….it got fixed, and I fixed it before they sent out the FW update to reconfigure the 1DLUT, but it wasn’t a great experience. The CX was all over the place near black, primarily early on in it’s lifecycle. The floating blacks were the worst, and made me question OLED lol. It was like gamma flicker caused by VRR. LG did fix that entire TV, for the most part, before I got rid of it, and it looked pretty good. The C2 I have was always pretty good, and never had too many quirks. It’s very stable now, and puts a smile on my face still. I think LG will eventually get the G3 sorted out too. It just seems like sometimes these TV’s are slightly rushed, before the FW/SW side of things are truly at a polished state, so that us nit pickers find all the quirks. Especially when they do a full redesign of some critical component. They should know better by now 😅


As expected another very complete and deep review! Cant wait for you A95L review when it is out.


Dolby Vision once again struggling despite the hype - this time on DV's only client monitoring TV - my disappointment continues


Thanks for video. Finally someone point out the black crash issue. My c9 was suffering from black crash long enough and i definitely don't like the skin tone and game mode from g3. By far this is best review video. Definitely getting a Samsung 77 qn90c or 65 s95c this year if firmware update don't mess it up🙃


Stellar review though. bravo. Loving the luminance and color testing for games! And unput lag videos!
It's just I will never not be pissed at LG for downgrading the BFI, lol. I think they should also finally fix the VRR flickering for the rare times where I would use VRR instead of BFI.
Come on LG


Excellent video! I appreciate your objective and honest opinions on the TV's strengths and weaknesses. Too many other people fail to fully discuss a TV's weaknesses. Thank you.


The best and most valuable reviews on the web, thanks Classy 👍


Great review. Super detailed. I can't wait to see it in person....somewhere... :)


It's hard to pass up Cinema DTM - on camera, it looks really nice and much more alive than FMM


An FYI for all regarding game mode and input lag, especially on sources that dont support ALLM. You can enable 4:4:4 or label input as PC and have same low input lag as in game mode in any picture mode as well. RTings tested it, see their 'G3 settings' for detailed info. Makes erm.. outdated sources like the Switch better.


Thanks so much for all the insights. This makes the decision between the G3 and S95C very easy. Proper native gradation and adequate color luminance in game mode are a must and 144 Hz for PC gaming is the cherry on top. I guess I can deal with the shortcomings of a Samsung TV in terms of accuracy with it delivering that much more in game mode. Great work! 👏


I used the colour control app on a PC which works as service remote to enable HGIG in FMM for gaming, very quick and easy to do.

Thanks for your review


Classy good content but get a little more excited lol


Hi Classy, another great review thank you. I have just received a FW update for my 77G3 (03.30.60) will you a chance to test if any of the issues you found have been fixed ? It would be greatly appreciated . Thanks again dude, keep up the great work man


Amazing content as always Classy. I currently have a G2 and play high end HDR PC gaming. Would the G3 still be an upgrade in this regard regardless of the colour luminance drop off in game mode. Keep up the great work.
