How to Spot a FAULTY CPU.....? The i7-4770 Dilemma....

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So a Rig has been returned to me twice, and on this second time I decided to refund the particular person. Though having changed literally everything on this PC to the motherboard, power supply memory and even SSD.... there was still one component that was yet to be replaced - that being the CPU... Today we take a look at the symptoms and how to spot a faulty CPU, the error codes involved (for instance an error code 86) and what you can do in this situation.



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#faultycpu # #
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i also have had experiences where i have a buyer that would replace the parts that i sold him with exact same parts but are defective. so always make sure to have records of serial numbers of the stuff you have to make sure he didn't swap stuff out for defective ones.


In over 15 years of tech only had like 2 dead cpus and a dead terms of actual silicon. Rare but it definitely happens. Good video!


I once had a 4790k that had some weird issues with low power states (c6/c7), the system would freeze after ~5 mins in idle. Disabling these low power states fixed the problem.


I bought a used 4770k on ebay for a friends budget gaming PC . It had very similar problems to the ones in this video the thing is that it was already delided and it wasnt overheating. Turns out the cpu just wasnt making contact with the motherboard pins and crashed etc etc. Real pain to get the thing working though good thing the YES man didnt have that problem with a actual faulty cpu lol
also LOVE the content keep up the good work mate.


I had a faulty CPU in my 2016 Touch bar Macbook (i7 6820HQ) and it was incredibly hard to get Apple to accept that there was a problem with the machine, their own internal stress tests couldn't replicate the problem, so even if say rendering in premiere would cause a crash report from the kernel saying the CPU was bad, or I'd have kernel panics they wouldn't accept a warranty claim because it'd pass their diagnostic.


Hey dude, when I build machines for people I take pictures and keep a file on my NAS of the build and finished product. To many times people will take stuff apart and screw it up and then try to come back and say I made a mistake. Then I pull their file and show them the pics and that pretty much settles the issue then I charge them to fix their screw ups.


The quantity of the tech yes lovin is going down and down.
Step it up Bryan we need the lovinz


Had a i5 6600 with a faulty memory control sensor, he was constantly restarting my computer. Intel refund the money and i bought a 7700k


The only faulty CPU I ever saw was a Cyrix PR 200+ that ran way too hot and kept crashing no matter what standard cooler I used. Went back to the shop and swapped it over for an Intel 166 mmx that I overclocked to 200Mhz from the day I got it and ran perfectly ever since. But I guess no-one remembers these anymore... like Intel's first low budget overclocking beast, the Celeron 300a... I'm getting old...


Have had 6 years with my 4790k/ASUS Z95A MB box. Starting having intermittent shutdowns, got different BSOD errors every time. My work is tech so I tested/swapped RAM, PS, Graphics card etc. I changed CMOS battery, and reset BIOS with F5 in Asus to default. What fixed it was THIS VIDEO. The setting that made all problems go away was CPU CORE RATIO > Sync all Cores. This did not happen when using the F5 deafault. The bios had been running default since it was new. I suspect this CPU/MB combo won't last forever, but for now, this fixed it. Hopefully this helps someone. Thanks for an excellent video. Just the right level of detail to be of great help.


I recently picked up a Xeon E3 1270 V2 for $60 on eBay and it performs like a $100 i7 2600 if not slightly faster. I was worried that I would run into microcode compatibility issues cause HP does not list Xeons as compatible with their Q77 chipset boards, but the CPU worked without a single problem.👌


Everyone keeps saying the same thing. A dead cpu is rare.

But whats even rarer is a brand new 9900k dying on the first gaming session.

How do i know its dead? Swapping out the Cpu to a 8700k, it boots. 9900k it just wont boot.

So here i sit, listening/reading the countless amounts of “its very rare a cpu dies” being told to me. While slowly accepting the fact that im hella unlucky...


Good video Bryan, keep the content coming mate.


Usually it's the Memory 9 out of 10 times


I've never had a CPU go bad. In my experience, it's usually bent motherboard pins. That can be fixed as well with a steady hand and lots of patience.


Another great video Bryan. It's a very rare occurrence, nearly always cpu cooler ( dust/ dried thermal paste etc ) related but worth bearing in mind after checking the more common faults.


Glad you mentioned it could be heat instead of something else TYC, I had an old FX 6100 and that thing would get dusty, so much so that after a couple months without cleaning that it would simply turn the whole system off without an error, just a black screen and everything powers off. It's important to maintain your system, and if your previously working CPU suddenly starts crashing, check those temps! General rule is: <80 is fine, 80+ is toasty, 85+ is very hot, 90+ a bit too hot, 95+ cutting it close to the CPUs limit, and 100+ you're overdoing an overclock or something's wrong. This fluctuates and varies of course, but it's a good starting point.


I found this video completely by random and have been having an issue recently with my machine shutting down and up until watching this video i guessed it were my ram or motherboard. Turns out my i7 4970 needed delidding after all these years! Subscribing to you this video is a massive help!


THANKS! you saved me from throwing away my 7700.... I bought this second(?) hand cpu for an old mb and it worked fine for a couple of days, even benchmarks all below 85C until it started freezing dead before boot... it just froze either before post, during post, or after a few seconds at the bios screen when I managed to hit F2 in time... I swapped it for an 7100 i have laying around to modify the config to lower the ratio, fix the cpu core voltage at 1.125, and disable turbo-boost... then back to the 7700 and it FKIN WORKED :D... It's running hotter than usual but at least it's not an expensive paper weight now :D


The office space my mom works at has been using HP computers with i7 4770s for over 5 years I think. It was supposed to be amazing, too of the line performance, but I’ve nicknamed those computers the “Disappointments”. If there is a dilemma with 4770s, that would partially explain why they all suck. They also have HP’s horrible motherboards, no cable management, tiny tiny AIO cooler, and mismatched ram (an 8gig stick with a 2gig stick).

So glad they are getting replacements and I’m more glad that I’m being commissioned to build them.
