How do you Get Your Stolen Inheritance Back

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My sister is hiding the WILL she ruined my life trying to keep my inheritance from me. I was born w a physical disability so my father left me more. I know what she did increased his drinking then he passed. My one sibling admitted to making our father change the WILL before he died. I haven't been able to get help. I have one more way that might work. I tried to get help right away and I haven't given up. She's done terrible things to me. Thank you.


People often dont know how to exercise rights - legal is complicated and lawyers untrustworthy.
A lawyers first duty is to the bar, second to the court and third to the client- something's wrong there!


Crazy how this popped up and this really happened to me


Sometimes people just die when they steal from others.


I voiced it loud & all the time. Filed Complaint with FL BAR Association. Denied me my rights. Political Corruption & abuse of gov powers.
NO lawyers would help me in anyway. Contrary they BETRAYED me. And racked up cost for being an FBI Whistleblower.
Advice sounds reasonable, BUT when local firms denied or extreme retainers fees to justify excuse of service, because MORE loyal to HOSPITALS, or Political PARTIES Candidate Family. I ask several law firms(more than 6+ through the years: I was outcasted, abandoned, AD in Daily dbr Newspaper. Nothing. Forced one way law. I wanted to sue my family, Lawyers did NOT want. they were fired.
all signs of organize crime.


Statue of limitation only begins when you find out about the fraud


My brother in law is executor he made my mother change her will. He not only sold my childhood home for half it’s worth he sold it with all its contents inside forcing me to dumpster dive for personal memories. I am still waiting for my share my siblings are with him on what he’s done and I’ve been threatened by his lawyer to sign off or they will take me to court and charge only myself all the accounting and legal fees. I’ve done some research and I believe what they have done is illegal. In NY can one of 5 sue the executor or does all of the beneficiaries have to do it as one ? My siblings are being treated differently and they are in this scam with my brother in law.


Fraud on the court has NO statute of limitations in Louisiana...




I just found out my own brother stole my fathers rifles that are worth upwards of 15K after he passed and claimed them as his own and used them as collateral for my aunt and uncle (rifle collectors) to co-sign for a loan that happened 16 years ago to nobody's knowledge but between them. They all had motives. He ended up defaulting on this loan and my aunt, the co-signer made it aware to me in 2016 that she cosigned and he's stopped paying (trying to hunt him down). Ive only just now figured out what has happened with these rifles. I am currently getting everything together, following the trail of crumbs, getting testimony, gathering the witnesses, and I am going to sue the living ever shit out of my entire family that took part in this (hope Michingan statue of limitations dont effect this because I just now found all this out). I'm going to be pushing for criminal charges in this case as well. Ill update this in the future of the out come.


How much time do you have to get back your inheritance? My boyfriend never received his share when his father passed. It’s been 10-12 years.


My sister has been taking everything and thinks all is hers. She is a full blown Narcissis out of control. I am going to have to take her to court to get what’s rightfully owed to me. She is such a bad person smh


You are absolutely right. I regret allowing my brother in law as executor he threatened me into it and it was the biggest mistake. He threatened that my mother’s house would be left to rot. Once I allowed him as executor he never spoke to me again. The lawyer did all the talking. Why would I sign something that says once it’s given to me added expenses that could surpass my inheritance could come that I would end up paying more than my inheritance ? That’s crazy. No person would sign this so I’m forced to have it in court but at my expense they want me to pay legal fees.


The person who was power of Attourney was in charge of the books for 45 years before my mother reassigned my younger brother to be Power of Attourney However, the first bitter brother had me sign an agreement along with my two adult children to each receive 10, 000 in Vanguard account's and l would receive 3000 ...The first brother wants control over my remaining 20, 000 claiming l will only legally be entitled to 2500 per year, but initially was telling me to start a trust fund for myself which l never heard anything about again, but claims he just started a trust for his granddaughter who is 2 and has a father in active duty as a US marine could my brother have reassigned the trust my mother had while she was still alive, she died one month ago and l believe he's forged a few things from her will


My dad’s brother stole my dad’s inheritance. My uncle put himself on the deed to my grandma’s house years before she passed away and took her to change the will so only he was named. My dad isn’t even named on the will anymore. My mom and dad worked so hard to take care of my great grandmother and my grandfather when they needed round the clock medical care at home. Set up at home nurses, hospice care, ran all the errands, while my uncle was living his best retired life and didn’t bother to help once!! Now he knew he could take advantage of my grandma (his mom) as she got older and took her to change everything so he’s the only one to receive any inheritance. I am sick over it! My dad deserves his half and should be retired just like his younger brother, but my dad doesn’t think he has any ground to fight on. How easy is it to win a case like this, because I’ve heard it’s difficult.


I'm a beneficiary of a trust and I'm dealing with this situation in Albuquerque nm and the trust that I'm in is worth 3 million dollars to go half with the POA/financial advisor/trustee/beneficiary. He was all 4 isn't that a conflict of interest to be all 4? My client Been gone a year and I have only received $365k out of 3million, he's claiming her assets are now liquidated, I have a attorney but he's not doing much about letting me know what's going on with all the evidence I'm Providing him with should I get another attorney who is willing to go after this thief? He also stole money out of her annuities while she was investing with him. He added his wife on a annuities as primary beneficiary on her Jackson National annuities and my client didnt even know his wife or knew he had done such a thing. What can I do to get this man to give me my half of my inheritance like she wanted me to have? Also he bought his son and daughter in law a$320k home 2 months after she passed away!! With my inheritance! There is more to this story on what he has done. Help!!


I Got Time Three years Gonna get them!!!


How would you hire a private investigator?


I think you should not be telling people they need mental health because you're not a psychologist you are working in the mall I have eight degrees one is medical other one is legal and then the third one has to do with education I had a lot of respect for you but now I don't so no I don't need a psychologist I'm telling you a story and you want to tell me I need Psychology my phone is hacked by the way and I'm being monitored by the feds thanks for your service but I won't recommend


What if they set you Up to be mental ill first
