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Today, I want to talk to you about the 10 ways that you can stop wasting money on clothes that you never wear. As a personal stylist and shopper in London, I work with a lot of very senior women and one thing that I find is that there are lots of clothes in their wardrobe that aren't worn.

So I’ve put together my top 10 list of things to remedy this.

1. Always review what you've got before you go shopping. It's really common for people to just buy things without prior consideration, and not actually think about what they've got in their wardrobe. So before you do any shopping, it's always worth having a flick through again your wardrobe as a reminder of what you've already got.

2. Always have your basic wardrobe completed first. The reason that I stress this is so much is that if this isn’t in place, outfits won’t go together easily or well. If you’re a ‘spontaneous shopper,’ you’ll often find that you have lots of statement pieces, but nothing to pull them together with as an outfit. This can be avoided by establishing your core colour and stocking your wardrobe out with basics in that palette.

3. Don’t impulse buy. Although I know it’s fun, don't shop spontaneously. Maybe you’re out with your girlfriends, or shopping is a hobby of yours, but try to avoid spontaneous trips where possible. Have an intention of what you’re looking for, and what you need. The occasional impulse buy may work out, but more often than not, it’s those purchases that’d up unworn in your wardrobe.

4. Make a list. If you shop with a list, you'll end up buying things that you need and not just things that are going to just hang there a little. As I've said before, think about what you need before you go. Write it down and shop with intention, one item at a time.

5. Only buy pieces that have got something in your wardrobe already to pair with. If you're buying things that require something else to make them work, they're just going to end up being wasted money. Although you may have every intention to buy the secondary item, often that's the bit that you can't find, meaning you don’t wear the first item.

6. Unsubscribe from newsletters of brands you like. This is something that people get caught out by all the time. Maybe you’re at work, a bit bored easily distracted and there enters the newsletter tempted you to make unnecessary purchases. This also applies to Instagram! Unfollow your favourite brands. They design these marketing techniques to make you buy things you don’t need, and will ultimately lead to a wardrobe of unwearable clothing. If you want something and have the intention to buy, you can revisit their website and social media.

7. Avoid online shopping. This leads to impulse buying. Often, what arrives won’t fit, won’t suit you, and won’t end up getting returned as the process is too long. If you have to as there are no stores near you, that’s different. But purchase carefully - a lot of hours, money and environmentally harmful resources are wasted on this method of shopping.

8. Know your size. I know it sounds obvious, but so many of us are shopping blind, having no reality of their current size. Although it’s relatively universal, every store’s sizing differs - so measure up, write it down, look at their size charts, and don’t get caught out! Shopping for your size will significantly reduce the number of items in your wardrobe with the labels still on.

9. Know your signature style. Spontaneous shopping mistakes are obliterated by knowing by knowing your style. Most of my clients are in their 40s and are establishing what works for them rather than trying to follow the latest trend.

10. The three W’s. When, Why and What. When are you going to wear it? Why do you need it? What do you need it for? When you're going to look at new things, for example, outside of your signature style, ask yourself those questions, to really see whether it’s a good purchase.
Рекомендации по теме

The trick with this pandemic times is we DO shop more cause we have more time on our hands BUT we end up with clothes that we can't wear because we got nowhere to go! Anybody experienced that recently?...


I stopped supporting fast fashion. Took all the apps off my phone. Unsubscribing to emails. I only shop at the thrift store after sitting down and identifying exactly what I need and why. I gained weight during quarantine and I just bought an entire wardrobe of classy and well-made clothing for $120. I’m done buying clothes I don’t need/won’t wear and supporting the fast fashion industry.


The boring clothes are the hardest to spend money on even though they're so needed.


There is also an ethical side to this. The amount of resources needed to create clothing was absolutely shocking. Not to mention Modern Slavery concerns. We really ought to only buy what we need for both people and planet.


My rule is that when I find something I really like, I usually wait 2-3 weeks and if I still really want/need it, then I can purchase. Most of the time I realize I didn’t need it. This was prepandemic now, my new rule, no money and no shopping.


Thank you! I’m on a mission to stop buying. During the pandemic I made it my mission to lose weight and improve my health. I lost 85 pounds and had to buy clothes. That started the online shopping. Now I’ve got to stop. Thank goodness I bought good basics and things that could be tailored. Today I will unsubscribe and get with the program!!!


Focus on quality over quantity
Look what makes you shine!
Its different for everyone


My big take away was knowing your size. I am not slim anymore and need to own up to my real size. I need just wear what fits. I have many clothes that are too small in my closet.


I loved that a video like this came up for a change. I regret most of the things I got in 2020, just because I was "influenced".


I have more going out clothes than normal clothes just because they're always glittery and sparkly and they catch my eye


Refreshing to hear this. Seems everything today is about buying more. I've taken far too many items to the charity shop in the past, these days I think about what I need, not what takes my fancy x


I moved house recently and honestly I felt embarrassed and sick to the pit of my stomach re the endless bags and boxes of clothes I had. Many still had the tag as I bought them to cheer myself up but then when you go out you end up wearing what you feel most comfortable in rather than that fancy top or dress which looked great in your mind in that imaginary bar being the life and soul of the party because you’re wearing that fantastic outfit but the reality is I never feel comfortable to go there or the barbecue/party/black tie event never quite materialise. I sometimes think if I bought the clothes because I thought my life would actually change in some way. Kinda stupid looking at it now but I guess when we’re depressed/anxious/addicted we do these illogical things. With a mortgage and bills to pay now I’ve put myself on a £10 pcm budget which I shouldn’t really even need as I have enough clothes to last me through to my old age - assuming my weight doesn’t change and that’s another story right there!


I have all of the basics yet am addicted to a great sale. I have so many clothes with tags still affixed on them. They are beautiful clothes but I go few places since the pandemic. Thank you for these tips because I need to stop shopping online & be happy with what I have.


I am a shop-a holic and an impulse buyer.
I've been struggling to stop this bad habit of mine since this pandemic started and affected my income. I am trying so hard.
But sometimes temptation just beat me up.
I really wanna practice minimalism but honestly, my love of clothings and fashion abd everything that goes with it wont just fade away easily. Thank you for sharing this videos. I think it's very helpful. I made a video about my quitting buying unnecessary things, I thought it's goin' to be a good stopper for me. Thank your helpful tips.


These are basically my sewing rules. Sew more cake & less frosting (practical vs whimsical) and don’t sew orphans (things that don’t go with anything). Sew with intention to fill gaps in your wardrobe & always know your measurements.


Excellent thoughtful video. If I could add one “w” question I picked up from Joshua Becker. What if I don’t? What if I don’t buy this item? Sometimes that’s an extra brake, What if I don’t buy this summer dress? Well I can wear one of the ones I already have, that still look good. Or what if I don’t buy those shoes? I can put the money to my next travel goal, or experience or buy a gift for a friend or donate to a charity etc. Often the value of just leaving that money in our bank accounts for a rainy day.


I am quite a minimalist. I have a curated wardrobe and I have been like this for years.
I, during this period of lockdown, have explored perfume. I used to have just one and now
I have three. I love not buying things ie. fixing, or making due but as a minimalist when I do
buy something it really does make me joyful.


Great advice! I must admit I’m guilty of almost everything you mentioned. I want the freedom of a minimalist closet so it’s time to go through my closet, purge what I haven’t worn AND unsubscribe to all clothing stores. It’s very tempting to purchase things when there’s great sales even though I don’t NEED them. Thank you!


All sage advice, so difficult to implement! The thrill of seeking out the "perfect" items and awaiting their arrival in the mail are sometimes more enjoyable than the items themselves 😂. At least through all my mistakes with impulse shopping, I've come to learn what actually works for me and be more selective.

I also find the occasion when I'm most likely to buy too many new clothes is when I'm newly single and back out in the dating world.


I have just found this channel. I really like Lizzie’s professional view and her voice is very calm and comforting.
