Chronic kidney disease - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

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I really hope the osmosis team has an idea of what a great job they're doing, helping such a huge number of medicos worldwide and making things so easy . All the best wishes for the team . Keep progressing ❣


U guys r like an angel for students who can't subscribe expensive tutorials


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) means your kidneys are damaged and you kidneys can not filter blood. In this video, you have described accurately about symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of CKD. Very knowledgeable video!


I love the symptom breakdown at 4:17, it's super helpful to understand how it all fits together. Thanks for making it so comprehensive! :)


I have a test tomorrow about CKD and AKI. I watched your videos about it and they helped me a lot!! Now i´m sharing with all my friends haha Thank you very much!! I'm from Brazil btw!! :)))


Nice video. I have a patient lecture and I think this is enough to understand the case.. thank you!


Watching such videos even before looking at the book had helped me alot to grasp and make known such diseases


Great video, a lot of info. I totally wish you could do a follow up. I'm a youtuber too and I exclusively talk about kidney disease. I feel CKD is becoming an incredibly undervalued issue, killing millions every year. Raising the awareness for CKD could save countless lives. So thank you for this incredibly helpful video.


The little drawings of faces on cells or organs is part of the charm that makes these videos endearing


I’ve diagnosed a few years ago with CKD in my right kidney and in stage 3 so it’s insightful to learn more about it


thank you for educating about my kidney failure with cute illustrations XD makes everything al little more bearable


Fantastic video showing how the kidneys are impacted by CKD. One additional data point is that I believe it is also important to not only monitor your GFR, but also the protein leakage in your urine. Data shows those with a higher amount of protein leakage are more likely to see their GFR decline and would have a higher potential to one day need dialysis.


this is really a big help thankyou ive been watching herexsince my 1st grade as Student nurse!!.😭❤❤


Everytime i search for osmosis to get help for my pathology exm...i feel so grateful and thankfull to you...i wish there was videos on every single


My mom is diagnosed with CKD and high blood pressure :(( i feel devastated after hearing the news because she just got an operation on her breast because it has lump last month. Our family has always been struggling financially since i was still a child, I'm so tired of hearing their problems about money but I can't help anything abt it cause I'm still a minor. And now, here we go again, another health issue. My mom is the probably the kindest person I've ever met in my entire life, sometimes i just hate her for being too selfless. She always put others first before herself. She Said she's alright but i know she's not.

She have so many medicine to drink and she's said she's tired of drinking her meds. But I'm here always reminding her to drinkher meds. Now, she's weak, her headaches come and go, she's bloated, she lost appetite, always tired, always sleeping, her face is so puffy and her BP go up and down. It's hard not to get stressed for her because she have anger management and my siblings is always stressing her out, they're always not in home, and ask her many stuff like 'ma where is this and that'. So i prefer not to talk that much I don't want to trigger her anger. Problems is all over our head. family problem, financial, physical, and mental. If only were rich, we don't have to have a double thought about spending money. I don't know what to do anymore.... I'm only 14 :(( i hope my mom get well. I hope everything goes well. I hope everything is going to be fine of us soon. I still want to spend my time with her.

Thank you for this video, I'm watching vids and researching to get knowledge about CKD so i can help my mom even in small ways💗

Edit: 2 months after, she died:(( my mom is gone


Very informative! I got some useful tips from this video :) The way you explain things is clear and straight to the point :)


Final year assignment based on CKD at uni this video is very helpful and straight to the point thank you


Great video on how the kidneys are impacted by CKD. I had recently watched an episode of Chicago Med about a young boy with end stage CKD, im not gonna lie it made me tear up a bit. 😢


you are by far the best medical education platform because you not only simplify the topic so we understand but you KEEP THE IMPORTANT DETAILS TOO. Thank you for your great videos


I'm in love with this video! Thank you so much for making this content so much simpler to understand
