Why Adam and Eve DID NOT Exist | Will SHOCK You

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Evidence of Adam and Eve, creationism, young-earth, young earth, evidence of the Bible, atheism, atheist, evidence of Noah’s flood, evidence of an old earth, how old is the earth, answers in Genesis, creation science, theology, evidence Jesus existed, was Jesus a real person

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Why Donald Trump DID NOT Exist | Will SHOCK You


Get behind me Satan, when he returns every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of Elohiym


If God made everything then he can guard the integrity of the Bible, especially if it is a main vehicle for revelation of Christ and salvation.


I would like to see your source that the Torah as it is known today only came into existence only after the Babylonian exile. I would also caution you against saying that certain people didn't exist simply because there is no evidence. It was believed that king David did not exist for a time until evidence was found to support his existence and status.


Notice that the video doesn't give actual documented evidence for its claims? It is because the video is all speculative, at best. It has no historial accuracy.


We believe it because we believe in God and his word!


Most stupid story I ever heard. You lacked lot of justification. Bible is the only true word..


Lots of assertions. This is not for someone who has critical thinking skills.


Do you believe Jesus rose from the dead and is God?


If you’ve ever read the Bible even as an atheist, you’d see very quickly that this video is surprisingly ignorant and downright comical. Although, the repercussions of the blind, (who constructed this video) leading the blind (who’ve never read the Bible) is heartbreaking.


So what do you suggest how we came to this world?


There are so many things wrong with this that it destroys the credibility ofthe claims. Why would you need to attach Jesus to Adam to give Him more status? Son of God. Claiming any human geneology could only lower His status. God didn't give a choice between two trees. He simply said don't eat from this one tree. The idea that all the Torah would have been destroyed is ludicrous. That would mean 100% of the Hebrews were in captivity and the Babalonians actively sought to destroy all their religious literature. This is just a bad attempt to harm people's faith in God.


specious argument. Let's allegorize the crucifixtion and resurrection while we're at it.


From the perspective of the world looking in the Bible, it might looks like a myth; but from the perspective of the Bible looking out, certain things in the world are explained. The Bible describes heavenly creatures as having animal features. It's said that the fallen angels have mated with humans. And it was promised that the seed of the woman (not man) will be the enemy of the serpent's offspring. That might explain why the "Serpent" to mislead humankind about the identity preemptively established mother-son as the early religions. And the hybrid offspring of the fallen angels, made themselves the gods and goddesses being more superior in physique and intelligence, that's why most of them are half-human, half-animals, like Horus. That would also explain the existence of giants, and structures in high places discovered that seemed impossible to be built by 6 foot men.


I could see in the title that you have a problem with pride and a disdain for people who disagree with you. "Strong minds only...really?" The genesis account, including creation and the flood fit the physical evidence quite well. Why do you think Genesis 5 goes into so much detail of the genealogy leading to Noah, including how long people lived? It was intended to be taken literally and many very "strong minds" do so. One of your pre-suppositions is that the writings could not have survived the Babylonian exile. You just threw that out there as if it is intuitive, and I by no means think it is even close to a given. Nice try. I used to be closer to where you are and have come to realize the Bible is the written Word of God. The historical documents were intended to be taken as such, and Genesis is solidly in that category. BTW, the more we learn, the more the Bible is vindicated. One would think if it were a manufactured myth, it would go the other way.


Please name any place, area or temple that's named after Adam's descendants. Please also give the evidence for your claim.


What is shocking is that people actually believe any religious malarkey ... Hate to be the one to break it to y'all, but we are all GODS ... we are all playing a game 😇


Sorry Brother I was expecting to find good intelligent answers in for or against the short video. This video was more of an introduction to the subject not a complete study, research and teaching having all the answers and proofs to what was said. Only a statement to get the ball rolling. I for one agree in sharing your point of you and will continue to watch and hear you out. So much revelation coming out now as the veil is being pulled back. I applaud you for your own research, studies and findings and most of all for your courage to put it out here for others to critique. Mostly just critique from what I read. Keep up the good work, I have subscribed to your channel and will be enjoying every word you have to say and do my own research based on what you teach and come to my own conclusions. But I would never be closed minded and disrespectful as such on these comments section.


Did you know the meaning of the name Adam comes from the Hebrew word Dammah meaning red or ground or red ground, red earth, red soil, son of the red earth like the planet Mars and Adam's wife Eve her name comes from the Hebrew word Chayah meaning life or living, mother of life, full of life but Adam change her name into Chavah or Chiva meaning snake or serpent after they are expelled from the garden of eden and when you combine their names Adam and Eve it can mean "RED LIFE" meaning blood or "RED SERPENT" which Satan is a red snake or red dragon in the book of revelation.


Your representation of Adam and Eve is yt 😂😂😂😂😂😂
