How did Adam & Eve Populate?

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Who did Adam and Eve's kids marry?

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I mean Cain worries that other people will kill him after they find out her killed his brother, it sounds like there were other people on earth at the time.


Only in one of the book of Moses, it was told that close relatives cannot marry. Until that point it was okay.


I prefer to believe He created other humans after The Fall outside The Garden.


Always remember, when reading old testament, it is written with judaic law. Women were rarely, if ever, mentioned when family lineage was recorded. That is why we mostly see men recorded in family lineage, with no mentions of wife, sisters, daughters etc.


I’d say the second one has theological issues with the idea of original sin


i used to think the second theory but the first one seems more possible


I always thought Catholics view genesis as allegorical rather than literal and historical.


Theory: Adam and Eve are first Humans with souls, and their kids mated with Proto-Humans that existed before without souls, given god’s miracles it’s not a hard stretch that the kids would then carry the trait of having a soul, and thus humanity was birthed.


The other theory is that God created Adam and Eve after He had already made the rest of humanity.

Edit: I assent to the teachings of the Magisterium. A good and faithful brother has corrected me in my material heresy, and I henceforth acknowledge that Adam and Eve were singular in creation as the first parents of humanity.


When Cain said that others would kill him if they find him, and then he built a city, it sounds like there must be more people than just children of Adam and Eve


I’m Catholic and all but how does this explain our “cousins, ” the Denisovans and Neanderthals? They were very similar to Homo sapiens and we even bred with them. Were Adam and Eve not the first homo sapiens then? Or are we arguing that Neanderthals and denisovans didn’t have souls?


incest probably happened, but the genes did get affected, which is probably also why because gradually had storter life spans as time went on, but it never got too low because the world got diverse and technological progress


And the apocrypha they have two daughters called Awan and Azura


Or theory number 3, what the Catholic Church actually teaches, is that the creation accounts are not literal.


I have the very intriguing & amazing idea where Adam & Eve are merely 2 out of an entire generation of first people, governing a very first community called Eden, & each person a unique individual to the point where not even any 2 gender identities are ever perfectly the same. The sheer diversity in genetics coupled with the huge numbers of people would allow for a stable breeding population to exist with the biology that exists today without relying on advanced technology.


1st theory makes more sense since we all, except for our Blessed Mother and Christ, were born with original sin.


As a YEC I think the first theory you listed is what happened.

I posted this on you other shorts but here it is again:

So we know God can perform miracles. The way it describes Adam and Eve right after creation is as if they are young adults (Genesis 1:28-29 = God creates humans then immediately tells them to reproduce, gives them dominion over the animals and the food from plants.) (Genesis 2:15-25 = God tells Adam to work the Garden, lets Adam name all the animals, creates Eve, and Adam and Eve are married.) So I see no reason God couldn't have made an earth that looked older too.

God created natural processes to govern the universe and so for future people to reach the stature Adam and Eve were created with, they would have to grow up normally and not be instantly created by God.

Now that said I believe the Earth is the same way. If a new planet was to start to be formed it might take billions of years to do so if that's how the natural laws God set up require it to go. But at the beginning God performed miracles and made everything so it may look older than it is, but just like Adam and Eve, I believe the universe younger than it looks. Most if not all other miracles break the laws of physics so I see no reason God creating the universe would be any different. 

In the New Testament when Jesus heals people, did he make medice and then take them through the process of treatment and only use normal physical means to heal said people? No, he instantly healed people. I am sure if a doctor who was an unbeliever had looked at them before and then after they would try to come up with an explaination as to how they were healed and that it wasn’t instant but that is not how he was healed so while the physical "evidence" may point to the long process of medical treatment [simply by ruling out an instantaneous healing miracle would lead to this] in fact the person was just healed instantly. So why can these miracles be instantaneous but creation can't? 

This combined with how many Bible verses in both the Old and New Testaments talk about the lineages as if they are literal shows support for YEC. (Genesis 5) (Genesis 6:9-10) (Genesis 10) (Genesis 11:10-32) (Genesis 16:4, 15-16) (Genesis 21:1-3) (Genesis 25:12-26) (Genesis 46:8-27) (Exodus 6:14-27) (Numbers 2) (Numbers 3:1-4, 17-39) (1 Chronicals 1-8) (Matthew 1:1-17) (Luke 3:23-38) Also Jesus being able to be traced back to Adam is important. 

I probably only needed the earlier Genesis, 1 Chronicals, Matthew, and Luke genealogies. Even with all of those I probably missed some genealogies.

If you try to say the super old people in the lineages are given those massive age number for honorary reasons or those are just metaphical and stand for months not years, how can you split the ages into metaphical and real when the genealogies just list them all there together? 

Here (Genesis 7:11) gives us a year, month, and day of Noah's life. If you still argue for the incredibly long ages to be representative of months [or some age other than a literal one] then what do the months and days mean here? I would say they are easiest read as litteral years, months, and days.

If you try to say that Adam is a metaphor for all mankind and just a representative then why does the Bible say sin came through one man i.e. Adam (Romans 5:12-21 = sin and death first enter the world through Adam but are conquered by one individual i.e. Jesus) and then the lineages treat Adam as an individual? I would say Adam was humanity's representative but also a real individual just like a modern day republic government official. They are elected to represent a group of people but also are individuals themselves.

Sometimes people like to claim the word day doesn't have mean litteral day and while true it doesn’t have to, the word day combined with the phrase "there was evening then morning, the next day" definitely suggests literal days in Genesis. (Genesis 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31 - The phrasing describes time as a normal day with each having an evening that then goes into the morning of the next day.)

Some claim that animals like carnivores couldn't possibly live without eating meat. But verses like this (Genesis 1:30 = God tells the animals they may eat plants but does not list other animals as viable food.) (Isaiah 11:6-9 = Predators live with prey and humans and eat plants like herbivores.) indicate God will allow that in the new Heaven and Earth. This to me indicates that Eden used to be like this as well. After the Flood, God seems to give Noah permission to finally eat animals as this is the fist time that God says humans may eat anything other than plants. (Genesis 9:3)

The argument that "the sun and moon were created on the 3rd day so the word day can't mean an actual day" is very weak. There are a couple of easier options than reading millions of years into the Bible:

1) God knew how long He was going to make a day. So He just did all the work within those time periods to begin with.

2) God could have come up with the word day after making the sun and moon and before relaying Genesis to Moses. God could have decided to make the rotation of the earth and thus the days line up with the time he had already spent on the first 2 days of creation. 

This is like someone doing some work over consecutive time intervals that happen to be of the same length. Then later, they give that time period a name and tell others how long it took after the fact using the new time period in the retelling of the story.

In either case, it seems God was not pressed on time. He finished before evening and then starts the next morning, so He was not working around the clock. (Genesis 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31 - God finishes work and takes time off each night of creation.) God can create infinitely more than we can imagine and simultaneously because He is all powerful.

Day and night are not created but divided apart with signals that are the sun and moon respectively. (Genesis 1:14-18 = God makes the sun and moon not to make day and night but be signifiers to relay time progressing. This verse seems to indicate that the sun and moon and stars are there to track something that already existed i.e. day and night.)

The verses talking about a day being a thousand years and a thousand years being like a day to God are not meant to give us more context for Genesis. (2 Peter 3:8-9) It is simply stating that God is outside time and is patient with us.

Not only that but finding soft tissue and blood sample on creatures that supposedly died hundreds of thousands to millions of years ago is harder to believe than God made the earth and there was a global flood.

We also have paintings/drawings from ancient people depicting dinosaurs. How is this possible if humans and dinosaurs didn’t live together since only somewhat recently have humans begun to dig up fossils and recognize what they are? [I have links below of this, some items may be fake but even if all were fake/misunderstood this is really only a minor point in my arguments] Behomoth's description is much closer to a sauropod dinosaur. (Job 40:15-24)

The world's oldest trees are also younger than a YEC view of the world. This suggest that the earth is younger than millions of years old as well. [Linked below for those curious]

Are we to believe God didn't care about who knows how many barely-not-humans before he revealed Himself to Adam? I don't think so. I also don't believe that it was only human death that came through Adam but all death.

Population charts also indicate its very possible to get today's population from Noah's family. I would argue they also suggest that if a global flood didn’t happen then today's population should be much higher. [Linked below for those curious]

For people saying the earth is billions of years old: How do you know the starting conditions of the universe? While we might know the decay rates of certain materials we have no idea of the starting conditions so you can't use any of those dating methods without some blind faith that you know the starting conditions.

As for the Flood. I see Genesis as suggesting it is global and not local. Here are a few points:

1) Noah's ark is extremely oversized for a local flood. He would not need that many animals just for a localized flood.

2) If it was just local Noah could have just moved away in the 120 years God gave him instead of building the ark. (Genesis 6:3)

3) Are we to believe all of humanity could be killed by a local flood? The whole point of the flood was to kill all life except for Noah, his family, and the animals God sent because of humanity's sin. (Genesis 6:5-8, 13, 17-19) (Genesis 7:21-23) [The only counter point here I think is reasonable is that the Flood did kill all other humans and animals but they had not spread out over the entire earth yet so it wasn't a complete global flood but still massive. You would have to also say the animals had not yet spread over the whole earth too because Genesis 6 doesn’t just say that humans are to die in the Flood but everything that had the breath of life has to die].

4) The bird Noah sent out would have been able to easily find land to make a new home at with a localized flood so the bird returning because it can't find land doesn't really make sense. (Genesis 8:7-12)

5) The duration of the flood is unbelievably long and comes to a huge depth for just a local flood. (Genesis 7:12, 17-20, 24) (Genesis 8: 3-5)

*I won't ever say that someone isn't saved if they believe in an older earth, I just disagree on that point


Theory number 2.. My own personal opinion is that the Bible particularlybthe Old Testament only focuses on the people or History of Israel..


As a atheist ( agnostic)
If I had to pick between Christianity and Islam versions
After long period of research and speaking to both individuals from the true religion
I would accept the Muslim version because it was more realistic, based on common sense and logic of what could be proven, also scientifically based.


Me praying it's the second one 🙏😭
