How do Adam & Eve Fit with Evolution? (with InspiringPhilosophy)

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Michael Jones discusses a de novo creation of Adam and Eve and the question of evolution. He argues there is no issue to be found.

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As a Catholic, I've always struggled with the concept of Adam and Eve as I got older. I mostly came to the conclusion that they were a myth or an allegory to help explain where humanity came from. But until recently, I have now accepted the possibility of a Biblical Adam and Eve. However, I don't believe these Biblical figures were the first humans ever. This is because it is impossible for the whole human race to have descended from a single couple, this even includes Adam and Eve's children Cain, Abel and Seth and others. The gene pool wouldn't be diverse, medical problems and deformities would arise and we wouldn't be here.
Inspiring Philosophy also has a video on where the Garden of Eden might've been located. One theory is said that the Garden was located where the Persian Gulf is now. The Garden had four rivers flowing from it, the Tigris, Pishon, Euphrates and Gihon. Now if the Garden was a real place and it was located here, that would mean that Adam and Eve weren't the first humans. This is because the oldest human fossils are found from Africa. This means humans most likely came from Africa. But that is what I believe about Adam and Eve.


I believe those 6 days for God to make everything took billions of years in his own time. He made creatures before humanity. Maybe the Neanderthals and other ape like ppl were there during the time and God made humans as he seen. So I believe evolution of all took place during the "6 days" (billions/millions years). The Bible said human tribes went off and adapted to the regions on earth, which sounds like evolution to me. I read the Bible and think science compliments it and vice versa. I mean it says all creatures evolved or came from a single ancestor which I believe is the creation.


Well I mean he didn't take two human beings and slap them in the garden. He made Adam out of the earth, then took his rib and made Eve.


Doctrines should always be put forth by scripture alone, not by philosophy. I don't see a biblical reason not to believe in the literality of the creation accounts.


I think he is saying that Adam and eve weren't the first, but they were chosen. Out of the evolving human species they were chosen to become priest and spread the word of God. ( i think)


This video was suggested to me, but I have no idea whose channel this is. Michael's explanations contains too many should of, could of, imagine if, maybe debates. He is just debating against himself. You can tell he can't prove any of his arguments with certainty.


Belief in macro-evolution implies that the Bible's account of creation in Genesis is not accurate. Genesis 3:20 says that everyone living is a descendant of Adam and Eve. Jesus referred to the Genesis account as historical fact. In Matthew 19:4, Jesus says: "Have you not read that the one who created them from the beginning made them male and female?" The apostle Paul also implied that Adam was a literal man. We inherited sin from Adam since we all descended from him.


We need to get together sometime and collab on our podcasts!


How can Adam be taken from an existing population if he was made from the ground, and his name even means man from the ground? I find it more likely that God created humanity as a whole on the 6th day, then some point within that 6th day he made Adam seperately. And then he issued the command to be fruitful and to multiply to all humanity.


I don’t know how you have natural selection prior to the fall


-adam and eve exists
-there are also humanoid lifeforms extremely similiar to humans exists as well (not monke)
-so these lifeforms and grandkids of adam&eve had united with them
-their unity results Hybrid humans (homo sapiens)

*i am muslim and im believe in adam and eve but if i was at non-abrahamic religion, i would believe that theory


First time I've heard someone refer to the "these are the generations of" formula in relation to the two chapters. I am struggling with this right now (Roman Catholic) and starting to move in this very direction. What about the soul? If that was somehow introduce before Adam and Eve, then was there no sin before they disobeyed? Was Eden the firs test of our loyalty? Or was a chance to bring all of us into eternal life? Or both? And did their sin corrupt the rest of the existing population?


This takes a lot of mental gymnastics to make it completely compatible.


Is IP’s interpretation what naturally flows from these accounts or is it finding a way to make a narrative fit?


Isn't it plausible, and rational, to consider that Adam and Eve are metaphors - among hundreds of other metaphors in scripture for many other phenomena, etc. - for the human race as a whole? The single represents the many. That does not pose any problem in context of evolution, and helps us avoid the very real issue of genetic inbreeding and all its problems, as one of the other commenters has rightly described. It also is a far more elegant and simple response than the convoluted idea that there were two breeds of humans existing, the breed prior to Adam and Eve, existing during and after the creation of these two singular people, Adam and Eve, who interbred with them. That narrative sounds like a stretch we don't need to make - unless of course we take the Genesis story literally, and then must find some more complicated narrative to answer the question of evolution, etc., or to sidestep it entirely, which does us no good in a world where science has, actually proven a lot of things. Textual analysis, of the kind English graduates and literary critics perform all the time, can be applied here, to untangle many a confusing issue. After all, we are looking at text, and a narrative, not in any way meant to be a book of science.


I'm not a Young Earth Creationist. However, my objection to Darwinian Evolution is scientific. Nearly every species alive on earth today has been found in the fossil record with only minor differences. Why is that a problem? Because if all the animals we know about were preserved in the fossil record where in the world are the millions of missing transitional forms needed to confirm the theory? I'd have to imagine the fossil record is conspiring against us by choosing all the species we know about.


Genesis 2:5-7: "Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground, but streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground. Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."

Michael Jones claims that that there were already a bunch of humans on the earth prior to when God made Adam and Eve, but as we can see from Genesis 2:5-7, God's written word says that there were ZERO humans on the earth prior to when God made Adam. Therefore, Michael Jones and all the authority figures he cited in support of their theory are heretics.


Don’t try to fit the Bible into failed scientific theories. Darwinism, neo-Darwinism, etc.


God created a man he knew who will lead all to sin still carry s on with the plan of creating sin


As the kids say, that's a lot of cope
