Adam and Eve's Fall from Grace

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In this video, Dr. Peterson explores the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible. They were initially unconscious and in a paradisal state until Eve ate the forbidden apple and became self-conscious, causing both of them to wake up to their vulnerability and mortality. This led to their realization of being naked and the knowledge of good and evil. He dives into the complex phenomena of self-consciousness, vulnerability, and the tangled relationship between the knowledge of good and evil.



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I have never met or heard a pastor that explained the bible in such a relatable and practical perspective that can apply directly to my life in a way that Jordan Peterson can. This is a skill that every pastor should have and should be able to perform. Pastors should be able to apply the stories of the bible to a person's life for practical guidance. Most ministers that I have met use the phrase "God is too complex to understand, it just takes faith". Now after hearing Jordan Peterson explain the bible, I understand that those ministers were not skilled ministers.


Sometimes Jordan speaks over my head, but it warms my soul that a man of his intelligence has found his faith in God. I always enjoy listening to him speak.


Nothing in these stories is an accident. It's not fairy tales. Its precisely edited cosmic truths of the nature of humanity, and also how to transcend that nature. Amen.


A simple way of explaining the problem with "knowledge of Good and Evil" is as follows. As soon as you know what you should not do, you implicitly know what you _could_ do. Once everyone knows what they could do, it's only a matter of time before some of them go ahead and do it.


I’ve recently been listening to Jordan and have probably heard about 15 or so of his posts/ speaking’s. This is the first I’ve heard of him speaking in biblical terms. I like him more now than I did before. That’s kind of hard to say as I liked him enough to keep watching his teachings. What a brilliant man with such a wealth of knowledge yet humble and bold all wrapped up into … well, Jordan Peterson.


There is part of me wish stay unconscious and other part cherich the idea that im conscious


"I bet alot of you are good at torture" this guy is the best 🤣


Bigger picture:
They were both created perfect, meaning without any flaws in their physical, emotional or mental selves.
They also had the prospect of living forever, not the guarantee, not yet, they had to gain gods confidence and then they would've eaten from the tree of life.
The tree they were told not to eat from represented God's sovereignty, his right to set the standard of right and wrong and when they ate from the tree, they chose to decide for themselves right and wrong.
Before this they were without sin, there are two definitions for sin, it's an action and a condition.
The condition is sickness and death, the action is transgressing against God's will.
Immediately after they disobeyed, God arranged for redemption in Genesis 3:15.
The Bible hangs on this verse…
It means eventually Jesus coming to earth and giving his life in exchange for everyone who would exercise faith in him.
Jesus was a perfect man who replaced Adam The perfect man: in a sense Jesus became our adoptive father that Adam was supposed to be.
God wasn't going to destroy the influencer, nor was he going to destroy the transgressors because that would go against his fairness of giving them the freedom to choose.
So he had to allow for the next several thousand years to play out, giving human beings a chance to live independently from him because this was the challenge that Satan put to God, "people will only really serve you if things are going well, they won't keep their integrity to you."
So a charge was put against God so the entire Bible, the theme of the Bible, is the sanctification and vindication of God's name and the vindication of God's sovereignty Which will be by means of gods kingdom, the kingdom that people pray for to come.


Being couscous I already looked at this story in this way. Its great to hear someone explain it better.


Jesus Christ is for everyone all we have to do is follow 😊


Grace is a state of sinlessness and selflessness. Self-knowledge is a fall from grace. We replaced our self with our understanding of self.


Doing evil causes shame, sadness, disgust, worryness or anger to yourself or to someone else.


I often think of cain and abel from different perspectives, starting with "Cain" can be looked at as "Cane" someone who is lame or unable to do something and depends on something to get by, and "Abel" as "Able" someone with the power to do. Its a interesting contrast to pronounce the origin of envy.


We always had consciousness. We didn’t have knowledge of good and evil. Until the fall.


The Omphalos Hypothesis was a very big deal to theologians, that in turn would come from miles around to gather and discuss the subject. They never did come to any agreement and are probably still scratching their heads in confusion.

The question was and is … did Adam have a belly button?


Why is it not going to be the same for Ai if it ever becomes self-conscious that it will realize it is naked


I would like to hear your take on Sabbath Jordan. I have found it very important in my relationship with God. I would like to hear what you think about the Sabbath.


Eve began to see what the serpent said because she believed the lie. She was not unconscious but freely chose. They chose to be independent of God and live with their ego = conscious intellect and not to commune and partner with God. Free choice with dramatic consequences in which everything went wrong. We were made in the image of God to live in the light of God’s love and become beloved children of God - in the Way that Jesus showed us.


Life is sufferIng
The suffering servant does not serve suffering but learns to turn suffering into His servant. He lays His Life down for another and thereby conquers death. Desire is the root of suffering. Righteousness is the only cause worth suffering for. There is a medicine within the ailment. Suffering is the other face of Love. That which you Love most is what you will suffer most for. Evil is a lesson that contains the ultimate good. Suffering is a prompt to Awaken. There is a Bodhicitta within everyone that wishes to comprehend the nature of suffering and transcend it. The Christ-Word is the Root “If a seed does not die, it cannot bear fruit”.


They were conscious. They were God conscious, sin caused them to become self conscious. Mankind has been self conscious ever since. Man had the image and likeness of God, but we didn’t have His character. This is why the LORD would visit man in the cool of the evening. These were character building visits. Sin ended those visits, and man became a creature of instinct. The most defining characteristic of humanity is rooted in our strongest instinct, self preservation. Far far below where God intended for man to be.
