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Women always ask me why men don’t want to commit. They are confused as to why a man who claims to live them wouldn’t want to marry them. Some men don’t even want to commit to having a girlfriend. Men have some very valid concerns over marriage. As much as some women want it, they will never be able to get their msn to commit or marry them. His fear of a ruined relationship and the loss of options by themselves are enough to stop him from getting married m. It doesn’t help that the media coverage of divorce and the personal loss that men sometimes suffer often are the only representation of marriage men have. Marriage is scary for men. We don’t grow up fantasizing about our wedding day like women. We do however fear the divorce as much as some women love the idea of marriage.
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It's funny how the game changes once it's the woman who doesn't want to get married lol. I'm divorced so been there, done that, not willing to tight the knot ever again and I don't want children either. And suddenly the guys I date are terrified and insecure as there is nothing really that I need from them so they cannot manipulate me. Dating becomes a whole different experience once you drop the desperation and don't give in to the pressure of "needing a man to be happy and complete" the society imposes on women.

Edit: Some of you got confused by my comment so just to clarify, I absolutely ADORE men. When I say I don't need them it's because I don't expect them to give me anything I haven't already been giving to myself. What I seek today is a companionship and unfortunately to many men stuck in the patriarchal mindset of being their women's providers and saviours, that is a totally foreign concept.


That why I really like happy SPOUSE happy House much better. Both ppl should have joy in a marriage.


If women withheld all sexual activity until marriage I bet men would want to get married then lol.


I met a guy while having lunch at a local restaurant. He was passing by and noticed me so we decided to take a stroll after I finished my meal. Within 10 minutes of conversation, I heard all his frustrations about the mother of his children and how he was forced to remain living in the same town so he wouldn't lose contact with his children. He began to explain how the courts had favored the ex-wife over matters that should have been favored to him. I realized that men don't have the same rights as women do, and though I couldn't verify the truth of his words, something told me he was speaking the truth. I didn't want to be involved with someone with that much drama in his life, but I walked away feeling sorry for him. So, this video makes a lot of sense. Men are becoming concerned about making a legal commitment with a woman. Those are the facts and they are legitimate.


I am 58, once married for 23 years, two wonderful kids..waiting on grand kid..pension.state job..my own small business....unsure if I want to married again. I run into men who want to be married because they don't have a retirement plan and want to hitch their cart to mine. Mature women be careful. Kevin is talking to the young..we have a whole set of different issues..


While being single it's very important to be healed from your past and become a whole person before marriage .Just as the Bible says husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and wives respect your husbands.. if a woman really loves her Man ( future husband) she will respect him, and pray for those issues that He has instead of killing him with her words. she's supposed to be a wife not a knife. the same thing for Men supposed to love their wives and respect them also it works both ways.


This is a real perspective for many men. There’s nothing to agree or disagree with. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t invalidate the thoughts of some men. This is you about gaining an understanding of male fears, not agreeing or disagreeing with me. I’m not even sharing my point of view. Some people can’t comprehend things they don’t identify with. Don’t be one of those people. I can tell it to you but I can’t understand it for you.


I enjoyed the way you broke this down. Thank you for helping normalize the fact that men have fears and things to lose too.


After watching countless Kevin videos including this one. I feel like I leaning towards staying single and just enjoying life with a friend here and there. Lol companionship is most certainly desired but damn what a headache


A woman can be as sweet as pie and be everything a man wants but if a man/men don't any longer see the value in getting married when they can get sex consistently from so many women on rotation because women feel super liberated and they can get companionship by "playing house" co-habitating without marriage then why would they marry? Especially if they whine that divorces usually don't go in their favor if they had kids and have to pay child support and give up the house. CLOSE YOUR LEGS.


3 reasons women don't want to get married
1. adultery - most common cause of divorce, no compensation
2. shorter lifespan - women really have a shorter lifespan being married
3. deadbeating any kids if he wants to 'trade up'
so yeah the contract has problems, it needs to keep both parties honest.


1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear, because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.


Thank you Kevin. I appreciate men’s legitimate concerns, but men need to know that not all women behave in these manipulative, selfish ways. Most women want to make their marriage work, support and respect their husband, and live a peaceful life with their husband. I suspect most people marry the wrong person for them and this is why they have marriage breakdown.


About the second point: ‘men not getting married to hang on to choice’. From this description it’s being used as a way to control women’s behaviour: ‘I won’t marry her so that she knows I can still choose someone else so she’ll behave and keep being nice to me.’ At the end of the day if people don’t want to get married they don’t have to but avoiding it just to hang on to control sounds like being stuck to me. Communication is key. Being brave enough to create and maintain boundaries relating to self-esteem for both men & women is required. Instead of needing to control maybe dig deeper inside for the courage to create healthy boundaries including in the marriage. This leads to emotional growth and maturity. Why is the man complaining about being ‘whipped’ in his marriage? He needs to create boundaries. A woman worth her salt loves healthy boundaries - it inspires respect in us for the guy and visa versa too. Often people treat us the way we treat us. Easier said than done in instances of being overtly harmed but those we can turn away from.


Listening to this video makes me think women need to adapt this same position. No marriage and No $ex. If a man is scared a woman is going to change, is he willing to do all the things he did to get her? The only thing that doesn't change is the fact that things are always changing and God who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

It's exhausting for women to twist themselves in knots for man in addition to raising kids, maintaining homes, handling business (care and maintenance) and working full time. Plus these men want 50/50.

If this ain't some "men will be lovers if themselves, lovers if money (leveling up financially while lacking character and integrity), boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents (single moms you raised em usually alone and get blamed for everything), UNGRATEFUL (entitled to women/$ex)"... The list goes on...


As a women I have never dreamed of marriage and dresses I don’t even care to have a wedding I want to get married because that is the proper way of doing things as Living for God.


It’s not fair for us good women out there! 😭


Atp I rather be alone lol at least I only have to deal with my own issues. We all should want
to evolve and change. Staying stagnant is a nightmare. I just want to be free to be myself. Whoever I grow to be in the future.


And this is why one should wait on the lord ! His advice never fails and filled with guidance to direct us on the right path…. The lord knows what’s best for his children.


Very sad dating society 😞.
Older people have layers of past experiences and issues.
People don't enhance each other's lives anymore.
It's all about me, me, me!
People do not know what a partnership is.
They think if someone is doing for them, it's a good relationship.
They don't want to give, but want to be given to.
People now are self centered, self absorbed.
My parents were happily married 61 years.
When people knew what commitment to each other really meant.
Today many immature adults.
They lie, and cheat.
