No Longer Calvinist | Jason’s Testimony

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People are waking up to the simplicity of the gospel and the LOVE of our Heavenly Father! Praise the Lord!


I can relate to you Alana. I’m very sensitive and am on high alert every time I listen to a sermon. I’m always hearing about how vile and unworthy we are as opposed to hearing about the joy and beauty we can now experience in Christ. I’m also concerned about the young people in my church who are being sucked into this doctrine.


Jesus convinced me that Calvin got it wrong when he said "I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me though he were dead, yet shall he live and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die."
Calvinists say if you're dead you cannot believe.


About 5 years ago, I watched a video by Mike Winger on why he thought Calvinism was unbiblical. That was 5 years ago. It took me 4 years of slowly coming out of Calvinism. Why did it take that long? Truly, because I wanted to sound "smarter than". Calvinist truly do usually sounds smarter than everyone. The other reason is expository preaching . I am a pastor who preaches three times a week. I go verse by verse. We have been in Romans for a year and a half and we are now about to begin Romans 10. Going that slow begun to solidify that Calvinism was unbibical.
I then started listening to Leighton, Provisionalist Perspective, Beyond the Fundamentals, Calvinist Contradiction and John 17 Apologetics. Those channels have helped me greatly in my confidence to come all the way out of Calvinism.
I went from J-Mac, Lawson and Washer to Adrien Rogers, AW Tozer and Steve Gains.
On a side note, Steve Gains is an expositor and a very solid one.
Alana, your videos on leaving Calvinism and you walking through Ephesains 1& Romans 9, that was also very helpful.

My question is this. Did you get rid of all of your Reformed books and other resources?
I want to, but I have so many I do not know where to begin


I am so encouraged to see YOUNG people questioning this cults; (anything that points us away from TRUE Scripture and Jesus) false gospel. I am 76 and was not reborn til 46 so ALL of my teaching came from Scripture and two mentors.
When exposed to Calvinism I found it strange. It reminds me of the RCC.
Thank you!


Despite some technical difficulties, a very excellent discussion. Thx!


It so resonated with me when Alana wasn't necessarily what was being said by those in the Calvinistic church but what was not being said.
When God orchestrated for me to begin listening to a non Calvinistic Bible Church - everything I was hearing seemed like I was hearing Scripture for the first time. So grateful for every piece that has been shared in your journeys out of Calvinism. It has been an encouragement to me.


Roman’s 1:20 was where Calvinism all fell apart to me. I love how after I prayed for clarity that’s the verse God put in my head…. You have no excuse! And amazingly, that verse came out in many other testimonies of those who came out of Calvinism. God is so amazing!


Amen for saying it brother. Calvinism is a philosophical construct that is placed over the top of Scripture. In loving God with all our minds we must take all philosophies and drill them down to their logical conclusions. When Calvinists proclaim that we are being "too emotional" when we've taken that philosophy down to its logical conclusions then we are doing the right thing with our minds. We need to treat it as what it is....philosophy that is making big claims stating that Scripture supports it. To a lot of Calvinists, they, like the culture we're experiencing right now, will not believe the truth of Scripture that clearly refutes their teaching but will yield back to the false philosophy that they've been taught. Their proof texts are Scripture taken out of context with very poor exegesis without considering sound hermeneutical principles for interpreting those Scriptures. Even compatiblism can be found among atheists. I think it's horrible how people are shamed for arriving at and speaking out about the logical conclusions that their systematic is making about man, about God and about the gift of salvation.


The title of Dave Hunt's bok: What Love is This? Calvinism's Misrepresentation of God", says it all!


Great video, very helpful. 1:35:45... Amen... Most Calvinists were saved and believers in Christ before they became convinced of Calvinism. Technically, affirming TULIP does not preclude anyone from salvation. Man can be saved no matter how confused he may become about "how" it happened. It just undermines the personal relationship with our Heavenly Father which Christ came and died to make possible.
What I believe is so powerful here is the importance of finding the 'validation' that one is not alone in these questions so common to nominal Calvinist.. I've never been a Calvinist... but it is so obvious many people are caught up in it who are privately 'troubled' by the consequences of the doctrine which simply cannot be addressed head on. And if they ask many questions they are reprimanded for questioning God when they're really just questioning TULIP. Afraid of being branded a 'troublemaker' they submit to 'authority', sit down in silence. We know many often experience a quiet, private fear' of their own salvation with nowhere to turn, they bow their head and just "hope for the best" because there's nothing else to do... it breaks my heart.

THAT is why these videos are so very important! And thank God it's why they are gaining more steam every day.
Don't worry too much about the rhetoric in the comments section. Calvinism cannot hold up to the light of clear examination without obviously having to defend the nature and character of our Heavenly Father from the claims of its own system... it's a bad look no matter how you view it.
The more they rail.. the more obvious it is to the silent 3rd party who observes but never engages ... they 'get it'. The cognitive dissonance necessary to maintain the "tension" with which Calvinists have become so comfortable is mind-numbing and obvious to anyone not filtering scripture first through the lens of TULIP.


1:41:43 Alana you’re right that was not healthy to have to feel that way, but it’s completely normal that you would being in that setting. It’s so sad that you are thinking the problem was you and not them. Let me assure you, you were not the problem. You were not being hypercritical in a spirit of hatred. They were being deceptive (knowingly or unknowingly) at every turn and your heart could not take it. The Spirit inside of you was grieving and crying out. Experiencing righteous anger every time you go to church is definitely not healthy but is only normal in that environment, which is why you couldn’t stay. Nothings wrong with you for feeling that way and the problem was not with you Alana 🙏🏻


Thank you for this Alana 🙏 caught the live half way and rewatched just now. These videos mean more than you know, blessings ❤️


Alana and Jason, I truly enjoyed this conversation, God bless you and your families 🩵 I just subscribed to Jason’s channel!


That experience of hearing something that catches your attention is what I experienced with John MacArthur. I didn't know anything about Calvinism, except the name John Calvin. So I rewound the the sermon video 45 seconds, 3 times. My thought was, " that's not in scripture."
The problem is preachers will make statements like, "irresistible grace, " without explaining or defining what is meant by it.
We must insist that any preacher teacher define what is meant by these labels or terms. We assume that we all share the same understanding of "God's sovereignty " without realizing we don't. So if we dismiss or acccept a teaching without knowing what is meant by a word or term by the speaker, we will accept errors.
For example when a calvinist says God is sovereign, they mean that God is power AND is controlling everything.
We non calvinist, believe that while God can do anything, He did not do what Calvinists claim God did. We agree God predestined certain events, but disagree that God predestined every event.
We agree in regeneration, but disagree that it precedes faith.
We must insist that pastors explain what they mean by the labels and terms they use. We must stop with labeling persons into a group of "Arminian, " or
" Calvinist, " as though that's a supportive argument. It isn't.
I don't care if a person claims to be a member of the "Mickey Mouse, " club....what does he/she believe.
The solution:
Read and study scripture; and listen to every word and sentence being pray daily to the Holy Spirit for truth. God will always deliver the truth. Always.
Perhaps, praying daily to the H.S. is the FIRST thing we should do, followed by reading scripture, and listening closely to the teachings.


Very nice discussion Alana and Jason. So glad you were able to come out of this deception. Its had another run in the church for decades now and from appearances looks like its heading out with Leighton, Kevin, you 2 of course and many others. I appreciate Jason's declaration as Calvinism being a false gospel. Leighton won't do that and I wish he would. The only way we keep it out is by taking a tough stance against it. That's why I appreciate Kevin "no fear" Thompson. It is a "tough love" as Jason mentioned. As a suggestion and admonition for finding a church to go to that is expositional, I suggest the Word of Faith churches. However, I must say that I've moved away from the institutional form of church to gathering with smaller groups where interaction and discussion can take place. Another problem in that 3rd century time is what Constantine did to formalize the church in buildings. In any event, I suggest teaching of the full gospel which includes spiritual gifts. This truncated version such as the Baptists doctrine is where we get into trouble. We create a vacuum for much false teaching such as Calvinism, New Age, etc. If we teach the full gospel, we won't make room for these. Thanks again and keep up the good work. Many are being freed from the false gospel of Calvinism.


hello from Alaska. I've been watching your channel, Jason


It was hearing that God loved me and that he would save me if I came to him in faith and repentance, that convinced me to become a Christian. I never heard that in the Reformed church I grew up in, where all I ever heard was worm theology. There is NO HOPE in this religion.


Keep up the good work Alana and Jason. Well done! It warms my heart when I see the Calvinists Trolls show up and try to do damage control. It means God is working through your ministry. It is bearing much fruit against the Doctrine of demons.
Truth in love


Very well said U2 👍
How Holy Spirit led me to question Calvinism was through the early church writing 👍

You need to dig into the 'Anabapists '
And their history ( scroll publishing)
