Agnus Dei - Samuel Barber LIVE

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Vlaams Radiokoor (Flemish Radio Choir)
Marcus Creed, conductor
Recorded at Studio 4, Flagey (Brussels) in 2015
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13 million views, wow ❤🤩😮 Thank you all for your beautiful comments, emails and letters, they all mean a lot to us! They have inspired us to create more videos, so check out our channel for a whole new series of a capella gems under our label Vocal Fabric! Bedankt, merci, thank you, hvala, kiitos, shukran, mahalo, efharisto, grazie, arigato, takk, gracias, obrigado, spasibo, komsahamnida, dankie, aitäh, salamat, danke, toda raba, xie xie, tapadh leibh, tack ❤ You can now also enjoy our recording of Agnus Dei (in 3D immersive sound) on streaming platforms including Spotify, Apple Music and Google Play:


just lost my wife to Covid, I first kissed her 29/6/60, she was 15 and 2 days, we have been inseparable ever since, she was a Lamb of God.


My son Marco unexpectedly went to heaven to be with his Savior in March 2024 at the young age of 31 years. While he was still with us he introduced this video to us, his parents, and told us it was his favorite of all music pieces he had ever heard. Being very moved by it, he expressed how the choir in this video truly honoured this glorious masterpiece, as it was concieved for the Lamb of God Jesus. There are no words with which we can convey how deeply meaningful this video is to us, reminding us of a time with our son that we will cherish for the rest of our lives.


My husband just died and I listen to this piece so I can be with him in Heaven.


I have read many comments on this piece. That's one half of the coin. The other half is how professional singers have to be to sing this piece to such perfection. As a member of a highly acclaimed professional choir, I have an idea of how much effort and work goes into forming a choir like this - work that is far too little appreciated, especially as a master of this craft is the director here. Restraint, power, stamina, huge arches carved out, intonation, tricky invervals and harmony changes - this piece is much harder to master than it might seem, and this choir masters this piece in a truly extraordinary way. My greatest respect!


I am a bit of a broken person. I am free of tobacco for about 6 years and I gave up opiates 15 months ago. This is really spiritual for me and its choking me up. Jesus is so awesome.


Back about 15 years ago I was a young punk rocker. My academic supervisor dragged me out to a classical vocal concert. Honestly the soloist were amazing but not my cup of tea. Then they all came on stage to sing this. I tell you I literally melted, I had such a physical reaction to this, I could barely stand up afterwards. The chills on the major to minor changes just literally melts me. This is amazing.


When we are born this should be played.... when we die this should be


After one month in a coma, my beloved Father passed away during the night in March of 1993. As Director of my University Art Gallery, I had to immediately install an exhibition before flying with my wife for his funeral. I had heard this hauntingly sublime, all choral music previously. Somehow as I was working alone in the silence of midnight, I had an image of my Father's coffin slowly--as if in slow motion--circling gracefully as it made its climb to heaven, accompanied by Barber's Agnus Dei as sung so emotionally here with serene beauty. I knew then that my dear Dad was at Peace. And so was I. The incredible power of great music, just one of the many legacies this wonderful man left to me. A vision of grace and eternal Love.


I, m listening to this with tears dimming my ability to type. I am 89 years 0ld and my first born son is taking his final breaths, I, m seeking comfort in these beautiful, divine pieces . He is a victim of FTD . Please pray for him. Thank you.


“Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.”


Who else listening to this gem in 2021?

It is one of the most beautiful pieces of modern classical music and what a sublime recording.


This has 111k+ likes. After my daughter passed away I started seeing 111 everywhere. I feel her presence when I listen to beautiful music like this and these numbers make me feel like she's here with me now 💓


Listen by heart: The world may be perish, but the kingdom of God emerges through music and spiritual gifts. He is already here. The Lord will lead us through. Pray for wisdom and qualified spiritual leadership. Something is at the end of the beginning.


When I was young and foolish, I scoffed when my father said that the human voice was the greatest of all musical instruments. I am older and wiser now


Merci de ce partage depuis la France. Soyez béni au nom de Jésus christ. Qu il nous protège dans les épreuves. Amen 🙏


Thanks god for my healthy ears can hearing this...


The first time I heard this I was driving on the New Jersey Turnpike. I was so awestruck I pulled over onto the shoulder to cry.
It still moves me to tears.


I am an european classical snob. But this is by far the best American piece of classical music ever composed. So beautiful.


Lost my beautifull wife
Never forget kissed her lips for the first time
In my heart you stay forever
