Keto Kills Your Gains! New Study! | Educational Video | Biolayne

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Didn't mention Gary Taubes once!! Awesome video!! Three things the low carb diet has taught me... I can lose weight at will, I can maintain my weight (7 years at around 180, I'm 6'2") and it takes a really, really long time to get bigger and stronger. I "discovered" Layne on a longevity Doc's podcast about 8 weeks ago. Since then I doubled my protein intake, doubled my carb intake (I was only at about 50 to 70 carbs a day) and cut my sat fat. In 7 weeks I've gone from 179 to 184 on average and my fat caliber calculations have me down to 11% from 12%! I now train to 1 to 3 reps before failure and have seen progress in every single exercise! I think I might eat a potato...
I forgot to mention... I do cheat a bit. I use Outwork pre and post workout supplements. That 💩 is awesome!! Again good job on not being a dick. Lol!


Thomas Delauer would cry if he sees this 😭


Great explanation, I needed it. For almost 1 year on "Keto" and strength training I saw small/slow progress on the muscle gain department. Happy to have found YOU. Learning so much from your videos. Thanks!


Definitely a balancing act. I have lost weight both ways - HC/LF & vice versa. Now I just focus on getting my protein in and keeping calories in check, and aim between 50-100g carbs a day (50 on SS cardio days /100 on lifting days). LC works better for me simply because I feel better mentally (focus, steady energy), and it helps my mild asthma & pretty much eliminated seasonal allergies.

That being said, performance in the gym does take a noticeable hit, especially when transitioning from higher carbs.


Absurd. Its easy to build muscle on keto. All you need to do before hitting the gym is eat plenty of carbs.


The video is great! I think the title is not quite adequate and a bit misleading but still super valuable information right there!


Maybe I've missed that, but the partecipants were new to keto? If not, the big loss of water is pretty obvious


I did keto for 6 months, struggled to progress the weights, since adding carbs back in I am progressing again.


Great video Layne! Could you perhaps elaborate on how many carbs are necessary/optimal in order to prevent muscle breakdown?


When I switched from keto to a classic bodybuilding diet my weight lifting sessions were night and day better.

The pumps came back, the intensity of the workouts went way up and I felt much much better.


I love my carbs and my weightlifting and cardio performance benefits ♡


Keto and Intermittent Fasting works great for me, I'm quite jacked and I feel it's easy for me to follow but don't get me wrong love your content and how you use studies and explain everything.


This isn't a 'debunking' thing. I've heard a few YouTube body builders say that keto is awesome for cutting but not for bulking. Even most advocates of keto will tell you it is difficult to put on muscle using keto. Different diets have different metabolic functions. The key is to use the tools you have access to in your arsenal for good health, nutrition, weight loss and body building. Why does it always have to be 'yours sucks and mine is better' like I see all the time on YouTube?


Few years ago I tried keto for a couple of months and stopped because my training felt lethargic and i couldnt lift the way i wanted and was much weaker. Went back to just doing my usual thing and never looked back.


True keto actually also doesn't promote high protein so I know some who only get in about 70grms of protein a day which would certainly impact you if you were doing weights


I love keto . Works for me just fine . I get stronger the same . My body doesn’t like carbs . The end .


One problem with keto is that is that it tends to be way too low in protein.
Cutting carbs, eating at a deficit, and employing intermittent fasting were the keys to me finding a program where I can consistently lose weight.
That said, I am finding that adding a few carbs helps keep me stay regular, and boosting protein as much as possible while maintaining a deficit is so far allowing me to lose fat while getting stronger at the same time.
I'd love to focus more more on muscle growth, but I have to face the fact that the 25 pounds I've lost so far is probably about half of what I need to lose before I can reach my goal of seeing my abs.


The thing I like about this is it wasn't a zelous "anti keto" hit piece. Was pretty balanced. I put on 5kg LBM and lost 20kg of fat on keto. That being said I was doing it 5 days a week. With 2 days high carb and low fat. A cyclic approach. I guess it comes down to what your aims are, and if it works for you. Consistency to anything (keto or otherwise) that encourages you to eat right is most likely trumps anything in this study.


The drawbacks from getting as big and strong as possible is reduced lifespan and increased risk of all cause mortality. Why do you think bodybuilders die so young? Look at all the strongmen who retire early. Nearly every single PRO level athlete has had some type of surgery. Even Stan himself said "if you want to be healthy don't compete". It's because of the insulin spikes from eating constantly that fuck up their immune system and lead to organ failure. Not to mention the physical injuries that come with lifting stupid amounts of weights. Keto diets are also retarded, in the sense that humans in nature would not follow a certain macro nutrient ratio, but would rather eat a huge meal (mostly animal based) that would kick them out of ketosis via gluconeogenesis. Ketosis would only be induced by prolonged fasting. Which makes more sense, as it would be highly unlikely that humans ate more than once a day before the Neolithic revolution. Fasting and animal based diets lead to better overall health and body composition that any bullshit fad diet out there. Bodybuilding diets and the western diet are essentially the same, they both lead to chronic illness and inflammation throughout the body because of all the polyunsaturated fatty acids and processed carbs, which are a poison to humans.


I'm cool with losing 3 pounds of lean body mass when im 54 pounds overweight. Bottom line is nobody is leaving the gym, or shouldn't atleast.
