Why you should stop making music your personality

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In this video i’ll give my opinions on this subject and rants associated with mostly hip hop music and their influencers such as Kanye West, Tyler The Creator, MF DOOM, Frank Ocean and other music related topics such as how tiktok is ruining musical artists and the consumer, artistic credibility, experimenting with new music, and how spotify wrapped and apple music replays are somewhat interesting. It will all lead to a complicated answer.

here’s why music shouldn’t be your personality. it’s practically ruining you and you don’t even know it.

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As a die hard Tyler fan it's been rough going from having amazing music taste to "basic" music taste😭


I completely agree it’s annoying when people start calling your taste basic just because I listen to some popular rappers with great modern albums but then they don’t even know that I also listen to underground artists of loads of different genres aswell. Those people are just bots and can’t think for themselves and will usually force themselves to like things just because they aren’t popular. But sometimes you can say to people that they have shit taste because some of my friends just listen to the most awful music it actually makes me want to rip my ears off


I believe all that is due to rising popularity of individualism, wanting to be different from the crowd. People are often offended by their favourite underground/niche artist becoming more mainstream because they believe that it brings their music taste down to "average", "basic", so it's not really about the music, it's about the listener and their self esteem.


I gotta agree with the DOOM fans part since I'm a doom fan myself but it's crazy how they say your fake just cuz you listen to a single song when I'm pretty sure they don't know his alter egos like king geedorah and metal fingers (also great vid btw it's really high quality!) EDIT: i swear it really does not matter if i spelled it all caps if anything its annoying as hell


Music is an extension of self. Music, more than any other media, has strong ties to our emotions: music communicates emotion, stirs memory, affects mood, and spurs creativity

It has a lot to do with personality


Newer DOOM fan here, I couldn't care less what people listen to, and if people want to get into DOOM, I'll gladly recommend them some of his albums. If they don't like it, that's okay, everyone has their own preferences and that's why the world is so rich and diverse 🔥🔥🔥


I listen to music all day because if the music stops then the thoughts start


6:55 This part hit home 💀

Shit I might be way to addicted to music but I genuinely love it, I don't have a necessity to brag about how much weird music I might listen to so I don't really feel like this is targeted towards me apart from the tinitus part ; - ;

Pd: King Geedorah is fire I hope you checked it out despite the annoying fandom


when you got to the hearing loss part you got me 💀 I literally have my AirPods in 24/7 and I don’t even have my shit loud but I still think I’m going deaf


Been saying this forever. It also locks you into a set amount of genres, which is a waste. Theres so much good music out there


Honestly to each their own. Listen to whatever u vibe with 🙌


I used to have this friend who would make a disgusted face when or straight up ignore me when I tried to show him a song I liked or say I've already that one it's kinda ass. He really did make music (and skating) his whole personality, and I actually let him put me on other "unreleased songs" or less mainstream songs from popular artists or stuff like that. After I realized how annoying this kid was I saw all the music he put me on and tbh it was not me you know, it wasn't bad but I just couldn't feel the music in those songs. I love music, I'm even trying to make music just to see if I really enjoy doing that but I would never tell someone that their music taste ass or just bad and then try to change their taste because it's not what I like. At the end of the day, listen to what you want.


the worst thing is, liking non mainstream music is kinda fucked, like i wont even touch the aux, i know if i play something that i like imma get roasted or they gonna fall asleep, it makes me feel isolated, and i dont really mind mainstream music, i can listen to it, but it just dont hit right with me idk why, like kanye, i listened to his stuff and all i really had to say was "ye this is aight" and an artist that i wanted to like so bad since im a producer, j dilla, i listened to doughnuts, and it just sounded ok, like idk if something is wrong with me, or im just too far gone


Absolute facts. I hate when people who act like anyone who listens to popular music, or an artist's most well known track is a loser. I love MF DOOM, and my favorite track from the guy is Rapp Snitch Knishes (closely followed by the entirety of Madvilliany). That riff just goes so hard, and both Doom and Fantastik go all in. Like you said, things are popular for a reason, and I hate these pretentious hipsters who act like every good thing needs to be obscure. True, it's fun to find something obscure that most people don't know about, I friggin love Mindseed and WATSKY, and I bet most people don't know who they are, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy incredibly popular artists, like Tyler, The Creator and Dua Lipa. Music is a beautiful thing, don't be a snob.


As someone who wasn't a big music person for most of my life and only recently started delving into music, I've loved it to a worrying degree. This video came at the perfect time for me because I've found myself over the last few months slowly becoming someone that makes music their whole personality even half-jokingly telling people that. I've found myself feeling validated and "cool" because of what I listen to started to think about how many minutes I stream albums and artists and such. While I think music is incredibly important and adds a lot to personality, I tend to only have my mind on music a lot of the time and nothing else. I need to balance how much I care about music compared to other aspects of life, but hey at least I don't care what others listen to and call it basic or something.


i clicked on this video without looking at anything else, just the title. didn't even notice it had 200 views, nor the fact that u have 10 subs. this shit is great quality keep going


You earned a new sub dawg keep going 🔛🔝


i make music my personality, because making music and listening to music has been my biggest intesrest in life ever since i was 2. Although i dont judge people for listening to what they listen to and allat


As an avid music (Hip Hop, RnB, Pop) consumer I fully agree. I do not force what I listen to onto others, they probably will not understand or enjoy off of 1 play because they haven't listened and understood the songs as much as I have. I started listening more to what I like, not what others may like. Whether it be Yeat, Youngboy or Mr. West, it is for me soley to enjoy. When someone plays something they may truly love it no matter what kind of tune. I'm not like yooo wtf is this bro turn on some Yeat, I will glady bump along and sing the words I know. Music is subjective, if you find joy from it that is all that matters, don't try to appeal, listen to what you truly enjoy. You explore and find your style.


I agree, people act like they have superior music taste than you, like tf..
And bruh, how do you have only 91 subs... That's bs... This video was dope bro, much love. Keep grinding man.
