What is a Natural Way to Reduce Anxiety & Depression?

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Bro, even the word meditation is stressing me out.


No one can understand depression other than sufferers


Everyone gets the blues. The diff between the blues & clinical depression is that depression usually starts young & never goes away. It underlies every thought in our lives. When the beast surfaces, some run for the pills. And that's okay. Better that than suicide. Here are some methods I've come up with that work for me. I'm not a doctor, & I'm NOT prescribing anything, just offering a few suggestions.
When the beast starts tearing at your heart & soul, don't try to muscle it down. Rather, think of something that always pleases you. With me, it's critters coming up to me for some tlc. With you-- well, we won't go there.
Now, push/expand your stomach as far as you can w/o exploding. Hold it there for a few seconds until it starts to be uncomfortable. Just don't overdo it. Now relax & take a deep breath. Lie on your bed or some flat surface & think of every muscle group from your head to your toes, & while you're doing this, make them relax. Push your stomach again, & relax.
Put on some upbeat music. I like happy jazz instrumentals. If it's a nice sunny day, get some rays. That vitamin D is good stuff, we're told by the experts. And if possible, go out & take a short walk. Don't just sit staring at a stupidifying screen or book. MOVE!
Schedule your days like a business. Don't be too specific. It's amazing to me how loose scheduling has improved my mood.
Unclutter!!!! Simplify your surroundings. Open space is good for your attitude. I've read this in many psychology articles (I was a certified counselor/case mgr. in MH). If you haven't worn clothing for a year, give it to someone in need. All those books? I'll bet most of the better ones are online for free or at least a fraction of the cost of the hard copy. Start giving them away. People like books for a gift, even if they don't read them. Books are some of the most expensive things in your home/apt. You have to give them shelves that get dusty or boxes than take up precious space. When you move, they're a pain & heavy. If you downsize, you must store them-- & that extra cost quickly adds up to many times the price of a digital copy.
Take stock of all that extra gadgetry you have piled up somewhere. Time for gift giving.
YouTubby has lots of great upbeat music, so compile a playlist & utilize the free offerings. Just stay away from depressing stuff. Really, it's nuclear waste.
If you're an old duffer like me, think of getting a pet. Even a fishquariam is comforting. If you must travel, it shouldn't be hard to have a friend or relative come over every day or so & check on the little guys-- or take in your cat or dog for awhile. I'd just make sure the critter likes the person who's boarding it.
Finally, some like long, luxurious baths. I like pulsing warm showers. To each his own. If CBD oil works, & it's legal where you live, hey....
Of course, none of this compares to a professional treatment plan. I take minimal doses of anti-anxiety/anti-depressant pills. I'll be on them till I die. Talk to the doc about Kanna. It works like an SSRI, but doesn't seem to have the nastier side-effects. It's scientific name is Sceletium tortuosum. Look it up, but always talk to a professional first, esp. if you're already on medication. BE CAREFUL! And don't believe everything you read or see, esp. here where there are no safety filters.


"May relieve SOME symptoms."

Give me a break. I just wasted thirty seconds of my depressed life.


Psilocybin containing mushrooms saved my life . The drastically reduced my benzodiazepine withdrawal allowing me to quite illicit pill addiction after three years of heavy daily use before it would had became medically dangerous to quit . It has also helped me survive depression .


Ways to reduce anxiety:



I’ve always thought I was a happy teen hanging out with my best friend, but I have never really seemed to feel the joy in having her by my side. I don’t get why I am like that. I just really want to get it off me because it’s stopping me from being social and doing what I love. I’m chained to my computer in my very dark room 24/7 because I can’t find the point in life... I don’t enjoy it. I don’t even know why. I have all reasons to be a happy child, but somehow I don’t feel like I am.


Depression isn't something that will go away because you take up a brand new hobby or spiritual practice. Depression takes away your ability to try new things, destroys your enthusiasm and curiosity. If I had the energy to learn a whole new skill, I wouldn't be depressed.


If u r in depression my advice to all...be in a good activitys like gym or swimming classes or driving cars...meet ur love ones ...and wear expensive clothes ...travel where u want to go n think no enemy can touch u...coz police law is there to protetct u


Wow ( clap claaaap ) solved all my issues
( shaking my head )


We also need peaceful music, good for the SOUL.


Me: Searches for ways to cure depression

Video: Meditation

Me: That's it?

Video: yep

Me: are you sure?

Vid: of course!

Me: how about excer-

Vid: *No*

Me: wha- but why?

Vid: if you exercise you'll trip and die.

Me: but thats jog and ru-

Vid: and once done after you sleep your body stop moving and then die.

Me: isnt that go-

Vid: trust me you'll die

Me: ok?


My son had severe anxiety and some panic attacks. After taking Sirtiline he ended up in the hospital. As a mother I was desperate to help but felt completely helpless. Or so I thought. I said a heartfelt prayer and plea to God not truly believing anything would come it. After my prayer a thought was persistant in my brain, "check his vitamin/minerals". I honestly thought this was my thought but in time I came to realize that this was a divine message. I researched vitamins/ minerals and went back to the hospital intending to demand lab work. Upon arrival I was met with a nurse who informed me before I said a word that she was just informing my son that his labs reported an extreme deficiency of vitamin/mineral quantities. So low infact that the doses were given intravenously and in some cases 1000s of times more than the RDA. He was back to normal and back home within days. No problems since then and its been 3 years. Please remember God loves us all and really does listen...



All above are different FACETS (like in DIAMONDS) of our minds, which is what makes our mind rich and beautiful. Once we truly understand this, then the need to reject a part of our minds doesn’t arise. Even negative facets can be used ALERTLY to reach positive results.

The Depression facet is mysterious and invisible thereby making it difficult to understand. Therefore we engage in a blind boxing bout with depression in order to get rid of it.
Blind boxing will exhaust us and push us in a downward spiral.
The solution lies in ACCEPTANCE and by doing so not only does depression stop bothering us but it further enriches ourselves.

When you meet depression next time, befriend it and invite it for a cup of tea. Thank it for adding richness to your life.
Will the mountain look beautiful if there was no valley ?
Will the valley look beautiful if there was no mountain ?

OBSERVE your various moods and don't get identified to it.
Use your moods, but don't get used by it.

P.S. MOOD = A mood is a feeling or a person's specific state of mind at any particular time.

P.P.S DIAMONDS = The way a diamond is cut determines its proportions, which in turn affect the way the stone will reflect light. The diamonds that are cut with better proportions (facets) have more BRILLIANCE


You are not alone if you have depression all you have to do is sleep a good amount


Nice video. One more suggestion . Detox the mind. Reduce negative thoughts with a simple practice. Your breath is directly related to your mind [brain] causing negative thoughts-anxiety. For a relaxed life sit on a chair, back straight, eyes closed, be as still as possible and observe the sensations of your incoming--outgoing breath at the entrance of the nostrils for around 5-10-15 minutes or more. Don’t fight with your thoughts. Slowly the mind will relax. No deep breathing needed. Anytime of the day or night before sleep sit or lie down on your back and observe your breath. Like me, make this a lifetime daily habit to have a good life. Best wishes Shyaaam Sir. –Counsellor.


Really....quiet my mind...holy hell what a novel idea.


Ah yes meditation when I can’t even stay still for like a minute lmao


Personal experience •
Cut caffeine
Adequate sleep at night
Healthy diet
Movement and fresh air
( workouts + stretching )


nice video, just want to share that one of the best way to fight depression is exercise which can encourage your brain to rewire itself, it also boosts feel-good chemicals called endorphins
