10 Worst Towns in the United States

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10 Worst Towns in the United States

Want to buy some real estate in a small town that doesn’t suck? Me too. What is going on everyone?
Let’s take a look at something we haven’t done in a while. Worst towns in the United States.
We did this video back in 2017, and I figure it is time for an update. Things have changed, some towns have gotten better some decent towns have gotten worse and Alaska is slowly becoming the new Mississippi.
Shockingly Mississippi didn’t make this year's list. If I would have done 25 they would have the 23rd 21st and 13th spots.
Cities are slowly falling out of fashion and more and more people are looking outside the city and the suburbs. I’m mean honestly if you don’t have to, why would you live in bumper-to-bumper traffic, worry about your safety in and out of your house, or watch your ring doorbell cam while stealing your Amazon.

Today we are looking at towns you shouldn’t move to because they are horrible.

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This guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. My friend lives in Nome and he’s only been robbed and shot like 9 times.


I'm amazed Cairo, Illinois isn't on this list. Cairo is *brutal* . The last time I visited Cairo, there was ONE open business downtown, and the upper floors in the closed businesses were actually collapsing onto the lower floors.


I'm no fan of Detroit, but it really is working on coming back. The downtown area is really quite nice. I hope it continues getting better.


I think it would be interesting to hear which towns are the worst in each state


I actually live in Bastrop and you described it perfectly. The problem with Bastrop is the corruption and nepotism here. In addition to that most people don’t seem to care. All that people seem to care about here is going to high school football games on Fridays, Walmart on Saturdays and church on Sundays.


Thank you Briggs. Great video. It's actually sad that the lovely vintage architecture goes to waste. Some of the buildings are cool. 👍❤


I'm watching this from Globe, AZ and I grew up in Barstow, CA.


You do also have to consider however. In a town with less that 3000 people, when compared to a country with a million, even one violent crime can make a huge difference in crime rate


What makes Benton Harbor even more messed up is the fact that it's literally across a river from St. Joseph.
The following book is a great look at some significant differences:
The Other Side of the River: A Story of Two Towns, a Death, and America's Dilemma


Your mentioning Bastrop, Louisiana brings back a joyful childhood memory. I was ten and my four year old neighbor girl would come over every day and knock on the door. My evil brother would open the door and say "Bastrop!" Susie would answer back "Jackass!"


Great explanation of Town, City, Village. I just always assumed it came down to how the different municipalities got categorized by the state. Great explanation.


As a Michigander it always hurts a little when we get talked about how terrible some of our cities and towns. It’s a truly beautiful place with great people. Just sucks how the worst outshines the best


I lived just south of Nome, Alaska in 1979-1980 in an Eskimo village. We went to the big city of Nome by plane about twice a year. It wasn’t bad. It’s strange to think of it as the #1 worst town in the U.S. now. 🤔


FYI: Ronald McNair, an astronaut who died in the Challenger disaster, grew up in Lake City, SC


12:20 - I totally agree with this sentiment. When I watch videos like this, I can't help but think about how you could turn places like this around.


Definitely agree with Salem, although the town did have the oldest white oak tree in the state, so that's something. Over 600 years old, it (sadly) finally came down a few years ago. Glad I got to see it and get some photos before it's end :)


#10 - There's one Selma I liked - Selma Diamond, the chain-smoking actress who played a bailiff on Night Court.


Barstow is like a 20 minute drive from me. I go there because there’s no lines anywhere. The DMV is a 10 minute turn around, rather than a 2 hour one.


I knew a guy who lived and worked in Nome for a year. He said the darkness of winter and the culture were depressing.


You missed my hometown of Niagara Falls, NY (pop. 48, 000). The local newspaper once said that going from NF NY to NF Ontario is like going from San Diego to Tijuana except NF NY was the Tijuana. It was an enormously successful city in the WW II era because of cheap power which allowed the chemical industry to thrive. It was in NF where the technology for extracting aluminum from bauxite was developed and Hooker Chemical learned to chlorinate benzene giving us lots of great solvents and pesticides which 30 years later became dioxins along with lots of other hazardous wastes. The reason industry died out was because the plants became old and outdated. Plus taxes in NYS were less than business-friendly. Like those other rust-belt towns in Michigan, the industry that once was is never coming back. I think what will make these Great Lake areas population centers again is the availability of lots of freshwater.
