Top 10 WORST towns in New York State. No need for sunscreen most the year.

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Top 10 WORST towns in New York State.

Let's face it, New York gets a bad rep for New York City. Well, there are many small towns in New York State that help out with that bad rep. This video list 10 of the bad ones. Like I said in the title no need for sunscreen most of the year.

Thanks for stopping by The world according to Briggs, I make lists. Not just lists of random stuff, I make them about states, cities, towns, and other places in the United States. I post 3 times a week and sometimes live stream. Enjoy.


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Who else came here to see if their town/city was on this list


You sound like you’re surprised it’s cold in Northern New York...


The real cause of decline in upstate New York was twofold. First it was the lost of family farms (dairies, orchards, & vegetable truck farms) as the industrial revolution caused people to migrate to near by cities. Then as people became dependent on the industries of the cities, those once steadfast names began to fade away. You mentioned IBM in Endicott but Poughkeepsie as well, and there was GE in Schenectady, Eastman Kodak and Xerox in Rochester, Corning Glass in Corning, Beech-Nut in Canajoharie and I'm sure there are others. But as production became more global and focused on the big "international type cities" rural New York was left behind.


There are worse. Every single neighborhood in New York City is worse than any small town upstate.


The more I travel the more I realize it's the people I'm around that make a place special. I love upstate NY :)


I spent the first 20 years of my life in Mexico, NY. I attended it’s school system from kindergarten to graduation. I can’t help but be slightly offended that it made this list, especially before surrounding towns with much steeper rates of decline. Mexico is certainly not what it used to be but I wouldn’t go as far as to call it one of the worst. You can thank big box stores like Walmart for lack of businesses. If you live there, you need to travel for work. Most residents are employed in Oswego. But while I lived there and anytime I’ve spent there visiting my mom, I’ve always noticed that the community stays strong. The residents of Mexico love their town and stand by it despite what outsiders may claim.


I'm from rural upstate NY and I learned a lot from this video. Not about what are the "worst towns" in New York State but about all the inaccuracies in this video, as helpfully pointed out by people who knew that some pictures were from other states or other towns instead of the town the narrator was talking about and that the narrator confused "Morrisonville" with "Morrisville." I did appreciate the comments where people talked about the natural beauty near or in these "worst towns" and the cultural, art, and music offerings in them. I also appreciated the comments about the more laid-back lifestyle and the perception of there being good-hearted and friendly people in many of these towns and in similar towns in NY state. Let's face it, many or all of these small towns in New York "got a bad rep" unfairly from this video that had numerous inaccuracies and overlooked many positive aspects of the towns that should be weighed in the balance along with the criticisms.


FYI - When talking about Endicott NY, you used three photos from Endicott College, which is located in Beverly Massachusetts.


I was in Lewiston yesterday, it’s a beautiful town and it’s hot as hell in the summer . Your info is incorrect.


I relocated from Rochester to Brownville and fell in love there for 28 years before I had to leave due to pressing family issues. The people were wonderful, and the local restaurants are among of the best I've ever dined at. When the high school  _is combined_  with the primary school, the schools are actually above average and a good environment for families to raise kids. There is a strong sense of community that is absent from metropolitan settings.


I live in North East N.Y. on a small town on Lake Ontario. My older son, Chris was in the Navy and stationed in San Diego, California. Every Sunday he would call home to see what the weather was here! He was so homesick for N.Y. and the changing wait to get home for a visit. If you come from here this is HOME and we like it just as it is.


I grew up in Brooklyn and now I live in a small NY town called Hebron by the Southern Vermont border. The air is clean, we enjoy four, colorful seasons, experience temperatures of -30 to 97. Farms, rivers, creeks, lakes and ponds, they all grace our little town. Economic powerhouse? Not really. But your neighbors will help you out of a fix in a heartbeat. This poor reporter just doesn’t get it, and I take his hit of the 10 towns as pure ignorance on his part.


Lewiston, NY: "During the hottest month, temperatures rise to only about 72 degrees" thats just a blatant lie lol


LOVE it when people have no idea about something try to talk about it like they are an expert... That is 10 mins I will never get back... 🙄


"Non-New Yorker rates the 'worst' counties in New York according to census stats" should be the title.. C'mon man. If you don't know, then you don't know. A lot of these places are a lot nicer than you portray it to be.


Uhhh I’m confused it’s cold everywhere in New York.. the whole north east. We have hot summers too lol we’re used to having all seasons. That’s the beauty of living here


At the end of your rant on Nassau, NY, you showed photos of Nassau County, Long Island, NY - a sign for the Southern Parkway was the dead giveaway!


I live one town over from Nassau, NY. You mentioned the price of groceries which is odd because there is no grocery store there. And the cost of transportation is likewise irrelevant because towns this size do not have or need public transportation. And finally, the hardware store, which has been there forever is actually very good. I go out of my way to shop there because the owner is helpful and seems to have just about everything imaginable.


Temporarily stopping the video to say this: I love cold, I love snow, I love rain, I love cloudy days, I love long nights and short days, and it's so irritating to me when it's just assumed that everyone hates them ("terrible weather" over and over again in this video.)


Yikes. Just cause it's a "low income town" doesn't mean it's a bad place the live 🙄
