When Will The Sun Poles Flip? - NASA Scientist Explains | Video

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Dr. Holly Gilbert, NASA Solar Physics Laboratory Chief/Goddard Spaceflight Center, explains what happens when the magnetic field of the Sun reverses polarity and when the process will be complete.
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Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:

“The hour will not be established till the sun rises from the West; and when it rises (from the West) and the people see it, they all will believe. And that is (the time) when no good will it do to a soul to believe then.” Then he recited the whole verse (Ch.6: V.159).

(Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Tafsir)


Dr. Holly is great!  Would like to see more of her around YouTube....


6 years ago there was a polarity flip, and supposedly another this year? Thought it was 11 years?


The last full magnetic reversal of earth's magnet field happened about 780, 000 years ago. If you average the reversal recurrences, you get about 300, 000 years, however it doesn't actually happen at regular intervals at all. It took the last three reversals about 3000 years each to complete their reversals. During that 3000 years, the magnetic field is very weak, and almost non existent, leaving us open to more cosmic radiation reaching the surface.


She’s incorrect about the timeline for earth’s magnetic reversal


Great Vid. I love it when there is still stuff to discover and to theorize about 😄.


I saw a video from NASA this morning that showed it had already happened? Was this incorrect?


 What I revealed is that what happens now in the world is related to what occured 22 yaers ago and corresponds with it, but this time the scenario is better then it was then. It is according to solar full cycle, when sun changes it's magnetic field's poles to a state they were 22 years before. For example events related to US vs Syria corresponds to Operation Desert Storm 1991 and disarmament of chemical weapons to START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) "a bilateral treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms. The treaty was signed on 31 July 1991" The same I can say about what happend with USSR history of wars and conflicts for example. But most estonishing one is Israel's history - 1945 the end of Holacaust corresponds with 1967 Six Days War as everyone here thought it's gonna be another Holocaust. After that in relates to the first Intifada 1987-1991 when Palestinians who are related to 1967 ocupation of that territory of the West Bank...maybe Israel's operations against Hamas in Gaza 2009-11 as well. Now, if you take 1956 war Israel-Great Britain-France against Egypt it is related to 1978-79 peace treaty between the same Egypt and Israel!)) And after tat to 2nd Intifada which started in 2001! while Israel didn't want to negotiate Gaza status with Egypt back in 1978 peace treaty. If you take Israel's Independance war 1948 it corresponds with 1970 War of Attrition between Israel and Egypt and after that with Madrid Conference 1991 and Oslo Accords 1993. And to what will happen un the near future which probably gonna be Peace between Israel and the Palestinias. 1973 Yom Kippur War relates to 1994 Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty as Jordan did not take part in 1973 war !)


She’s lying, how something so devastating won’t affect the planet!!!! It’s so serious that they can’t do anything about it!!!!


She is talking bul*t, she dosn't know anything. Flip is regular every 600+ years.


why does it take longer time for earth to flip poles?


I can only calculate jupiters strong gravity and its 11-12 yr orbit around the sun as one reason for the suns pole change cycle, i have searched for bodys passing throught its poles, comets aswel and 46p Wirtanen comet at high speed is the only 11-12 yr orbit is all i can come up with aswell, then if not we must be passing another galaxys magnetic forces connecting with our solar systems poles i must say i have too pinch myself, thinking am i real after looking into the size of the universe and galaxys in it, its like im dreaming and not real, when comparing our solar system too the universe its like its a never ending story and im not real , and in some kind of dimentional dreamland .


Har Har Har Har what a load of cosmic bull. The new world cosmos. The new world cosmos. The new world cosmos. Man can not leave the firmament it contains the sun the moon and all the heavens in the sky. only one way out
