This is What COULD Happen If Earth’s Magnetic Poles FLIP

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Some are now warning that the Earth’s magnetic poles are about to flip — something that happens every so often. But is there something different about this pole reversal? And is it a cause for concern? Glenn speaks with astrophysicist Hugh Ross, who clears a few things up about how dangerous this would be and when it would really happen. Plus, he discusses whether a massive solar flare would knock out most of the world’s power grids like a massive EMP and why he believes we'll be seeing more northern lights displays throughout the year.

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Glen Glen Glen. If you want to understand the magnetic poles flipping...stop ignoring the team from Suspicious Observers. or Sky Scholars. And we will suffer when the poles shift.


contrast this dude to what Suspicious observers youtube channel says.


Suspicious Observers is a great channel to watch regarding this very real pole shift.


There are many other geophysicist and astrophysicist that disagree regarding the the sun and its impact on the Earth's climate. It not only effects our planet but every other planet in our Solar system. Recently Pluto lost 20% of its atmosphere and Neptune's great storm reversed it's direction. I in courage you to interview Ben Davidson on this topic.


He just gave you the accepted mainstream answers. The sun doesn’t affect the weather, we all know it does and it is common knowledge, i wouldn’t trust him again


His last statement was absurd. " Its not whats happening on the sun, its earth you have to watch." The sun dictates everything that happens on earth.


Been listening to Suspicious Observers for over a decade, and what I'm hearing here is a completely different version of reality. Obviously, both can't be correct. But this guy is playing down the impact of the excursion/shift as well as it's movement. There have been 4 documented accelerations in the recent decades he's ignoring. He's ignoring the question about the need to change airport numbers. This version seems to be watered down...would love to see those 2 debate this topic.


Im so glad that he pointed out the sun has no affect on climate, as it seems to cool off EVERY EVENING near my house. Must be that pesky carbon.


Glenn - you need to interview @suspiciousobservers (Ben Davidson) to get another perspective on this topic. Your guest opinion and view of what happens during a pole shift is 180 degree opposite.


"Scientist" The Sun has no effect on Earth's weather? Really? It has everything to do with it! Just that statement alone shows he has no business being considered an expert.


Glen had Davidson on his program a few years back. Should bring him back for another chat session.


Wow Glenn, I think this show needs to be done again, but with Ben Davidson.


That man is absolutely wrong about our climate not being affected by Space Weather, specifically our sun. Please refer to a brilliant geophysicist called Ben Davidson at suspicious observers (his YouTube channel is fantastic). He explains all of this and he has been broadcasting daily for 14 years. His credentials are impeccable--he has written several text books, which are currently in use in advanced university classes. He's also a christian and puts the pole shift and disaster cycle in religious and historical context.


Its not if but when Glenn. You meed to get Ben from
suspicious observer on if you want the truth🙏🏻. This dude couldn't be wrong if he tried. Oh wait maybe he did 🤯


Need to have the suspicious Observer on your show you will get some eye opening info. The sun had everything to do with it.


Really, magnetic excursions dont cause extinction? Are you sure?


Glenn, this guy does NOT know what he’s talking about. They’re saying the pole should shift between 2030-2050. Definitely NOT 1000 years. It always causes massive damage to the biosphere when it happens. Every time. There’s usually major extinctions in the animal population. It will take YEARS for the earths weather to stabilize and it won’t be the same as it was before. The land can literally move and there be massive tsunamis, ice ages, etc. This is incredibly serious! And this guy is acting like it’s a nothing burger. Not to mention that when the field goes down to low strength or even no strength right before it flips, we’re completely exposed to solar weather. This last storm was nothing. A small storm might be able to knock out the entire power grid- of the whole planet. Please Glenn, do more research. This guy is giving you the party line answer.


How can he claim the Sun has nothing to do with our planet’s temps??? It’s very short sighted to not account for our planets changes of warming and cooling matching max and min Sun activity cycles.


Your guest forgot to mention that the government has classified how weak our magnetosphere has become. That didn’t used to be classified decade or so ago.


The last Pole Shift was so slow that Mastodons froze with green grass in their belly 😮
